Gun Crime Joe Biden

WATCH: Greg Abbott Greeted By Boos And Jeers As He Arrives To Meet With President Biden

When he went to meet with President Joe Biden, who was in Texas to meet with the relatives of those who lost loved ones in the Uvalde school shooting on Sunday, it quickly became clear that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) is not exactly very popular in his home state at the moment.

Abbott, who has refused to discuss new gun laws in the Lone Star State despite the horrific shooting at Robb Elementary school that left 19 children and two of their teachers dead, was roundly booed and jeered by crowds who had gathered to see President Biden’s arrival.

Here’s the videos:

Abbott is facing an uncertain bid for reelection in November, when he will face Democratic nominee Beto O’Rourke. Texas hasn’t had a Democratic governor since Ann Richards won in 1991.

Donald Trump Fox News Lies Joe Biden Polls

Fox News Host Gets Her A*s Handed To Her When She Compares Biden’s Poll Numbers To Trump’s

Fox News host Harris Faulkner got hit with a dose of factual reality when she tried to make fun of President Joe Biden’s poll numbers.

Nomiki Konst, a progressive Fox contributor, was the guest, along with former Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA,) for segment on former President Barack Obama’s return to the White House on Tuesday.

When Faulker suggested that Obama was back in an effort to boost Biden’s polling, Konst reminded her:

“President Biden got 81 million votes. He has received more votes than any presidential candidate in the history of our country. I think he’s pretty popular. That’s it.”

Faulkner asked:

“Have you seen the polls?”

And that’s when Konst hit the Fox host with a reminder about the pathetic polling results Trump received during his four years in office:

“That number, his poll right now is the highest Donald Trump ever reached in polls. So you might want to check those numbers too.”

When Faulkner asked if Konst had seen “all the polls,” the guest replied:

“81 million votes.”

Rather than try to counter Konst with any facts or data, Collins finally spoke up and whined:

“Here we go again! It’s just amazing. You know, I would hate to go to lunch with you because all you know to talk about is, I want the hamburger and by the way, Trump made a worse hamburger.”

But here’s what Collins failed to address: So far, Biden has held a polling average of 48%, according to Gallup. Trump, on the other hand, had an anemic polling average of 39% during his term in office.

Donald Trump is the worst president in the history of this country. It’s just that simple.

Here’s the video from Fox News:


Donald Trump Joe Biden Russia Vladimir Putin WTF?!

Trump Calls On Vladimir  Putin To ‘Release’ Any Dirt He Might Have On Biden

On July 27, 2016, Donald Trump held a press conference in Florida and urged Russia to commit a criminal act against this Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton:

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

As a result of that and other issues connected to Russia and Ukraine, Trump was impeached.

And yet the failed, one-term former president is once again urging Russia to release any dirt they might have on the current President of the United States, Joe Biden.

Mediaite reports that Trump made his remarks in an interview with John Solomon:

In an interview with Just the News founder John Solomon published on Tuesday, Trump reiterated his unproven claim that Yelena Baturina, a Russian oligarch and the wife of former Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov, gave $3.5 million to a business that Hunter Biden, a son of Joe Biden, helped found.

“She gave him $3.5 million so now I would think Putin would know the answer to that. I think he should release it. I think we should know that answer.

“How is it that the mayor of Moscow, his wife gave the Biden family three and a half million dollars? I think Putin now would be willing to probably give that answer. I’m sure he knows.”

The twice-impeached loser also claimed that he had strengthened the NATO alliance:

“I’m the best thing that ever happened to NATO, because I made them pay. So NATO has plenty of money now.”

At least Trump is consistent when it comes to some matters. He’s always been a traitor and he still is.

Foreign Policy Fox News Russia

WATCH President Biden Slap Down Peter Doocy For Requesting Details About US Military Policy Toward Russia

During a Q&A session with the White House press corps on Monday, President Joe Biden was asked by Fox reporter Peter Doocy for details about how the United States military would respond to actions such as the use of chemical weapons by Russian forces, and he got resoundingly slapped down by the president.

Doocy asked Biden:

“When you said that a chemical weapon use by Russia would trigger a response in kind…”

The president corrected Doocy:

“It would trigger a significant response.”

The Fox correspondent then followed up:

“What does that mean?”

That’s when the president took Doocy to the woodshed:

“I’m not going to tell you. Why would I tell you? You’ve gotta be silly!”


“The world wants to know.”

But Biden was more than ready for that comeback:

“The world wants to know a lot of things. I’m not telling them what the response would be. Then Russia knows the response.”

Joe Biden Social Media

Twitter Burns Kevin Sorbo To The Ground For His Hateful Tweet About Biden’s Comments In Europe

Talentless actor Kevin Sorbo of “Hercules” fame loves to hang out on Twitter and troll anyone he disagrees with, which is almost always President Joe Biden or any Democratic political figure who dares to give a damn about what happens to others.

Today, Sorbo decided to make fun of what Biden had to say while in Europe, where he visited a refugee camp in Poland where thousands of Ukrainians have fled while Russian war criminal Vladimir Putin continues to attack their country and indiscriminately kill innocent civilians.

After he left the refugee camp, the president met with members of the 82nd Airborne to thank them for their service and for being the best of the best.

Despite those very worthy stops on the president’s itinerary, Sorbo decided to post this load of horseshit:

What in the hell does that even mean? A chameleon in a candy store? Sounds like something a sixth grader would think up. Then again, today’s sixth graders are a hell of a lot smarter than Kevin Sorbo.

Twitter lit into Sorbo.