GOP Religion

Marjorie Greene Has A Meltdown After Rachel Maddow Exposes The Racist Roots Of ‘Christian Nationalism’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) absolutely loves saying wild, outrageous, racist, and disgusting things, but she gets livid when anyone dares to point out the wrongness of the things she’s said.

For example, Greene has recently proclaimed that she is a proud “Christian nationalist,” remarking:

“Republicans really need to recognize the people they represent, ok? Their voters, not the lobbyists donors, not the corporate PACs, not those people. That’s not who the Republican Party should represent. We need to be the party of nationalism and I’m a Christian, and, I say it proudly: We should be Christian nationalists.”

That led MSNBC host Rachel Maddow to examine the history of the Christian nationalist movement in the United States, and what she discovered is absolutely terrifying, Mediaite reports:

On Monday night, Maddow dove into the history of the term “Christian nationalist,” bringing the term back to Gerald L.K. Smith, the controversial founder of the Christian Nationalist Crusade. Maddow played audio of Greene’s call for her party to be “Christian nationalists,” and then aired various audio of Smith taking issue with Jewish organizations, mixing races, and more.

Again, this is history. It is documented fact. And yet Greene had a hissy fit/meltdown on Twitter Tuesday, suggesting that Maddow was part of the “Godless lying left” who wants to portray her as a “Nazi.”

Since she’s from the South, I’ll share a Southern expression that Marjorie Insurrectionist Greene will be familiar with: A hit dog always hollers.

Donald Trump Jr. Social Media

Donald Trump Jr. Tried To Troll Rachel Maddow And Got His A*s Handed To Him

Donald Trump Jr. loves to try and troll people on social media, but as he learned when he attempted to lob a cheap shot at MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, some things are better left unsaid.

On Monday, it was announced that Maddow will be taking a “hiatus” from her show to work on several outside projects, as was reported by Business Insider:

Maddow is taking time to work on a Focus Features movie based on her book and podcast “Bag Man” about a political bribery scandal. It will be directed by Ben Stiller and Maddow will be an executive producer. The influential anchor is also developing a new podcast.

That news led Junior to fire off this inane tweet:

Maddow responded to Don Jr., and her reply was a work of art:

Others then joined the fun and began pelting Junior with reminders of his own stupidity and criminality:

Media in America

Rachel Maddow Taking A ‘Hiatus’ From Her Nightly MSNBC Show: Report

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow will take a “hiatus” from her top-rated primetime show, according to Claire Atkinson of Business Insider.


Atkinson reports:

Maddow is taking time to work on a Focus Features movie based on her book and podcast “Bag Man” about a political bribery scandal. It will be directed by Ben Stiller and Maddow will be an executive producer. The influential anchor is also developing a new podcast.

Maddow’s break from her nightly hosting duties will only be for a few weeks:

“Maddow’s break to re-energize and also set up her new outside projects will be temporary.”

Maddow recently signed a new contract with MSNBC that pays her $30 million a year and will keep her at the network through the 2024 election.