GOP Gun Crime Gun Nuts

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says School Shooting Victims Are To Blame For Not Carrying Weapons

According to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) students who are the victims of mass shootings have no one to blame but themselves because they weren’t armed so they could shoot back.

Greene’s comments came in a series of responses to David Hogg, a survivor of the 2018 mass shooting that took place at Stoneman Douglas High School.

Hogg asked:

“Please explain to me how my classmates’ rights including the second amendment were not infringed upon when they were killed in their classrooms. If you are killed because of our unregulated militia you lose all of your rights including 2A- death is the ultimate infringement.”

That led Greene to go on an extended Twitter rant that raised more questions than it answered and also included plenty of false equivalencies and outright lies, with the Georgia Republican seeming to suggest that all students should be armed.

“When a student brought guns to my school to kill other students he was mad at, unlike you, my reaction was why is he the only one with guns and why is there no one with guns to defend us? Your reaction was joining a women’s anti-gun lobby funded by billionaire Bloomberg.”

“Tragically because of senseless gun free zone laws, many people have been killed by bad guys with guns who are willingly breaking many laws to commit murder and they don’t care about gun free zones, while law abiding innocent people are unable to defend themselves with guns,” Greene said. “Just be clear, if a bad guy is trying to kill me or my family, I will gladly use my 2A rights to defend myself and others with whatever gun I choose and with as many and as much ammunition I choose to fire.”

Apparently, Congresswoman Greene is advocating for every American to be armed with a weapon, but has zero evidence that such a policy would actually reduce gun violence. As is so common with those on the right, they have no practical solutions, just lots of empty rhetoric.

What Greene neglected to mention is that all rights have limits. The First Amendment doesn’t allow you to shout “fire!” in a crowded theatre. And you aren’t allowed to own a fully automatic machine gun the way you could in the 20s and 30s.

Of course, Ms. Greene doesn’t have time for actually trying to understand the Bill of Rights. She’s too busy trying to figure out how she can immediately arm every first grader in the United States.

Capitol Insurrection Congress GOP WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Whines That Removing Her From The Midterm Ballot Will ‘Destroy Democracy’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is angry that she may be kept off the midterm ballot for being an insurrectionist, so she’s blaming everyone but herself and whining that if she isn’t allowed to run, it will “destroy democracy.”

Speaking with right-wing host Jeremy Herrell of Real America’s Voice, Greene remarked:

“I need people’s support. They’re coming after me. They just filed a lawsuit against me last week to try to actually remove my name off the ballot! You talk about destroying democracy, these Democrats, they are seriously trying to destroy democracy by filing a lawsuit to remove my name off the ballot and taking away my district’s ability to vote for me again.”

What Greene neglected to mention is that a clause in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution allows for anyone who has engaged in an insurrection or rebellion against the United States to be excluded from running for office.

Greene then added:

“That is destroying democracy! And that is the most evil thing these people could do. They’re so arrogant. They want to take away my district’s right to vote for me. That’s how much they hate the people of my district and look down on them because they’ve tried to shame me in the media and make me into someone I’m not.”

The congresswoman also proved that she’s all about the grift, begging for donations to her campaign “because I’m going to have to pay attorneys to fight for this.”

Boo freaking hoo! Margie should have thought of all that before she urged on the rioters and defended them in the months after the attack on the Capitol. To hear her tell it, no one did anything wrong and the Justice Department is persecuting the rioters simply because they’re Trump supporters.

Much like the failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Marjorie Greene is so full of shit that her eyes must be brown.


Capitol Insurrection Congress Elections GOP

Georgia Voters File Suit To Kick Marjorie Taylor Greene Off The Ballot For Being An ‘Insurrectionist’

A group of voters in the state of Georgia filed a lawsuit Thursday that would disqualify Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) from running for reelection in November as a result of her actions on January 6, 2021.

Charles Bethea of The New Yorker reports:

“The suit argues that Greene’s statements and activities related to the attack on the Capitol on January 6th make the congresswoman an insurrectionist A clause of the Fourteenth Amendment specifically prohibits those who have ‘engaged in insurrection or rebellion’ against the United States from holding public office. The suit, citing this clause, contends that Greene ‘is constitutionally disqualified from congressional office and, as such, ineligible to run as a candidate under state and federal law.’”

The lawsuit was filed by the nonprofit Free Speech For People, which has also filed a similar suit against Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC).

The suit against Greene cites “numerous instances in which Greene, on social media or in person, has ‘advocated for political violence, up to and including, her encouragement of the insurrectionists on January 6.'”

One of those instances was a tweet Greene sent out on January 5, 2021 in which she referred to the next day as “our 1776 moment!”

Additionally, in a video Greene posted on Facebook, the Georgia Republican remarked:

“You can’t allow it to just transfer power peacefully like Joe Biden wants and allow him to become our President because he didn’t win this election.” 

Greene has recently drawn criticism for suggesting that the United States shouldn’t arm the Ukrainian freedom fighters, commenting:

“If we truly care about suffering and death on our television screens, we cannot fund more of it by sending money and weaponry to fight a war they cannot possibly win! The only effect of more arms and more money from America will be to prolong the war!”

Foreign Policy GOP Russia

Marjorie Taylor Greene Demands That Ukraine Surrender: ‘They Cannot Possibly Win!’

Just a few hours after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke to a joint session of Congress, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) went on Facebook Live and demanded that Ukraine surrender to their Russian invaders.

Greene began by claiming that President Joe Biden shouldn’t have sent in military aid to Ukraine that he announced on Wednesday:

“If we truly care about suffering and death on our television screens, we cannot fund more of it by sending money and weaponry to fight a war they cannot possibly win! The only effect of more arms and more money from America will be to prolong the war!”

The Georgia Republican added that the United States was giving the Ukrainian people “false hope about a war they can’t win.”

Greene concluded her remarks by saying that she wants to halt all arms shipments to Ukraine because “as a Christian” she doesn’t want to “produce any more human suffering.”

Greene’s video posting drew a response from fellow Republican Liz Cheney (WY):

It’s hard to tell if Greene is really this stupid or on the Kremlin payroll. Of course, it’s certainly possible that both are true.

GOP Whining Social Media WTF?!

MT Greene Complains About The ‘Grifters In The MAGA Swamp’ – Twitter Erupts In Laughter

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) says she’s had quite enough of the “grifters” who are part of the MAGA movement, and she wants the Republican Party to reject them.

Grifters, huh? Well who’s the biggest grifter of all in the GOP? None other than failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump, who tries to make a buck off everything and doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself.

Also, has Greene bothered to look in the mirror lately? Seems like whenever you turn around she’s trying to raise money by raffling off a semiautomatic rifle that can be used for (wink wink) “hunting.”

Greene didn’t bother to name names or spell out who exactly she considers to be a MAGA grifter, so Twitter did it for her: