Donald Trump Elections GOP Immigration

Lindsey Graham Defends Trump For Saying Immigrants Are ‘Poisoning The Blood Of Our Country’

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) says failed former president Donald Trump is right to warn his supporters that immigrants to the United States are “poisoning the blood” of the country.

Trump made those comments Saturday during a campaign rally in Durham, New Hampshire, remarking, “They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America… but all over the world.”

“They’re coming into our country, from Africa, from Asia, all over the world. They’re pouring into our country. Nobody is even looking at them, they just come in and the crime is going to be tremendous, the terrorism is going to be.”

Graham was asked by Kristen Welker of NBC News if Trump’s Hitleresque language bothered him.

“The Biden campaign has accused former President Trump of, quote, parroting Adolf Hitler,” Welker noted. “Are the President’s comments representative of how you and other Republicans feel?”

Graham replied, “76% of the American people, not Donald Trump, believe the border is broken. They’re worried about fentanyl coming over and killing their kids.”

Welker: “But what about his language, Senator? Just that language, that poisoning the blood.”

The senator doubled down.

“I’m worried about an outcome. He is right. He had the border secured, the lowest in 40 years, in December of 2020.”

“To the Biden administration, you’re talking about Donald Trump’s language,” he continued. “As you sit on the sidelines and allowed the country to be invaded, 172 people on the terrorist watch list have come on your watch.”

But what about the evocation of language used by Adolf Hitler? Welker pressed.

Graham got angry.

“You know, we’re talking about language. I could care less what language people use as long as we get it right.”

“If you think you’re going to win the debate on illegal immigration by picking a line out of the Trump speech. Most Americans understand the game has to change, that we’re under threat, that we’re going to get attacked, that our border has completely been obliterated.”

Hillary Clinton was absolutely right when she called Trump and his defenders “deplorables.”

Donald Trump Elections Social Media Trump Supporters

Trump Supporters Have An Online Meltdown After Taylor Swift Is Named Time’s Person Of The Year

On Wednesday, Time Magazine announced its 2023 Person of the Year: Singer-songwriter Taylor Swift, who is arguably one of the biggest stars in the world at the moment.

In an essay that accompanied the announcement, Time reporter Sam Lansky writes:

Swift’s accomplishments as an artist—culturally, critically, and commercially—are so legion that to recount them seems almost beside the point. As a pop star, she sits in rarefied company, alongside Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, and Madonna; as a songwriter, she has been compared to Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, and Joni Mitchell. As a businesswoman, she has built an empire worth, by some estimates, over $1 billion. And as a celebrity—who by dint of being a woman is scrutinized for everything from whom she dates to what she wears—she has long commanded constant attention and knows how to use it. (“I don’t give Taylor advice about being famous,” Stevie Nicks tells me. “She doesn’t need it.”) But this year, something shifted. To discuss her movements felt like discussing politics or the weather—a language spoken so widely it needed no context. She became the main character of the world.

Swift, it should be noted, is also politically involved, and that doesn’t exactly sit well with many on the political right, mainly because she’s a strong, successful woman who just so happens to believe that more freedom for everyone is a good thing.

So perhaps it should come as no surprise that the Time Person of the Year honor rubbed so many Trump supporters the wrong way

According to online comments made by several Trump acolytes, Swift represents everything that’s wrong with the United States.

Here’s a sampling of those right-wing attacks:

“From her hand-selected vaccine shill boyfriend to her DINK lifestyle to her upcoming 2024 voter operation for Democrats on abortion rights It’s all coming.” Right-wing gadfly and failed podcaster Jack Posobiec

“This is what happens when we cede culture to the Left. Brainless youth raising themselves on Taylor Swift’s saccharine bland music and that washing over into the serious world of politics. If we reach the point where Dwayne The Rock Johnson and Taylor Swift run for office together we will have truly reached full-on Idiocracy where Mike Judge imagined “President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.” Former Trump Justice Department Official and current criminal defendant Jeffrey Clark

“What’s happening with Taylor Swift is not organic.” Former Trump administration senior adviser Stephen Miller

Wow! A bunch of repressed white guys are afraid of a strong woman. Imagine that!

Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

‘Feeble’ Trump Claims His Worsening Verbal Gaffes Are ‘Fake’ And Created With Artificial Intelligence

Failed one-term, twice-impeached, and multiply-indicted former president Donald Trump says that videos showing him making blatant verbal gaffes on the campaign trail were actually created using artificial intelligence (A.I.) and are therefore not real.

Trump made his comments on social media in response to a devastating new ad from The Lincoln Project entitled “Feeble.”

The ad was posted online Monday, which prompted this angry response from the disgraced ex-president:

“The perverts and losers at the failed and once disbanded Lincoln Project, and others, are using A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) in their Fake television commercials in order to make me look as bad and pathetic as Crooked Joe Biden, not an easy thing to do. Fox News shouldn’t run these ads, just as low ratings CNN & MSDNC will not, under any circumstances, run negative ads on Biden or the Democrats.

“They are, after all, in-kind campaign contributors to the Dems!”

In the ad (which you can watch below), a narrator says, “You need help getting around” as Trump has trouble pronouncing the word “anonymous.”

The narrator also asks, “Are you sure you don’t have dementia? It runs in the family” as a photo of the former president with his later father, Fred, appears on the screen. Fred Trump died in 1999 from Alzheimer’s Disease.

The ad contrasts Trump’s obese frame with the healthy form exhibited by President Joe Biden, who is shown jogging and riding a bike.

“You’re falling apart Donald,” the narrator warns. “Breaking down right in front of our eyes.”

As we’ve seen over the years, everything Donald Trump says about someone else (i.e. that Biden is old and mentally-challenged) is classic projection by the ex-president. He accuses others of what he knows are his own weaknesses. If he were a nicer person, it might be possible to feel some measure of sympathy for Donald. But he’s just a megalomaniacal asshole who deserves whatever karma has in store for him.


Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

Trump Says He’d Win In Blue States If Jesus ‘Came Down’ And Counted The Votes

Speaking at one of his patented over-the-top political rallies in Iowa on Saturday evening, failed one-term, twice-impeached, and multiply-indicted ex-president Donald Trump said he has no doubt whatsoever that he won several blue states in the 2020 election and would win them once more in 2024 if only Jesus would “come down” and count the ballots.

Mediaite reports that Trump made all sorts of bizarre statements, but it was the ones about Jesus tabulating votes that drew the most attention.

“I actually believe that if they didn’t have rigged elections out there, if they didn’t have all the paper bal– you know, they send out like 36 million ballots and nobody knows where the hell they’re going to or coming from. I think a few people know where they’re going to and a few people know where they’re coming from,” said Trump about California.

“But I think if you had a real election and Jesus came down and God came down and said, I’m going to be the scorekeeper here, I think we would win there,” said Trump. “I think would win in Illinois, and I think it would win in New York, which is all places that, in theory –”

New York, Trump continued, is turning against Democrats due to the issue of immigration, so the Empire State should be easy pickings in next year’s presidential race.

“I think you can win New York. I think you can win New Jersey. I think we can win Virginia. People that, states that in theory, would be with us.”

Then it was back to the airing of grievances about the 2020 race, which Trump lost in an electoral landslide to President Joe Biden.

“I think for years we could have won them. These elections are rigged. Our elections are totally rigged and we got to do something about it. The radical left Democrats rigged the presidential election of 2020, and we’re not going to allow them to rig the presidential election of 2024 and destroy our country totally.”

What Trump neglected to explain is why Jesus or God would intervene on his behalf. After all, he’s the most corrupt and immoral person to ever run for any public office.

Also, according to the Bible (which Trump has never read), God doesn’t bless evil people, and there are few human beings more filled with devilish motives than the clown who still thinks he’s beloved by the American people.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Democrat Humiliates Jim Jordan For Refusing To Admit The Threat Posed By Another Trump Presidency

A Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee lit into Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) for accusing the Biden administration of “weaponizing” the Justice Department yet failing to admit that a second Trump presidency would be the very definition of an out of control DOJ.

Rep. Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) noted that Jordan and the GOP’s so-called “hearings” are merely an attempt to “ramp up their own misinformation campaign before the 2024 election.”

“They want to distract from the actual threat of the weaponization of government on the American people. That is Donald Trump,” she continued. “He has vowed to use the Department of Justice to investigate his political enemies. He has said that those who oppose him should be executed for treason. He has called his political opponents cockroaches, vermin, said that immigrants are poisoning American society.”

Plaskett added that Trump’s recent online threats about how he will punish his enemies if he gets another term in office sound like something straight out of Nazi Germany.

“And every American should be outraged at this committee by not having hearings on that. Many want to shield a man who, as many experts have identified, is spouting rhetoric cribbed from the Nazi regime, calling his enemies cockroaches and vermin, saying that those who oppose him are poisoning the blood of America, and even calling for the execution of people who simply speak out against him.”

Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to the American republic even when it isn’t in office. And if he returns to the presidency, this country will be utterly destroyed. He’ll see to that.