Donald Trump Elections

Trump’s Latest Legal Argument Could Disqualify Him From Serving Even If He’s Reelected

A legal filing made this week by attorneys representing failed one-term, twice-impeached, and multiply-indicted ex-president Donald Trump to keep him on the 2024 ballot in Colorado contains odd language that could allow him to run for the presidency but automatically disqualify him from serving even if he wins, according to former U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade.

During an appearance on MSNBC this morning, McQuade was asked by host Mika Brzezinski:

“What are your thoughts on whether the Supreme Court actually takes it, the timing of it, and also how the Trump team created their petition, what they led with versus what Donald Trump is accused of, therefore making him ineligible to be on the ballot?”

“Yes, I think the court will have to take up the case. Whether it decides it on the merits, I think, is another question,” McQuade responded. “I do agree with one of the things he wrote in his brief, which is, this is a matter of significant importance that must be decided urgently. I think that as we see all of these other primaries starting to play out across the country, starting this month, I think it is very important that this issue be resolved.”

She added: “The lead argument that he makes here is one I haven’t heard before. You know, he’s got all the greatest hits in there: the 14th Amendment doesn’t apply to the U.S. president, this wasn’t an insurrection. Even if it was, he didn’t engage in it, all the things we might expect.”

“One he led with that is interesting to me is that the 14th Amendment only bars someone from holding office, not running for office,” McQuade noted. “Therefore, he should be permitted to run, be elected, and only on January 20th of 2025, should it be said, ‘Sorry, folks, he can’t serve.'”

After laughing, McQuade continued, “You know, that sounds like a textualist argument, and maybe the court bites on it, but imagine the absurdity? He can’t serve, so his vice president is the president of the United States. Maybe that’s how we’ll see the court play out.”

“I do think the court is likely to take an off-ramp. A more likely off-ramp, I think, is one that says this is not a justiciable argument, that is, this is a matter for Congress, not the courts to decide. So that might be one that they bite on.”



Crime Donald Trump Elections Fox News Uncategorized

Social Media Explodes With Laughter After Fox Panelist Says Trump Can Be ‘President From Jail’

A panelist on Fox News wants American voters to know they should indeed cast their ballot for failed former president Donald Trump in November even though he’s been indicted on 91 felony counts and is facing decades behind bars if convicted.

According to HuffPost, that comment came Monday during a discussion of the disgraced ex-president’s legal troubles and the upcoming election.

“Outnumbered” co-host Kennedy mentioned that she wondered what would happen to Trump’s chances of winning if he’s “indicted at some point.” Of course, he’s already been indicted, so it’s unclear what in the hell Kennedy even knows about current events.

That’s when medical contributor Dr. Janette Nesheiwat chimed in.

“He can be president from jail if he has to,” she said.

That set off a firestorm of criticism and mockery on Twitter/X.



Congress Elections GOP WTF?!

Lauren Boebert Whines Barbra Streisand Forced Her Out Of Her Congressional District

Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert wants us to believe that reason she recently had to change congressional districts is because Hollywood celebrities like Barbra Streisand and Ryan Reynolds.

Business Insider reports that Boebert made her comments during an appearance on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast.

“We have to shut down the Hollywood elites who are trying to buy my current district,” Boebert began, adding:

“There has been close to $10 million poured into this district to buy this seat. Colorado’s 3rd District is not for sale.”

Next came mention of Streisand and Reynolds.

“When you have Barbra Streisand coming in and donating to the Democrat, when you have Ryan Reynolds coming in and donating to the Democrat, it shows you that Hollywood is trying to buy their way into Congress.”

Boebert made similar comments in November, posting on Twitter/X:

According to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), Streisand and Reynolds have each donated $1,500 to help defeat Boebert.

Just last week, Boebert formally announced she would be running in Colorado’s 4th Congressional District. It’s considered to be more conservative than the 3rd District which she currently represents.

Additionally, Boebert’s Democratic opponent in District 3, Adam Frisch is dramatically outpacing her in fundraising, which is the key to a successful campaign.

Frisch raised a staggering $7.7 million, according to FEC reports. Boebert has only been able to muster $2.4 million in political contributions.


Donald Trump Elections Viral Video

Green Day Slams Trump And The MAGA Faithful During Televised New Year’s Eve Performance

Rock band Green Day made a change to the lyrics of one of their most well-known songs Sunday evening and made it clear what they think about disgraced former president Donald Trump and the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement he has inspired.

HuffPost notes that the band was performing the song “American Idiot” on ABC’s broadcast of “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve” when lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong sang, “I’m not part of the MAGA agenda.” The song’s usual lyrics are, “I’m not part of the redneck agenda.”

This isn’t the first time Armstrong has lashed out at Trump. In 2018, he remarked, “I fu*king hate Donald Trump so much. I used to scream I hated George Bush. This one is a little different. This one is bad, it’s like acid gone bad.”

Armstrong’s lyric swap resonated with many on Twitter/X.

Donald Trump Elections Immigration

Trump Claims Democrats Are ‘Signing Up’ Migrants To Vote At A ‘Rapid Pace’ In Deranged Late-Night Rant

Perhaps sensing that he cannot possibly win the 2024 presidential election, failed one-term former president Donald Trump went on an extended social media rant Saturday evening in which he claimed Democrats were registering “unvetted migrants” to vote next November.

On his failing Truth Social site, the disgraced ex-president wrote:

“It’s becoming more and more obvious to me why the “Crazed” Democrats are allowing millions and millions of totally unvetted migrants into our once great Country,” Trump told his followers. “IT’S SO THEY CAN VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.

“They are signing them up at a rapid pace, without even knowing who the hell they are. It all makes sense now. Republicans better wake up and do something, before it is too late. Are you listening Mitch McConnell?”

The Donald’s latest bizarre conspiracy theory drew plenty of fact-checking, mockery, and ridicule on Twitter/X, where his Truth Social posts are also shared.

Hopefully, by this time next year, Joe Biden will be preparing for his second inauguration and Trump will be headed to prison for the rest of his miserable life. That’s how we can make America great again.
