Abortion Congress GOP

Political Action Committee Alleges Lauren Boebert Was A Paid Escort And Had Two Abortions

Though you’ve likely never heard of the The American Muckrackers Political Action Committee (PAC), they helped make sure that Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) lost his primary bid for a second term Congress by releasing a series of damaging photos and videos of the congressman in all sorts of compromising positions.

And now that same PAC is promising to “fire” Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), who is also facing an uncertain future when Colorado holds its primary election on June 28.

The allegations being made by American Muckrakers hit right the heart of what would be stunning hypocrisy on the part of Boebert, who is resolutely opposed to abortion and loves to suggest that she’s a Christian who doesn’t support same-sex marriage or LGBTQ rights.

Here’s the statement American Muckrakers released about Boebert and her allegedly disturbing past:

Be sure and note the mention of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), another anti-choice member of the GOP who is also fond of using his “morality” lectures to chide those who don’t share his right-wing Christian nationalist beliefs. And while there is no proof that Cruz ever paid Boebert for sex, he still needs to address the matter.

Boebert, on the other hand, had better hope more revelations don’t come up between now and June 28 or she’ll be joining Cawthorn in the unemployment line.

Donald Trump Elections GOP U.S. Senate

‘Dementia Don’ Endorses Wrong Senate Candidate During Sunday Rally In Nebraska

Failed, one-term former President Donald Trump loves to mock others when they make a mistake, and yet he proved again on Sunday that if anyone is in need of retiring from the public spotlight to avoid further humiliation, it’s clearly him.

Speaking at a rally in Greenwood, Nebraska, the twice-impeached ex-president went over a partial list of candidates he’s endorsed:

“You know, in Texas, on endorsements, I was 33 and 0, and if I lost one race they’d say, ‘Trump was humiliated.’ That’s what they’re waiting for one race. You know we’ve endorsed Dr. Oz. We’ve endorsed JP? JD Mandel.”

As HuffPost notes, Trump messed that one up big time:

The name he was searching for was J.D. Vance, venture capitalist and “Hillbilly Elegy” author who has no experience in politics. (And it’s Josh Mandel; he’s running against Vance in the GOP primary on May 3.)

And in a case of perfect irony, Trump managed to screw up Vance’s name just minutes after he had bragged about how incredibly intelligent and mentally sharp he is, again referencing the 10-minute mental acuity test administered to him by Dr. Ronny Jackson.

Twitter had a field day with Trump’s blunder:

Congress Elections GOP The Biden Administration WTF?!

Greene Says House Republicans Will Impeach Biden And Harris If They Win The Midterm Election

If Republicans win control of the House of Representatives in the upcoming midterm elections, according to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), their top priority won’t be legislating or doing anything to help the American people. Instead, they intend to try and impeach President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

At a reelection kickoff for alleged sex trafficker Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Greene made it clear that she and her GOP colleagues will be seeking payback for the two impeachments of failed, one-term former President Donald Trump:

“Here’s what we do after that we too impeach Kamala Harris, because you can’t encourage, and promote, and raise money for criminal rioters, and expect to serve the interest of the people, the great people of the United States. That is a conflict of interest.”

If Republicans win control of the House, they can indeed impeach Biden and Harris, though there’s no way either would be convicted in a Senate trial. Such a move would also alienate millions of voters as the country moves closer to the 2024 presidential election.

Trump has been hinting that he will likely run in 2024, but considering his age, questionable health, and possible indictment, that’s not even a 50-50 proposition.

Greene and her ilk are on the verge of overplaying their hand, and that could wind up making it all the more likely that Democrats win in 2024 and become the permanent party in power for decades.

Elections GOP WTF?!

Georgia GOP Senate Candidate Herschel Walker Says Evolution Is Bogus Because ‘There Are Still Apes’

According to Georgia Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker, the theory of evolution is bogus because apes and humans currently coexist on the planet.

Walker made his remarks during an appearance at a Georgia church over the weekend, HuffPost reports:

“At one time, science said man came from apes, did it not? … If that is true, why are there still apes? Think about it.”

Yeah, think about it. Because it’s quite clear that Walker didn’t give it much thought.

Evolution doesn’t say that humans evolved from the apes that are found at the zoo. Instead, both humans and apes have a common ancestor that walked the Earth about 10 million years ago.

Humans are also technically classified as apes, but that doesn’t mean the chimp you see at the zoo is just one evolutionary step from being fully human. And there’s nothing that prohibits apes and humans from coexisting at the same time. If there was, then one of the two species wouldn’t be here.

Walker went on to try and prove his thesis about why God is necessary for all creation by saying that science “can’t do” the “conception of a baby.”

“They’re still trying to do that, but they can’t, because there has to be a God.”

Does there have to be a God for in vitro fertilization? If so, is he found in the test tube or the contents of that glassware? And if God is in everything, how to explain the existence of evil people such as serial killers, genocidal dictators, and cult leaders?

Amazingly, Walker is currently in the lead in a head-to-head matchup with current Georgia Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock, who just so happens to be an ordained minister and could probably quote the Bible a lot more fluently and accurately than Walker, whose claim to fame is that he used to play professional football and won the Heisman Trophy in 1982.

Elections GOP Whining WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Accuses Democrats Of Trying To ‘Create Happiness’ So They Can Win The Midterms


If you thought you’d heard all of the absurd bullshit that could possibly emanate from the putrid piehole that Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene calls her mouth, what she said earlier today is so ridiculous that it’s incredible she was able to say it without bursting into laughter.

Appearing on the right-wing “Real America’s Voice” podcast, Greene suggested that Democrats want to “create happiness” so they can win the midterm elections:

“I think we’re going to hear Joe Biden, he’s going to claim victory over Covid. And if he does that then you’ll know the Democrats are lying. You’ll know for sure like we’ve already known along that they’re just using Covid for politics and they’re very much looking to move on and create happiness going into the midterms.”

Wouldn’t Biden be justified in declaring victory over COVID? After all, it was his administration that made sure everyone who wanted a vaccination got one. 64% of the U.S. population is now fully vaccinated. 76% have received at least one dose. That’s despite the lies and misinformation spread by right-wing media and anti-vax extremists like Congresswoman Greene, who was too busy attending a white nationalist convention over the weekend to do anything constructive for her constituents.

There are already rumblings inside the GOP that they may not do as well as they originally thought in November. With clowns like Marjorie Taylor Greene on the ballot, Republicans have every reason to be concerned.

Perhaps the best response to Greene’s rant came from Twitter:

That’d make one hell of a bumper sticker. Maybe Margie can have some printed up.