Social Media WTF?!

Kimberly Guilfoyle’s See-Through Dress Leaves Social Media In Stitches

After she was fired from Fox News in 2018 for allegedly engaging in the sexual harassment of a female co-worker, Kimberly Guilfoyle began attaching herself to the family of failed one-term former president Donald Trump, eventually becoming Donald Trump Jr’s fiancee.

Guilfoyle is now a regular at Mar-a-Lago and on the campaign trail, but a dress she wore earlier this week during an event at the golf resort raised more than a few eyebrows on social media when photos of the outfit began circulating online.

As Patriot Takes noted when they posted the photo on Twitter, Guilfoyle certainly isn’t leaving much to the imagination.

Does that look like the appropriate thing to wear in public? How many women would even be caught dead in such a dress?

That’s what many on social media wanted to know, and it soon became clear that most didn’t think Kimberly should be trying so damn hard to pretend she isn’t 55.

Congress GOP Viral Video

WATCH Eric Swalwell DESTROY Jim Jordan With A Brutal Reference To ‘What Happens In A Locker Room’

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) laid a brutal verbal burn on House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) for suddenly being “interested in what happens in a locker room,” a clear reference to a sex scandal that took place on the Ohio State University men’s wrestling team while Jordan was an assistant coach for the program from 1987 to 1995.

During committee debate on a bill sponsored by House Republicans to address the issue of biological women supposedly being “victimized” by sharing locker rooms with transgender women, Swalwell took aim at Jordan.

“I guess it’s a good thing that some folks on the other side are now interested in what happens in a locker room, and we’re not going to look the other way, okay, I’ll accept that,” Swalwell remarked.

Swalwell added that transgender people victimizing women in locker rooms is not actually a “thing.”

“This is not a thing, and so I just invite my Democratic colleagues who have so passionately spoken on this to continue to passionately speak on this, but to just reject this as a thing.”

Turning to Jordan, Swawell declared, “And thank you for caring about what happens in locker rooms.”

HuffPost notes, “That was a not-so-subtle reminder of a time when Jordan was in a locker room as an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University, where he was accused of ignoring molestation allegations against the team’s doctor.”

Swalwell’s comments set off a torrent of commentary on social media.


Congress GOP Viral Video

WATCH Matt Gaetz Get Swatted Down During A House Hearing: ‘You Can’t Handle The Truth!’

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) got his head handed to him during a hearing of the House Oversight Committee by a witness testifying on behalf of committee Democrats as Republicans continued to pursue their bogus, fact-free impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden.

The witness was Lev Parnas, a close associate of Rudy Guiliani, who allegedly ordered him to find damaging information about Biden and his son, Hunter. Parnas spent four months in prison for crimes related to that activity.

Attempting to counter claims that Russia instigated the search for corruption allegations against Biden, Gaetz told Parnas, “So it sounds like everyone here today, the only one working for a Russian oligarch was you.”

His voice dripping with sarcasm, Gaetz added, “You were really worried about our democracy, and you were here to warn us, but you were working for a Russian oligarch, wanted to get marijuana licenses, but then you didn’t even do it.”

“No,” Parnas responded. “That’s a lie, Congressman Gaetz.”

“But instead of spending 50 years in prison, you got four months,” Gaetz told the witness. “The DOJ didn’t listen to the truth because if they would listen to the truth, you guys would have been all in jail.”

“You don’t want to hear the truth,” Parnas told the Florida Republican. “You can’t handle the truth, Matt Gaetz!”

“Look, the truth for you is taking money from Russians to buy marijuana businesses and then going to jail and then coming here to lie about Trump,” Gaetz insisted.

Republicans don’t have a shred of evidence that President Biden committed any crimes or impeachable offenses. Their inquiry is classic McCarthyism and it’s backfiring on them. You’d think they have enough sense to stop digging the hole they’re in any deeper. But they don’t, and they’re far too busy taking orders from failed former president Donald Trump to do what’s best for the country.

Congress GOP Impeachment Joe Biden

Jamie Raskin Burns Down Republicans At Their Latest Sham Impeachment Hearing

The House Oversight and Reform Committee was in session again today, so Republicans could try and convince themselves and the public that they haven’t wasted the last several months trying to find impeachable offenses committed by President Joe Biden.

Of course, no high crimes or misdemeanors have been found, but that hasn’t dissuaded the GOP from their bogus hearings in a hopeless attempt to try and slag President Biden so voters won’t focus on the fact that the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, is on the hook for 91 criminal charges, including being part of the Jan. 6, 2021 attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) is the committee’s ranking member, and his opening remarks should be played and replayed for everyone on the planet to hear.

“The impeachment bus is running on empty,” Raskin began.

Focusing his attention on a GOP witness, Tony Bobulinski, Raskin noted, “Mr. Bobulinski made his hazy allegations against the Bidens public for the first time at a press conference choreographed by the Trump for President campaign, which provided him a gaggle of journalists and even a dress shirt that they went out and bought for him to wear to the event.”

“Hours later, Mr. Bobulinski points to the second 2020 presidential debate as Donald Trump’s personal guest, where he was seated with Kid Rock and Mark Meadows.”

For a criminal referral to the Department of Justice, Raskin continued, you need evidence.

“Criminal referrals require evidence of crime. And the only crimes we have seen are those of the GOP’s own star witnesses alike, Russian asset Alexander Smirnov, Chinese agent Gal Luft, Devin Archer, and Jason Galanis.”

A witness for Democrats, Lev Parnas, would shine a “piercing light” on the real motive of Republicans, Raskin asserted.

“And he has reason to note that he, too, used to be a MAGA, peddling lies and disinformation to smear Joe Biden. Today, he joins a long line of self-exiled from Trump World who could no longer stomach all the corruption” 

While Republicans love to proclaim their support for Donald Trump, their sham impeachment hearings are all the proof needed that they don’t have a damn thing other than a desperate need to divert public attention from the organized crime member they so lovingly refer to as the leader of their party. The fact that they continue to walk lock-step with Trump will hopefully consign them to being the permanent minority party in this country.

Donald Trump Elections

Jimmy Kimmel Brutally Claps Back At Trump With 5 Words For His Tombstone

Like so many political figures, failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump doesn’t seem to understand that the worst thing you can do is start a war of words with a comedian.

You probably recall that Jimmy Kimmel mocked Trump during the Academy Awards broadcast last Sunday, reading an angry tweet the disgraced ex-president sent out about Kimmel’s hosting of the awards show. In response, Kimmel asked, “Isn’t it past your jail time yet?”

That led to Trump whining yet again during a Fox News interview, calling Kimmel “not a talented guy,” “a lousy host” and “dumber than I thought.”

However, Kimmel got payback Monday evening on his late night talk show, noting, “What he doesn’t realize is that I love this.” He added, “I love that this bothered him so much.”

In response to Trump’s insistence that Kimmel should “keep his mouth shut,” the host had a brutal parting shot for the Donald.

“Imagine him telling anyone they should’ve kept their mouth shut?” Kimmel said. “That should be on his tombstone: ‘Should’ve kept his mouth shut.’”

Will that shut Trump up once and for all? Probably not. He’s always been and will always be his own worst enemy.