Fox News Fox News Lies WTF?!

Fox Host Maria Bartiromo Suggests Baltimore Bridge Accident May Be Linked To Border Crisis

Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo suggested this morning that the late-night accident that caused the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore may be linked to what’s transpiring at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Speaking with Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott, Bartiromo remarked, “Let me also get your take in terms of what’s going on in world affairs. The White House has issued a statement on [the bridge collapse], saying there’s no indication of nefarious intent in the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge … You’ve been talking a lot about the potential for wrongdoing or the potential for foul play given the wide-open border … Why have the Republicans had such a hard time securing this border?”

What in the actual f*ck is she talking about? There is absolutely NOTHING about the accident that would suggest any connection to the border or immigration, as the Baltimore Sun notes when it comes to the investigation.

In the middle of the night, a massive, driftless container ship traveling 9 mph issued a “mayday” as it traversed toward the iconic Francis Scott Key Bridge. The ship had departed the Port of Baltimore only 30 minutes prior, but as it tried to navigate the channel, it lost power before colliding with a support column, causing a din that could be heard ashore and immediately toppling the essential mid-Atlantic thoroughfare into the frigid waters below.

Twitter users were outraged by Bartiromo’s comments.

Elections GOP

WATCH Jim Jordan Lose The Ability To Speak When Confronted With Facts By ‘60 Minutes’

For perhaps the first time since he arrived in the U.S. House of Representatives, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) lost the ability to speak during an interview with Lesley Stahl of “60 Minutes” which aired Sunday evening.

Discussing censorship on social media platforms, Jordan argued that sites such as Facebook and Twitter shouldn’t be allowed to take down inaccurate posts and instead let people decide what they want to believe.

That led Stahl to ask, “What about this idea that the 2020 election was stolen? You think that these companies should allow people to say that and that individuals can make up their own minds.”

“I’ve not said that,” Jordan insisted. “What I’ve said is there were concerns about the 2020 election; I think Americans agree with that.”

“No, they don’t,” said Stahl.

Jordan: “You don’t think they think there were concerns with the 2020 election?”

“Most people don’t question the result, that’s all I’m saying,” Stahl told Jordan.

“Fair enough,” said Jordan.

Seconds later, things got tense.

“They don’t question whether Biden won or not,” she said.

Not a peep from Jordan.

“Right?” she asked.

Again, complete silence from Jordan.

“Right?” she asked again.

Nothing from the congressman. Not one word. Just a look of confusion.

“Most people don’t question the outcome,” Stahl said.

“Right,” Jordan finally said.

Jordan, it should be noted, vociferously insisted that Trump had won in 2020 and should be declared the victor despite Biden winning both the popular and electoral vote.

Social media isn’t the problem when it comes to lies. The problem is when you have people in positions of power spouting bullshit from the rooftops in an effort to overturn a valid election.

Congress GOP Social Media

Lauren Boebert’s Latest Photo Is A Humiliating Self-Own

Over the weekend, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) spoke to the Adams County Republican Party in her home state, but based on the photo she shared on social media of the event, it appears her ability to draw a crowd is nothing short of pathetic.

Boebert, who switched congressional districts to boost her already uncertain bid for re-election, posted this on Twitter after the event ended on Saturday.

Notice anything odd in those pictures? Sure looks like there are lots of empty seats, doesn’t it, which suggests the controversial Boebert isn’t the draw she imagines herself to be.

As you’d imagine, others had a field day with the photos and couldn’t resist mocking Boebert.


Crime Donald Trump Eric Trump The Trump Organization

WATCH Eric Trump Whine: ‘They’re Going To Start Seizing Assets!’

Eric Trump is absolutely terrified, and it shows.

Appearing Sunday morning on Fox News with host Maria Bartiromo, the son of failed one-term former president Donald Trump whined that insurance executives who refused to provide bonding for the $464 million owed by the Trump Organization for fraud was asked, “I’m trying to understand how this number came about, $454 million or $464 million, and what the real number is.”

“You know what? It was a crooked number. There are no victims. There is no number. The number should be zero.”

“This is extraordinary,” he continued. “No one’s ever seen a bond this size. Every single person, when I came to them saying, hey, can I get a half-billion-dollar bond?”

Sounds a lot like his old man, doesn’t he? No one’s ever seen a bond this size. Hard to tell if he’s bragging or complaining. Probably a bit of both, knowing the Trump family.

Eric then asserted that he and his father had been laughed at.

“Maria, they were laughing. They were laughing. Top executives of the largest surety companies had never seen anything of this size. And what, they’re going to start seizing assets if he can’t put up something that’s not available in the United States?”

Yes, Eric, that’s how it works. You’re found guilty of fraud, assessed a financial judgment, and if you can’t pay they start seizing your assets. Seems like a so-called “businessman” would understand that, but since the Trumps have always had everything handed to them on a silver platter, they don’t even know the basics of finance or the law.

Starting Monday, New York Attorney General Letitia James will indeed start seizing assets — bank accounts and properties owned by the Trumps — to satisfy the court’s ruling, which proves that Donald Trump has never been as rich as he claims to be. If he’s a billionaire, shouldn’t he have a half-billion sitting in his bank accounts? Earlier this week, he claimed he did, bragging on social media, “Through hard work, talent, and luck, I currently have almost five hundred million dollars in cash.”

Eric, meanwhile, is upset because he knows his old man is about to be broke and his inheritance will be little more than an already besmirched name.

Maybe the Trumps can beg Vladimir Putin for some bucks/rubles. Either that, or perhaps the Russian dictator can provide the Trumps with a dacha in Siberia.

Here’s the video of Eric’s pathetic whining:

Donald Trump Elections GOP U.S. Senate

GOP Senator Ready To Leave The Party Because She’s ‘Done’ With Donald Trump

Even if he manages to win a second term in office come November, Donald Trump may well find himself losing a member of his party in the U.S. Senate.

Manu Raju of CNN reports that during his recent discussion with Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), the senator said she’s “done” with Trump as the standard bearer of her party.

“I wish that as Republicans, we had … a nominee that I could get behind. I certainly can’t get behind Donald Trump.”

Would Murkowski renounce the GOP and become an independent?

“Oh, I think I’m very independent minded. I just regret that our party is seemingly becoming a party of Donald Trump.”

Is that a yes? Again, Murkowski refused to commit to what political affiliation she might choose.

“I am navigating my way through some very interesting political times. Let’s just leave it at that.”

Murkowski voted to convict Trump during his 2021 impeachment trial in the Senate. She also voted “present” instead of yay or nay on the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court after accusations of sexual assault were made against him by a former high school classmate, Christine Blasey Ford. Kavanaugh was later confirmed by a razor-thin margin, 50 to 48.

The Alaska Republican told Raju that she strongly disagrees with Trump calling January 6 prisoners “hostages” or “patriots” who deserve presidential pardons.

“I don’t think that it can be defended. What happened on January 6 was … an effort by people who stormed the building in an effort to stop an election certification of an election. It can’t be defended.”

Losing a Republican senator could be devastating to the GOP, which is seeking to regain control of the Senate in the upcoming election. And it might also mean that Trump would be unable to get his judicial nominees appointed to the bench. That alone would be a big blow to Republican efforts to confirm increasingly conservative judges.