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Jen Psaki Slaps Down Reporter Who Tries To Suggest Biden Is The Same As Trump

On Thursday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki got a question from Michael Shear of the New York Times which sounded more like a query from Fox News or Newsmax. And she quickly dispatched Shear for what he asked.

Specifically, Shear used one of those classic “people are saying” questions that are the favorite of right-wing media and their savior, failed, one-term former President Donald Trump:

“In a number of issues, in the last, say, several weeks in which advocates – allies – of the president are describing him as ‘Trump-like,’ much less in terms of his personality and sort of tone and tenor obviously but, but in terms of policy, even today, [a] representative of the Cuban government describing the frustration with the, with the president, can continue to maintain Trump-era policies, vis-à-vis Cuba. Does the, what’s the President’s reaction? And does he accept that in some areas of policy, he is, you know, in agreement with the former president?”

Psaki began by trying to get clarity and specifics on who had made such comments about the president:

“So, just for the sake of argument here, not argument but discussion, beyond the representative of the Cuban government – But who are we talking about here, who’s saying that the President’s like Trump?”

Shear told the press secretary:

“Oh, I mean they’re, they’re, they’re I mean they’re I could find you quotes, we, there have been quotes at our paper, quotes and lots of, lots of folks have, depending on the issue, whether they are immigration advocates or, you know folks in the Afghanistan, who sort of watch Afghanistan there, there have been numerous on the record descriptions of the President, embracing – and it’s actually in some ways just a factual statement.”


“On what policy, on what policy, sir? What specific policies?”


“Well, I mean, for example, Afghanistan would have been the maintaining of the former president’s decision to withdraw troops, on immigration, it’s in maintaining Title 42 and keeping Title 42 in place.”

Clearly amused by the question, Psaki began destroying everything Shear had just said:

“So, look. I take each one of these – on Afghanistan, the former president struck a deal without the Afghan government that we heard the military convey yesterday led to the demoralization of the Afghan security forces and the Afghan government, where he also released 5,000 Taliban fighters into Afghanistan.”

Title 42, it should be noted, deals with public health, ABC News reports:

Title 42 is a clause of the 1944 Public Health Services Law that “allows the government to prevent the introduction of individuals during certain public health emergencies,” said Olga Byrne, the immigration director at the International Rescue Committee.

Seeing as how we’re in the midst of a pandemic, what Psaki said next just makes good sense, and she also managed to get a dig in at Trump:

“Title 42 is a public health, is a public health requirement, a public, because we’re in the middle of a pandemic, which, by the way, we would have made progress on had the former president actually addressed the pandemic and not suggest that people inject bleach, so I think we’re in a bit of a different place.”

It’s been said before but it bears repeating: Jen Psaki is a national treasure. It’s so refreshing to see a press secretary who actually responds to the questions.

Coronavirus GOP

Jen Psaki Has The Perfect Comeback After Ron DeSantis Calls Biden A ‘Power-Hungry Tyrant’

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) wants to be president so damn badly! How badly? Enough so that he’s willing to let thousands of Floridians die of COVID-19 while he pretends that everything is just fine in the Sunshine State. He insists mask mandates won’t be allowed on his watch, no matter how many children and senior citizens wind up on ventilators and die in complete isolation, unable to see their families as they take their last, labored breath.

So it should come as no surprise that DeSantis would snipe at the current resident of the White House, President Joe Biden, simply because Biden made this remark on Wednesday while discussing the rise in COVID cases being seen in the states of Florida and Texas:

“I say to these governors: Please help. But if you aren’t going to help, at least get out of the way. The people are trying to do the right thing. Use your power to save lives.”

Biden is trying to save lives, even in Republican-controlled states, because he’s doing what he promised he’d do when he was running in 2020: Be a president for all Americans.

How did DeSantis react to Biden’s remarks? Like a spoiled child. Like a man who cannot accept constructive criticism. We’ve had a president like that, and his name was Donald Trump. He’s one of the main reasons we’re in the fix we see before us right now as it pertains to the coronavirus.

DeSantis told reporters this while he was visiting Panama City and was asked about what the president had said:

“Why don’t you do your job. Why don’t you get this border secured, and until you do that I don’t want to hear a blip about Covid from you.”

Shortly after DeSantis made that snippy soundbite, he was also using it to try and raise money for his reelection efforts in 2022, sending out a blast email in which he pretended to be a tough guy:

“Joe Biden has the nerve to tell me to get out of the way on COVID while he lets COVID-infected migrants pour over our southern border by the hundreds of thousands. No elected official is doing more to enable the transmission of COVID in America than Joe Biden with his open borders policies.”

The governor wants us to believe the reason COVID is spreading is because of immigrants coming into the United States, though he has never presented a scintilla of evidence to support his allegation. He’s bullshitting. He’s lying. He’s using hatred and fear of “the other” to try and cover up his own heartlessness and incompetence.

Or, to put it another way, Ron DeSantis is pulling a Trump.

But White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki had the perfect response to Gov. DeSantis, telling reporters at Thursday’s daily press briefing:

“25% of hospitalizations in the country are in Florida.

“It is also a fact that the governor has taken steps that are counter to public health recommendations. So, we’re here to state the facts. Frankly, our view is that this is too serious, deadly serious to be doing partisan name calling. That’s what we’re not doing here, we’re focused on providing public health data information to the people of Florida, to make sure they understand what steps they should be taking, even if those are not steps taken at the top of the leadership in that state.”

That’s how you deal with an empty suit, wannabe tough guy like Ron DeSantis. The governor should be ashamed of himself. But to feel shame, you have to possess a conscience. Clearly, DeSantis has no conscience. Just hubris, bluster, and bile.


GOP Social Media U.S. Senate WTF?!

Ted Cruz Tried To Troll Joe Biden By ‘Driving’ A Truck – It Backfired Badly On Him

Poor Ted Cruz. The Texas senator wants so badly to pretend that he has a sense of humor and is a master of internet trolling, but the problem is his efforts at trolling always come back to slap him right upside his moronic grin.

This time Teddy decided he’d try to make fun of President Joe Biden, a man who has accomplished more in his life than Cruz ever will.

Cruz saw a posting on the right-wing website The Daily Caller referencing Biden saying that he had once had the honor of driving an 18-wheel truck. Rather than just letting that pass, Teddy thought he’d post a photo of himself sitting in the cab of a truck with the caption: “Pics or it didn’t happen.”

That’s the best Cruz can do? No wonder his Senate colleagues reportedly hate him. He’s a douchebag with no sense of humor who thinks he’s superior to everyone else.

It didn’t take long before Twitter gave Cruz a giant dose of internet karma:


Donald Trump Joe Biden Viral Video

Tom Brady Masterfully Trolls Trump During White House Visit With President Biden

During an appearance at the White House on Tuesday, Tom Brady was joined by his teammates from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to celebrate the team’s win in Super Bowl 55 earlier this year.

Brady was the only member of the team that spoke, and what he had to say was clearly aimed at failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump:

“It didn’t look great there at one point. We were 7-5, struggling a little bit, as the President alluded to. But we found a rhythm, we got on a roll. Not a lot of people think that we could have won. In fact, I think, about 40 percent of the people still don’t think we won.”

President Joe Biden replied:

“I understand that.”

Brady continued:

“You understand that, Mr. President?”

The president reiterated:

“I understand that.”

However, Brady had some other jokes up his sleeve, adding:

“It’s nice for me to be back here. We had a game in Chicago where I forgot what down it was. I lost track of one down in 21 years of playing, and they started calling me ‘Sleepy Tom.’ Why would they do that to me?”

A visibly amused Biden — who has been called “Sleepy Joe” by Trump — retorted:

“I don’t know!”

Somewhere in Florida, Donald Trump could only sit and stew in his own jealousy and hatred.

Game, set, and match, Tom Brady. With one hell of an assist from President Biden.

Well done, gentlemen!

Donald Trump

Kimberly Guilfoyle Makes A Disgusting ‘Joke’ About Kamala Pushing Biden Down The Stairs To Become POTUS

For some time now, it’s been clear that 99.9% of the people in the pro-Trump movement are immoral, hateful, and emotionally bankrupt, just like the slimeball they so fervently worship.

A perfect example of just how disgusting and downright evil the Trumpers are can be found in a rally the one-term loser former president held in Sarasota, Florida, Saturday evening.

As a warm-up act, the Trump team had disgraced former Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle (who’s now employed as Don Jr’s armpiece) get up and rouse the braindead MAGA faithful with some of her patented, fever-pitched snarling that brings to mind the frothing fury of a rabid wolf.

Rather than say good things about the disgraced former president the crowd had come to slather with their diseased devotion, Guilfoyle decided she’d try to tear down Vice President Kamala Harris, much as she did back in April when she appeared on Newsmax and declared that Harris was actually running the country, not President Biden:

On Saturday, however, Guilfoyle decided to suggest that the vice president was secretly planning to bump off her boss so she could be head of state, telling the Trump acolytes:

“Old Joe is leading from behind with Kamala trying to push him down the stairs.”

Just like Donald Trump, Kimberly Guilfoyle hates Kamala Harris because she’s a smart, strong woman of color who doesn’t take any shit and has a very bright future. There’s a very good chance she’ll be the first woman president in U.S. history. But to suggest she’ll have to kill her boss to get what she wants is beyond contemptable. It’s downright sick and perverse.

Of course, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the Trump contingency walking among us is filled with rage and violence. Their own self-loathing is apparent by the fact that they support a man who would gladly toss them into the nearest gulley and walk on their backs to keep his own shoes dry.

Kimberly Guilfoyle is a fool. But her so-called sense of humor is telling, and it suggests that Junior had better watch his back when he’s walking down a flight of stairs and Kim is nearby.