Donald Trump Elections GOP

Tim Walz Is Trump And MAGA’s Worst Nightmare – And He Proves It In This Viral Interview

Now that he has been chosen as Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate, many are wondering what sort of campaigner Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz will be.

Based on an interview he gave to Elena Schneider of Politico, Walz is the perfect person to take on failed former president Donald Trump and his MAGA surrogates.

Asked about today’s Republican Party as led by Trump and his VP pick, Sen. J.D. Vance, Walz noted, “These guys are weird,” he said. “Once they start running, their weirdness shows up, and especially with the nominee on the other side.”

Walz added:

“This is going to be a binary choice. Democracy, or what we saw with the former president. Projects, like roads getting built, or dysfunction. Pre-existing conditions being covered by health care, or having that ripped out. Those binary choices will start to become clear. They saw us act, how we acted during Covid, they saw us act on the recovery. It’ll work itself out.”

On the biggest issue of the 2024 election, personal freedom, Walz has this to say, “There’s one golden rule in a small town, (for) those of you aren’t from a small town. Mind your own damn business. We don’t need ‘em. I don’t know who’s asking for this crazy stuff that they’re pushing. Who’s asking to ban birth control? Who’s asking to raise the price of insulin?”

He has also urged Democrats to be proud of their political roots and the labels that come with them from the opposition:

“Don’t ever shy away from our progressive values. One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”

There’s nothing weird about that, which is a hell of a lot more than you can say for Trump, Vance, and the vast majority of today’s GOP.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Republican Says J.D. Vance ‘Reeks’ Of 1 Thing – And It’s A BIG Problem For The GOP

Vice President Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate for the 2024 presidential election, but the choice of J.D. Vance by Donald Trump is already causing major headaches for the GOP as the election draws closer by the day.

Why is Vance so unpopular? According to Sarah Longwell of Republican Voters Against Trump, it can be summed up with one word: Phony.

Speaking with MSNBC’s Jen Psaki Monday evening, Longwell remarked, “The thing that is killing J.D. Vance is that voters, and I have listened to tons of swing voters since he was picked, and they don’t like him at all. They think he seems like a phony.”

The two leading contenders to run with Harris, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, Longwell added, “both seem pretty comfortable in their own skin and they feel authentic.”

Longwell’s comments drew lots of agreement on Twitter.

Donald Trump Elections Kamala Harris

Columnist Says Kamala Harris Has ‘Broken’ Trump And Donald Is ‘Running Scared’

Two weeks ago, it seemed like failed one-term president Donald Trump was headed for an easy and overwhelming win in the 2024 election.

Then President Joe Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed his Vice President, Kamala Harris.

Since then, USA Today columnist Rex Huppke notes, Trump has been flailing about, trying to regain his momentum, but the more the complains and rages at campaign rallies, the more he slides in the polls.

Vice President Harris, what have you done to this already very unstable man? The cheese has somehow slid farther off his cracker.

Trump is so shook that he backed out of a planned Sept. 10 presidential debate on ABC News, instead demanding a Sept. 4 debate at his network safe space – Fox News – with “a full arena audience.”

What Harris has done is put Trump on the defensive and provide a striking contrast between the two candidates, especially when it comes to the enthusiasm surrounding their respective campaigns.

After he was shot at and lightly wounded, Trump vowed to change, Huppke recalls, and that change lasted all of 24 hours.

Since then, the wheels have come off the GOP’s wagon, and Trump has backslid into a somehow worse version of the Trump whom voters sent packing in 2020. He’s panicked and flailing. Quicker than ever to default to the racism that has always undergirded his worldview.

An unhinged Trump is exactly the sort of candidate his advisers and campaign managers were hoping wouldn’t make an appearance until after the votes had been counted.

Instead, Evil Don is back with a vengeance, and that version of the disgraced ex-president is the same one that drove voters away by the millions in 2020.

What the refocused voters are seeing – what they saw in the Atlanta rally and in the rambling interviews he has been doing – is a man who let an opponent switch up and short-circuit his brain.

Yes, there are indeed 90 days until Election Day on November 5, Huppke concludes, but can Trump rein in his rage and focus on the issues?

But it’s clear that Trump is rattled, and that his usual tricks of hurling insults and invective aren’t working. In fact, the smiling calm of the Harris campaign is making Trump’s cruelty look worse than ever. That’s why the label “weird” has been sticking. For many, it’s all getting a bit tiresome.

And that just makes Trump angrier, and worse.

We have a long way to go until November, folks. But where we stand here and now, Trump looks like he’s broken. Broken and running scared. 

Donald Trump has always been terrified of strong, accomplished women. Now Kamala Harris has him jumping the shark at a time when voters want exactly the opposite. Could a Democratic landslide be in the offing?

Donald Trump Elections Social Media

‘Trump Is A Coward’ Is Trending On The Donald’s Own Social Media Network

Now that Donald Trump has stated he will refuse to show up for a scheduled September 4 debate with Vice President Kamala Harris hosted by ABC News, online chatter has intensified suggesting that the failed one-term former president is terrified of facing Harris, who is a formidable debater.

According to NBC News, Trump claims he only agreed to debate President Joe Biden and therefore isn’t obligated to show up since Biden has dropped out of the 2024 race for the White House.

The former president said the ABC debate was agreed to when President Joe Biden was the presumptive Democratic nominee “but has been terminated in that Biden will no longer be a participant.”

Trump also cited his active defamation lawsuit against ABC and the network’s anchor George Stephanopoulos — but that lawsuit was filed in March and the Biden-Trump debate on ABC was announced in May.

On Sunday, the phrase “Trump is a coward” began trending on Truth Social, which is partially owned by the convicted felon and ex-head of state.

At one point, “Trump is a coward” reached the third spot on trending posts Truth Social features, just behind “Jesus” and “Faith.”

The phrase has also become a trending hashtag on Twitter.

Trump has yet to respond to his being called a coward, but it should be fun to watch and see how long that lasts.


Donald Trump Donald Trump Jr. Elections Social Media

Enraged Don Jr. Has An Online Meltdown Over Democrats Calling His Daddy ‘Weird’

Bless his shrunken, coal-black heart, Donald Trump Jr. loves to dish out insults and nicknames for anyone he disagrees with, but he pitches a fit like a spoiled two-year-old when anyone dares to turn the tables and brand him or his old man with a less-than-flattering word.

Such is the case regarding the Democratic usage of the word “weird” to describe the odd political philosophy of today’s Republican Party.

Junior exploded on social media today in response to a posting from Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), who is failed one-term former president Donald Trump’s running mate.

Here’s what Vance posted on Twitter: “Let’s have a national conversation about weird, Kamala.”

That led Don Jr. to join the electronic debate.

Has there ever been a bigger case of projection in history than Kamala Harris calling someone “weird?”

Sounds like Harris and other Democrats have definitely gotten under the collective GOP skin, which was as thin as tissue paper to begin with.

It didn’t take long for internet karma to catch up with and steamroll Don Jr.