Congress GOP

Eric Swalwell Has The Perfect Comeback When Lauren Boebert Claims He’s Intimidated By Her

For some unknown reason, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) is under the impression that anyone who avoids her must be intimidated by her.

But why would anyone be the least bit intimidated by the vacuous congresswoman who needed multiple tries to pass the GED exam and proves on a daily basis just how clueless she is?

HuffPost reports that Boebert said during an interview with failed GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee that she doesn’t understand why Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) doesn’t want to have anything to do with her:

Boebert packed in as many insults as she could against Swalwell in an interview with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee on his TBN talk show.

Boebert called Swalwell — a la kindergarten — “Eric Smells Not So Well.”

“I’ve actually tried to have conversations with Eric Smells Not So Well. It doesn’t really work out. He bee-lines away from me. And so maybe I’m intimidating.”

But rather than getting angry, Swalwell got even, referencing a scene from the 2009 movie “He’s Just Not That Into You” where one character tells the other, “Don’t call him. He doesn’t like you.”

Twitter quickly gave Swalwell a social media standing ovation and heaped scorn on Bobo:

Fox News Social Media

Tucker Carlson Complains About ‘Androgynous’ M&Ms And Gets Masterfully Trolled By Eric Swalwell

It’s been a busy week in the news, filled with developments in the January 6 investigation and the ongoing debate over voting rights legislation which is being held hostage by Senate Republicans (assisted by two Democrats, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema), so you may have missed the childish hissy fit pitched by Fox News host Tucker Carlson over M&M candy being made “androgynous.”

You simply can’t make this shit up. It’s 2022 and truth always winds up being stranger (and dumber) than fiction.

Newsweek notes that Carlson went on an extended rant during his show Friday evening on the subject of genderless M&Ms:

Mars announced on Thursday that the company would make changes to M&Ms as part of its “global commitment to creating a world where everyone feels they belong, and society is inclusive.”

Carlson said: “Bet you didn’t think M&Ms were pushing intolerance, but they were, they’ve been changed.”

“You’re seeing those changes on the screen,” he said as images of the rebranded M&Ms were displayed.

OK, Tucker. Just let it go. No need to make a big production number out of candy. But he proceeded to do exactly that, remarking:

“The green M&M, you will notice, is no longer wearing sexy boots. Now she’s wearing sensible sneakers. Why the change? Well according to M&Ms, ‘We all win when we see more women in leading roles.’

“Because leading women do not wear sexy boots, leading women wear frumpy shoes. The frumpier the better. That’s the rule.”

Please, gods of TV, make it stop. Make it stop!!

It did not stop, as Tucker prattled on:

“The other big change is that the brown M&M has ‘transitioned from high stilettos to lower block heels,’ also less sexy. That’s progress. M&Ms will not be satisfied until every last cartoon character is deeply unappealing and totally androgynous.

“Until the moment you wouldn’t want to have a drink with any one of them. That’s the goal. When you are totally turned off, we’ve achieved equity. They’ve won.”

Wait a minute. Time out! Tucker Carlson was turned on by candy? Guess that shouldn’t surprise us since he’s the heir to the Swanson frozen dinner fortune, but did he need to share his perversion with the world? Of course he did; Fox demands such depravity for their sexually repressed viewers.

However, one good thing did come out of Carlson’s lunacy: The response from Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), who fired back at the Fox host with this magnificent piece of online trolling:

Boom! Mic drop. Game, set, and match Eric Swalwell. Thank you for making this whole thing laughable, congressman.

Donald Trump Jr. Social Media

Don Jr. Tried To Troll Eric Swalwell – And Got His A*s Handed To Him

Some people never learn.

Such is the case with Donald Trump Jr., who thought he’d troll Rep. Eric Swalwell on Twitter Tuesday, only to wind up with egg on his face when the congressman fired back and utterly destroyed the son of the failed, one-term former president.

The mention of China is a reference to an attempt by a Chinese spy to get involved in a romantic relationship with Swalwell, as the Washington Post reported in December of 2020:

U.S. officials don’t think Fang ever got classified information as she cozied up to politicians, including from Swalwell. He is not accused of any wrongdoing. After U.S. intelligence officials briefed him in 2015 on their concerns about Fang, he cut off ties with her. Swalwell said in a statement to Axios this week that he provided information to the FBI about her and that he hasn’t interacted with her in six years. Fang has left the country.

Swalwell had the perfect comeback for Junior:

Others then joined the online debate and took turns mocking Don Jr.