Congress Elections GOP Impeachment

Republicans Furious With James Comer For His Biden Impeachment Inquiry: ‘A Jumbled Mess’

House Republicans thought they had the perfect way to counter the seemingly endless legal problems confronting former president Donald Trump: Open an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden and pursue removal from office as the 2024 election draws closer by the day.

Now, however, two months after the inquiry began, many in the GOP are calling the investigation “a jumbled mess” and blaming House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY), who is leading the effort, according to CNN.

“The prospect of their inquiry not culminating in impeachment has prompted some internal frustration among Republicans, with finger-pointing already underway in GOP circles about what went wrong — and who is to blame — even as the Republican-led committees continue to push on with their probe.”

“Some of the ire has been directed at House Oversight Chairman James Comer, who has spearheaded the investigation into Biden family business records.”

The House Republican caucus currently has a narrow margin of two votes, which means they would need unanimity from their members if and when a vote for impeachment goes to the floor.

Some in the GOP, however, are already suggesting they won’t vote to impeach Biden given the scant “evidence” that’s been assembled by Comer and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH).

Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA), a member of the right-wing Freedom Caucus who was also involved in efforts to overturn the 2020 election, noted, “I don’t know that the case has been made adequately to the American people” to impeach Biden. And a GOP insider echoed those remarks, commenting, “You’d be hard-pressed to say it’s going well. It’s a jumbled mess.”

The crux of the so-called case against President Biden is that he allegedly accepted bribes from foreign countries that did business with his son, Hunter Biden. But there hasn’t been a shred of credible evidence presented to prove such an allegation.

All of this begs the question as to whether or not the real goal of Republicans is to keep issuing subpoenas in the hope the White House will accidentally fail to release every document requested which would then serve as the pretext for charging the president with obstruction of justice regarding a crimes that have yet to be proven.

In other words, it’s just election-year politics, but the waste of time and taxpayer money could wind up backfiring badly on the GOP and costing them control of both houses of Congress while also reelecting Biden for a second term.

Elections GOP

Sean Hannity Tries To Coax Taylor Swift To Join The GOP – And Fails Miserably

Fox News host Sean Hannity says he’s convinced that Grammy-winning singer Taylor Swift is only a Democrat because she believes “lies” about Republicans and would probably support the GOP if she knew all the facts.

According to Hannity, “Maybe she just bought into all the lies about conservatives and Republicans that they’re racist and sexist and homophobic and xenophobic and transphobic and Islamophobic. And Republicans and conservatives want dirty air and water and a total ban on all abortions with no exceptions. If she believes all that, she is believing a lie.”

So where are the so-called lies? Republicans have repeatedly shown they are bigoted and unaccepting of anyone the least bit different from them. They have also passed numerous laws to restrict a woman’s right to make her own reproductive choices. The “lies” Hannity whines about aren’t untrue in the least. They’re facts.

It didn’t take long before social media users pounced, slamming Hannity and his bullshit.

Congress Donald Trump GOP Immigration Viral Video

WATCH A Democrat Shred The GOP At House Hearing: ‘You Bend The Knee To The Orange Jesus!’

During a 15-hour long hearing of the House Homeland Security Committee on Tuesday evening to discuss the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Rep. Rob Menendez (D-NJ) excoriated his Republican colleagues for using the issue of border security to boost their likely 2020 presidential nominee, Donald Trump.

According to HuffPost, Menendez “said the House Homeland Security Committee has held 17 hearings on the border, but zero full committee hearings on other issues within its jurisdiction such as emergency preparedness, cyber threats, infrastructure protection and more.”

“We have not lived up to our oversight obligation here on this committee because you all are obsessed with the border,” Menendez said. “Because you bend the knee to the ‘Orange Jesus’ as you refer to him across the aisle.”

Former GOP Rep. Liz Cheney (WY) revealed in her 2023 book that Rep. Mark Green (R-TN) referred to Trump as the Orange Jesus. Green is now chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.

Menendez went on to call the impeachment hearings a “sham,” adding, “I’ve tried to listen here. I try to be a team player, I really do. I try not to engage in the partisanship. But I’ve had it.”

Video of Menendez’s comments has garnered over 170,000 views and drew praise on social media.


Donald Trump Sex Scandals

E. Jean Carroll Has A Devastating New Description Of Donald Trump That’s Certain To Enrage Him

Speaking with MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on Monday evening, just days after a massive $83.3 million legal victory over failed former president Donald Trump, writer E. Jean Carroll shared a description of how the ex-head of state looked at the defamation trial that concluded last week in New York.

“He is like a walrus snorting and like a rhino flopping his hands. He is not there. That was the surprising thing to me.”

Carroll admitted that she had been terrified of facing Trump in court, but her fears quickly abated when she took the stand and began testifying.

“Amazingly, I looked out, and he was nothing,” she said. “He was nothing. He was a phantom. It was the people around him who were giving him power. He himself was nothing.”

That moment of clarity, Carroll continued, gave her new insight regarding the Donald.

“We don’t need to be afraid of him. He can be knocked out.”

Others who have observed Trump over the years agreed with Carroll, suggesting that he’s just an impotent coward.

Congress GOP Military

WATCH: CNN’s Brianna Keilar Brutally Fact-Checks GOPer For Lying About Attacks On US Forces

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) got schooled by CNN host Brianna Keilar during a discussion of the Biden administration’s Middle East policy Monday on the network after the congressman suggested the administration was responsible for attacks on U.S. forces by proxy groups loyal to Iran.

Keilar noted that the Trump administration also struggled to control Iran.

“I know you’re critical of President Biden, that you think he is emboldening Iran, but how should the U.S. respond when even former President Trump — I mean, you said that peace broke out [under his watch], but his direct and controversial action like taking out [late Iranian Gen. Qasem Soleimani] did not stop the deadly attacks on U.S. troops.”

Waltz said that killing Soleimani had been effective, “They launched some missiles and that was it!”

Keilar, whose husband is an active duty Green Beret, interjected, “Service members died!”

Waltz: “Who died, post-Soleimani strike?”

That’s when Keilar fact-checked the congressman.

“March 2020, service members died,” she said. “You had Iranian-backed proxies… the one in March was determined that it likely was [Iran] and you had service members, two Americans and one Brit, who were killed… So if we’re talking realistically on what deters and what does not deter the proxies, then let’s use those facts to talk about what might actually be a way to… get them to stop.”