Donald Trump Elections Melania Trump WTF?!

Trump Whines About His Ongoing Legal Problems In Bizarre ‘Valentine’ To Melania

Ever the romantic, failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump used the occasion of Valentine’s Day to whine about his ongoing legal problems and suggest that his supporters should send money to him as a way of honoring his wife, Melania.

The Trump campaign sent out a blast email Wednesday morning which featured as the subject line “I love you, Melania!” according to Mediaite.

Once opened, the email revealed a tender message of love and legal persecution:


Thomas, this is a Valentine’s Day letter to my beautiful wife, Melania!

Dear Melania,


Even after every single INDICTMENT, ARREST, and WITCH HUNT, you never left my side.

You’ve always supported me through everything.

I wouldn’t be the man I am today without your guidance, kindness, and warmth.

You will always mean the world to me, Melania!

From your husband with love,

Donald J. Trump

Please leave some kind words for the First Lady this Valentine’s Day!

May God bless you,

Donald J. Trump

45th President of the United States

The email also contains repeated urgings for recipients to send $47 each. If you try to click off that message, another pops up that reads:


No matter how many vicious lies and attacks they throw our way, President Trump will NEVER SURRENDER our great country to the Left’s tyranny! But the Democrats will spend billions and billions of dollars to try and stop our movement, and we’re counting on YOUR support to finish what we started.

Together, we will DISMANTLE the Deep State, WIN BACK the White House, and SAVE AMERICA in 2024! Please consider completing your contribution today. Thank you!

Need to feel the love? Here’s a video of the Valentine’s Day message from the disgraced, indicted loser ex-president.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Gloves Off: Stephen King Calls Donald Trump A ‘Traitor To The American Way Of Life’

Though he’s been critical of failed one-term former president Donald Trump in the past, novelist Stephen King is now accusing Trump of being a traitor for remarks he made Saturday in South Carolina about how he would “encourage” Russia to attack NATO nations that don’t meet their financial obligations to the alliance.

As the Washington Post reported, “One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, ‘Well, sir, if we don’t pay and we’re attacked by Russia, will you protect us?,’” Trump said during a rally at Coastal Carolina University. “I said, ‘You didn’t pay. You’re delinquent.’ He said, ‘Yes, let’s say that happened.’ No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want.”

That was the breaking point for King, who expressed his disgust on social media.

King received plenty of support from others on Twitter/X.

Congress GOP Social Media

Social Media Points And Laughs After Matt Gaetz Explains Why He Won’t Watch The Super Bowl

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) wants the world to know that he won’t be watching today’s Super Bowl between the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers, and the reason he gave for why he won’t be tuning in set off a wave of mockery on social media.

According to Gaetz, he discussed the biggest pro football game of the year with his wife, Ginger.

Wife: Today is the Super Bowl!

Me: We aren’t watching.

Wife: Why?

Me: They’re desecrating America’s National Anthem by playing something called the “Black National Anthem.”

Wife: Does that mean Cardi is performing?

Yes, “Lift Every Voice and Sing” will indeed be played at today’s game. But a quick look at some of the lyrics to the song make you wonder why it’s so controversial to some.

Lift every voice and sing,

‘Til earth and heaven ring,

Ring with the harmonies of Liberty;

Let our rejoicing rise

High as the list’ning skies,

Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.

Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,

Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us;

As many on Twitter/X rightly noted, conservatives and the MAGA faithful are the biggest whiners on the planet. They also reminded Matt of his own shady past.

Matt would love to watch the game, but he’ll be far too busy adding funds to his Venmo account for another illegal liaison with a girl young enough to be his daughter.

GOP U.S. Senate

GOP Sen. John Kennedy Has A Conniption Fit When Reminded He Used To Be A Democrat

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) is one of the biggest blowhards in Congress, and he proved that again this week during a confirmation hearing for one of President Joe Biden’s judicial nominees, suggesting she was a Marxist simply because she happens to be a Democrat.

HuffPost reports Kennedy asked Melissa DuBose, Biden’s nominee for the U.S. district court in Rhode Island, “Are you still a Marxist?”

“I am not nor have I ever been a Marxist,” DuBose responded.

Kennedy continued to press his specious allegation of DuBose being a Marxist, even suggesting that she was lying under oath, quoting an interview DuBose gave in 2000 when she worked at a coffee shop and said she was “in my Marxist phase.”

Even though DuBose explained that comment, Kennedy acted as if he hadn’t heard a word she’d said, again asking, “My question is real simple,” he said. “Are you still a Marxist?”

DuBose reiterated that she was not a Marxist.

“I am not a Marxist. I do not espouse Marxist theory or ideology. I never have, I never will. I’m a very proud Democrat.”

Committee member Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) then joined the debate.

“This was many, many, many, many, many years ago,” Whitehouse said of DuBose’s. Perhaps during the time when my colleague Sen. Kennedy was a Democrat, showing that people can change their views, even if it were true that you were in a Marxist phase.”

Whitehouse’s jibe enraged Kennedy, who began shouting.

“I’ve never been a Marxist!” he shouted. “I’ve never been a Marxist! And I’ve never admitted I was a Marxist and then not turned a document over to this committee!”

Russia Social Media Viral Video

Vladimir Putin Mocks Tucker Carlson To His Face And The Internet Can’t Stop Laughing

In a blatant move meant to blunt criticism of his ongoing attacks on Ukraine, indicted war criminal Vladimir Putin agreed to sit down for an extensive interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who was dumped by the network in part for his lies about the 2020 election.

The interview, which lasts two hours, is little more than Putin trying to explain history to Carlson from the perspective of a Russian dictator who thinks he’s entitled to attack any country he wants and then claim self-defense.

One portion of the Putin-Carlson conversation has drawn the most interest because in it the Russian dictator clearly mocks Carlson, according to HuffPost.

In the conversation that dropped on X, formerly Twitter, Thursday, Putin had already blathered on about Russia and Ukraine’s history when he brought up the 2014 ouster of Kremlin-backed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych after mass protests.

“With the backing of whom?” Carlson asked.

“With the backing of CIA, of course, the organization you wanted to join back in the day, as I understand,” Putin responded. “We should thank God they didn’t let you in.”

“Although it is a serious organization, I understand,” he added.

Be sure and check out the look on Carlson’s face when Putin reminds him that he was rejected by the CIA. Some have described it as one of constipation.

Those who viewed the video on Twitter/X delighted in the burn Putin inflicted on Carlson.