China Donald Trump Jr. Foreign Policy WTF?!

Donald Trump Jr: Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is The Reason For The Chinese Spy Balloon

According to Donald Trump Jr. (a.k.a. Eight Ball Jr.) the reason the Chinese spy balloon wandered into American airspace is very simple: It’s all due to Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Clearly inebriated on some illegal substance, Don Jr. posted a video on Friday afternoon in which he urged residents of Montana to shoot down the balloon (even though it’s at too high of an altitude to be taken down with a rifle) and then attempted to link the balloon to Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, who at least got help for his substance abuse problems, which is a hell of a lot more than you can say for Junior or his old man. (Toot toot!)

Here’s Don Jr’s brilliant rationale for the Chinese spy balloon:

“Do you think the billion-dollar Chinese investment into Hunter Biden was because he was a wonderful investor? All those incredible crackheads on Wall Street. There’s lots of them folks. The Chinese, you know, they don’t do any due diligence. They just hand out billions the same way Oprah hands out books. Stop shoot the thing down, figure out what’s going on, don’t look like a weakling.”

How does Junior know whether or not China does due diligence on its investments? Is he speaking from personal experience? After all, his old man had a Chinese bank account and even owed $20 million to a company that did business with North Korea in direct violation of U.S. law. And he owed that money while he was still president.

In other words, careful who you toss those allegations at, Don Jr., because you just might wind up shattering a few windows in that glass house your daddy bought for you with his grifting.

Junior got slammed online for his craziness, with many suggesting he needs to find a rehab and sign up STAT.

Do a few more lines, Junior. Maybe then you can fly and capture that Chinese balloon all by yourself.

By Andrew Bradford

Proud progressive journalist and political adviser living behind enemy lines in Red America.

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