Congress GOP

Matt Gaetz Gets Heavily Trolled When He Announces Upcoming Town Hall Meeting With Jim Jordan

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) wants everyone to know that he’s holding a town hall meeting with his good buddy Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) this weekend in Pensacola, but the controversial pasts of both men wound making for hilarious online trolling.

Gaetz posted a notice of what he calls his “Hold Biden Accountable Tour” which is planned for Saturday, August 13. It even comes complete with a video:

Gaetz is currently under investigation for allegedly taking underage girls across state lines, having sex with them, and then paying them via Venmo.

Jordan, on the other hand, allegedly knew about the sexual assault of male wrestlers on the Ohio State wrestling team while he was an assistant coach. He never reported that abuse to authorities even though several wrestlers say he witnessed it on several occcasions.

As you can imagine, the checkered pasts of Gaetz and Jordan led to some hilarious trolling. Take a look:

Congress GOP Sex Scandals

Latest Court Filing Is The Worst Possible News For Matt Gaetz

As Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL) prepares to steer a course for his reelection effort in November, an ominous new court filing in the Sunshine State is certain to have him and his attorneys very worried, as the lead witness against him is making it clear that he is naming names and not leaving anyone out of the rapidly expanding sex trafficking scandal that threatens to send Gaetz to federal prison for the rest of his life.

According to Newsweek, the filing suggests that federal investigators are determined to get to the bottom of not only any alleged crimes Gaetz may have committed, but also those of anyone even remotely associated with him:

Joel Greenberg, an associate of Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz, has highlighted his cooperation with numerous investigations ahead of his sentencing for child sex trafficking crimes being set.

Greenberg is facing 12 years in jail after he pleaded guilty to six federal crimes, including sex trafficking of a child, identity theft, stalking, wire fraud, and conspiracy to bribe a public official.

Prior to his sentencing date, Greenberg’s lawyer filed a motion on Tuesday asking a judge for permission to submit additional information to the court under seal related to his cooperation in other criminal investigations.

Of special concern to Gaetz and others in his orbit is this line from Greenberg’s attorney, Fritz Scheller:

“Pursuant to his plea agreement with the Government and to mitigate the significant penalties he faces, Mr. Greenberg has been cooperating with federal prosecutors in active investigations currently being conducted by the United States Attorney’s Office in the Middle District of Florida and the Department of Justice in Washington D.C. as well as in other jurisdictions.”

The “other jurisdictions” reference is certain to send a chill up the spine of Gaetz and anyone who has been associated with him over the past few years because it suggests the investigation could wind up ensnaring other members of Congress who have even tangential ties to Gaetz.

Greenberg alleges that he and Gaetz had sex with multiple underage girls who were then given cash or gifts in exchange. Since they also allegedly took those girls across state lines, they committed the federal crime of sexually trafficking minors. The penalty for that offense can be as severe as life imprisonment.


Lauren Boebert: Anyone Upset With Florida’s Anti-LGBTQ Laws Should ‘Build’ Their Own Florida

The always intellectually-challenged Congresswoman from Colorado, Lauren Boebert (R), says that if you’re upset about Florida passing laws that are blatantly discriminatory towards the LGBTQ community, you simply need to get busy and build your own Florida.

Wait…what?! What in the hell does that even mean?

On Saturday, Boebert posted this tweet:

Shouldn’t any decisions regarding what a kid does regarding their body be left to the child and their parents instead of a legislator in Tallahassee? And hasn’t the Republican Party been saying for centuries that government needs to stay the hell out of regulating private businesses?

When Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the controversial “Don’t Say Gay” bill and then endorsed stripping Walt Disney World of their designation as a “special district,” what he was telling the people of his state is that the government knows better than the voters who put them into office. He’s going to protect you from things you didn’t even feel the need to be protected from, because such decisions are personal and private, as they damn well should be.

The move by Florida is merely the culmination of what Republicans have been doing for decades: Imposing their morals and religion on others, even though they weren’t elected for that purpose.

And the action against Disney is also going to have severe economic consequences for Orange County, where the massive theme park is located:

Tax experts and legislators say eliminating the district could have unintended consequences for county taxpayers. Disney’s special tax district status allows the company to levy an additional tax on itself to pay for municipal services, something that other counties cannot do. That tax currently amounts to $105 million per year, said Orange County tax collector Scott Randolph. Reedy Creek also receives additional revenue of nearly $60 million from Disney to pay its bond debt.

Sunsetting Reedy Creek means that local counties will begin paying for those services without that special status in place. Taxpayers will likely be left to foot the bill for potholes and emergency services.

So now Lauren Boebert wants us to build our own Florida? Here’s a better idea: Maybe the right-wing extremists need to build their own country somewhere on a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean. Preferably one that’s prone to flooding and multiple hurricane strikes.

The best suggestions, however, came from other Twitter users, who took Boebert to task.


Fox News The Biden Administration

WATCH Jen Psaki Humiliate Peter Doocy When He Claims Kindergarten Kids Are Being Taught Sex-Ed

Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy was taken to the woodshed today and then shut down with facts by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki when he asserted that kindergarten students in Florida were receiving sex education.

Doocy made reference to Florida’s controversial “Don’t Say Gay” law that completely prohibits any discussion of sexuality for young students attending schools in the Sunshine State:

“Does the White House support that kind of classroom instruction before kindergarten?”

That led Psaki to respond with a question of her own:

“Do you have examples of schools in Florida that are teaching kindergarteners about sex education?”

Doocy could only whine:

“I’m just asking.”

The press secretary then explained why she had asked for specifics instead of speculation:

“I think that’s a relevant question because I think this is a politically-charged harsh law that is putting parents and LGBTQ+ kids in a very difficult, heartbreaking circumstance. And so, I actually think that’s a pretty relevant question.”

It most certainly is a relevant question, if only because what Doocy asked is utterly irrelevant unless he can prove that the Florida law was needed because kindergarten-age kids were being taught about sex in the first place. They weren’t.

The Florida law serves only one purpose: To create a fake issue that Republicans can try to run on since they have no actual ideas about how to make the state of Florida or the country better.

Discrimination GOP LGBT Issues WTF?!

Florida GOP State Senator Declares That Being LGBT ‘Is Not A Permanent Thing’

During a Tuesday debate on the “Don’t Say Gay” legislation that has already passed the Florida House of Representatives and is now before the Senate, Republican State Sen. Ileana Garcia rose to speak in favor of the bill, but what she said proved that her opinion of the issue is far from fully informed.

Speaking for over 15 minutes, Garcia expressed her support for the legislation, which would ban teachers from discussing sexual orientation and gender identity with younger students:

“Gay is not a permanent thing, LGBT is not a permanent thing. This isn’t about targeting. This is perhaps about rerouting the responsibilities back to the parents.”

Garcia also claimed that she has family and friends who are LGBT, “but I don’t pander on that.”

And then there was what the senator had to say about a transgender woman she claims who know who prefers to date women:

“A friend of mine went through the whole transition as an older man, 58-years-old, became a woman and guess what? He still likes women! He went through the whole process and we’d laugh together and I’d say, why do you want to deal with the hormones? Why do you want to worry about the extensions and the hair and boobs and the nails and he loved it.

“So he had a sexual experience. And he realized that he continued to like women.”

And while she was at it, Garcia also decided to share some completely bogus “statistics” about gender-affirming surgery:

“You know, a lot of people don’t know that I think that the statistics are that 4 out of 7 people who do the full transition end up committing suicide because it’s tough.”

Nope. Not even remotely accurate. As a matter of fact, gender-affirming surgery is actually shown to reduce the likelihood of a person committing suicide.

The bill was passed by the Florida Senate and now heads to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) who will sign it because he wants to try and create a cultural issue he can use to get a second term in office and use his reelection as a springboard to the 2024 GOP presidential nomination.