Donald Trump Elections Viral Video WTF?!

WTF?! Trump Abruptly Ends Town Hall Q&A And Dances To Music For 39 Minutes!

If you happened to look at your Twitter/X feed this morning, you probably saw that one of the trending topics was “dementia.”

Dementia? Hmm. Who could that possibly apply to? If you guessed failed former president Donald Trump, give yourself a pat on the back and prepare yourself for what comes next.

According to Newsweek, Trump held a town hall meeting in Oaks, Pennsylvania, on Monday evening. It was hosted by South Dakota GOP Gov. Kristi Noem, who also happens to be a confessed dog murderer and overall vile douchebag.

Proceedings were paused while two attendees received medical attention, at which point Trump jokingly asked whether “anybody else would like to faint?” He then said: “Let’s not do any more questions. Let’s just listen to music. Let’s make it into a music. Who the hell wants to hear questions, right?”

Video or it didn’t happen, right? Here ya go:

What in the hell is that?! Can you imagine what Trump would have said if Vice President Kamala Harris had done the same thing? He made fun of President Joe Biden for using a teleprompter during his speeches, even though the Donald relies on one, too.

Of course, to hear the Trump campaign tell it (i.e. spin it), the musical interlude was just a nice change of pace that proves what a great man of the people their candidate is.

Campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung immediately went into damage control mode, posting on Twitter, “Something very special is happening in Pennsylvania right now at the Trump townhall. @realDonaldTrump is unlike any politician in history, and it’s great.”

But very few people were buying what Cheung was selling, and social media exploded with well-deserved mockery for the twice-impeached ex-head of state.

Someone really needs to stage an intervention. Of course, no one will, because they need Donnie so they can continue their grifting.

Donald Trump Elections GOP Polls

Internal GOP Poll Has Bad News For Trump And Republicans As The Election Draws Closer

With Election Day drawing closer by the hour, a new internal poll conducted by a group allied with the Republican Party has some bad news for former president Donald Trump and the GOP.

A copy of the poll was obtained by Politico, according to Newsweek, and shows the presidential race, along with several key Senate battles, trending to Democrats.

A memo containing the poll was circulated by the Senate Leadership Fund, a super PAC aligned with the Republican Party.

“The memo … included polling where Trump trailed Vice President Kamala Harris by 3 points in Michigan and by 1 point in Pennsylvania. The candidates were tied in Nevada and Arizona, while Trump led in Wisconsin by 1 point.”

In the Senate polls, incumbent Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey has a 2-point lead over Republican challenger Dave McCormick while Trump trails Vice President Kamala Harris 48 to 49 percent.

Michigan is also a key Senate race, and Rep. Elisa Slotkin (D) is shown with a massive 8-point advantage over Republican Mike Rogers, who has seen his numbers decline drastically in recent months. Slotkin currently leads 46 to 38 percent and appears to be solidifying her support as voters begin going to the polls for early voting.

Additionally, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is in the fight of his life, with a razor-thin one percent lead over Democratic challenger, Rep. Colin Allred. That could mean that the Lone Star State is also in play and might tip to VP Harris if turnout is high in key Democratic areas such as Austin and Houston.

One thing is certain: Even Republicans can see that their candidates are not doing well, and there’s very little time remaining to make up ground.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris Social Media

Kamala Harris’ Biting Question About Trump’s Health Sets Off Speculation On Social Media

At a rally in North Carolina on Sunday, Vice President Kamala Harris asked a question about the health of her Republican opponent, former president Donald Trump, that set off waves of speculation on social media regarding what exactly the ex-president is hiding by refusing to release his full medical records.

“He’s not being transparent with the voters,” Harris began. “He refuses to release his medical records.”

Harris also noted that Trump had steadfastly refused to sit for an interview with “60 Minutes” and has also said he won’t debate again before the election, which prompted her to ask, “It makes you wonder, why does his staff want him to hide away? One must question: Are they afraid that people will see that he is too weak and unstable to lead America?”

Those are fair questions, especially considering that Trump is 78 years old and would be 82 if he served another term in office. After all, Trump and his Republican allies have repeatedly questioned the health and acuity of President Joe Biden, who will turn 82 in November.

Just last week, Harris released a full medical report, something Trump has never done. And those records showed she was in “excellent health,” CBS News reported.

Vice President Kamala Harris is in “excellent health” and “possesses the physical and mental resiliency” required to serve as president, her doctor said in a letter released Saturday summarizing her medical history and status. 

Dr. Joshua Simmons, a U.S. Army colonel and physician to the vice president, wrote that 59-year-old Harris maintains a healthy, active lifestyle and that her most recent physical last April was “unremarkable.”

Harris’ question set off a wave of speculation and suggestions on Twitter/X.


Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

Trump Suggests Using The Military Against ‘Radical Left’ Voters

Failed and disgraced former president Donald Trump decided today that he’d go ahead and say the quiet part out loud.

During an interview with Maria Bartiromo of Fox News, Trump was asked if he was “expecting chaos on election day.”

The twice-impeached and multiply-indicted ex-head of state replied, “Not from the side that votes for Trump. I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within, not even the people that have come in and destroying our country, by the way, totally destroying our country, the towns, the villages, they’re being inundated.”

“But I don’t think they’re the problem in terms of election day,” he added. “I think the bigger problem are the people from within. We have some very bad people. We have some sick people, radical left lunatics.”

Then came a call for the military to deal with anyone who disagrees with him.

“And I think they’re the big, and it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military, because they can’t let that happen.”

In that same interview, Trump also tried to justify raising the price of nearly every good sold in the United States by imposing massive tariffs.

“But what about the criticism, and the Journal has done this as well, that if you do put something like a 200% tariff on a product, that it’s only gonna mean higher prices for consumers?” Bartiromo asked. “It’s gotta be passed on somehow.”

“All I’m doing is saying, I’ll put 200 or 500, I don’t care,” Trump responded. “I’ll put a number where they can’t sell one car into the United [States], I don’t want them to sell their car, because I don’t want them hurting our car companies.”

If Trump does happen to win in November, the United States will soon resemble Germany under Hitler. We can’t let that happen. It’s our sacred duty as Americans to vote against this wannabe tinpot dictator and then demand he be sent to prison for the rest of his life.


GOP Social Media WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Tries To Mock Conspiracy Theorists – And It Doesn’t End Well For Her

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is well-known for saying absurd and controversial things, including bizarre conspiracy theories about Jewish space lasers causing wildfires in California and Democrats generating massive hurricanes to hit states that voted for Donald Trump.

But according to a posting Greene made on Twitter Saturday, it’s everyone else who’s wrapped up in spreading lies and bullshit that have no basis in reality.

The post features a meme that shows a person wearing an enormous tinfoil hat and this message: “Almost everyone in America right now.”

Greene added her own commentary to the meme: “Yep.”

Wow! Talk about an irony alert. You’d need a truckful of them to cover that tweet.

Apparently, Ms. Greene is attempting to make some sort of social commentary regarding the fondness many have for spreading bullshit on the internet. But she’s not exactly the ideal messenger for such a message, and she was reminded of that.