GOP Joe Biden WTF?!

RNC Chair Tries To Blame Burning Of Fox News Christmas Tree On (Wait For It…) Joe Biden

Early Wednesday, the Fox News Christmas tree was set ablaze, the Washington Post reports:

The towering Christmas tree outside the Fox News headquarters in New York was set on fire early Wednesday, causing first responders to race to extinguish a blaze that engulfed the 50-foot tree in Midtown Manhattan.

Video posted to social media shows flames and smoke coming off the decorated tree shortly after midnight just outside the News Corp. building. The network cut in for a live broadcast of the blaze at Fox News Square, just days after the tree, covered in thousands of lights and ornaments, was ceremoniously lit to ring in the holidays.

A man was later arrested for the act:

Craig Tamanaha, 49, was arrested early Wednesday and charged with setting the fire, a New York Police Department spokesperson told The Washington Post. Tamanaha faces charges including criminal mischief, reckless endangerment and arson. The man “was observed by Fox News Channel security climbing the Christmas tree decorated outside their office building near the corner of West 48 Street and Sixth Avenue” about 12:15 a.m., police said.

End of story, right? Not according to Republican National Committee (RNC) Chair Ronna McDaniel, who went on Fox and tried to blame the whole thing on President Joe Biden.

McDaniel was asked to predict how she thought the GOP would do in the 2022 midterms. She remarked:

“What this poll is telling us is we’re going to take back the House and the Senate and the American people want a change. Biden is underwater. Harris’s approval is under 30% and Republicans are more trusted on three key issues: the economy, inflation and crime.

“And these are issues we’re seeing every day on our streets, around our homes, in our communities, on the news. Look at your Christmas tree that was just burned down. This is a huge problem for Democrats.”

Wait! What was that? A random act of arson is a problem for Democrats? Sounds like a bit of a stretch, and it also suggests Republicans are in big trouble, despite their bragging about how they intend to win in 2022.

Gun Crime Gun Nuts WTF?!

Rittenhouse Has To Withdraw From College Classes After Students Demand His Dismissal

Even though he was found not guilty by a jury in Wisconsin, Kyle Rittenhouse is learning that his actions will continue to have repercussions for the rest of his life.

Rittenhouse was enrolled in nursing classes at Arizona State University. That information came out during his trial, according to The Sacramento Bee:

He testified at his recent trial that he was enrolled as an online student at ASU, where he was studying nursing, The Arizona Republic reported.

However, the university clarified that Rittenhouse is not enrolled in the nursing program and is actually a non-degree-seeking student, a status that allows students to take classes for “transfer credit, personal growth or as prerequisites for a desired program,” according to the university’s independent student news organization, The State Press.

But students at ASU weren’t exactly ready to welcome Rittenhouse into their ranks, even as an online enrollee:

Kyle Rittenhouse is no longer enrolled in classes at Arizona State University, a university spokesperson told McClatchy News.

Student groups upset that he was enrolled at one point say they still plan to push school officials to denounce white supremacy, Students for Socialism at ASU said in a Tweet.

Rittenhouse is still facing the possibility of federal charges being filed against him, and the families of the people he killed are also considering filing civil lawsuits against him that could leave him and his family penniless, according to NBC News:

If Rittenhouse were taken to civil trial for wrongful death, the teen could claim self-defense, as he did during the criminal case. He has said that he went to Kenosha to protect property from rioters but that he came under attack and feared for his life when he shot three people, two of them fatally.

But the burden of proof civil plaintiffs need to make, by a preponderance of evidence rather than beyond a reasonable doubt, is much lower than what Kenosha prosecutors faced during the criminal trial, legal experts say.

Rory Little, a professor at the University of California Hastings College of Law, noted:

“In a civil case you just have to prove negligence. Did his conduct fall below the standard of care that the average person would have?

“(Rittenhouse) could say, ‘I didn’t have the intent to kill anyone — I just panicked.’ The jury could still say, ‘We didn’t think the average person would do what you did.’ If your conduct is judged to be less than that, you lose.”

Kyle is already losing. And it appears that streak will continue.

Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump’s Thanksgiving Message Is So Selfish And Delusional It’ll Make You Gag

Failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump wants us all to know that we have one thing above all others to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day: That he’s still around and is plotting a comeback in 2024.

In other words, he’s just as delusional as ever and thinks we actually want him back in the White House.

Trump released a holiday message via his spokesperson, Liz Harrington, which she posted on Twitter because the Donald no longer has access to any respected social media platform:

“A very interesting time in our Country, but do not worry, we will be great again—and we will all do it together.

“America will never fail, and we will never allow it to go in the wrong direction. Too many generations of greatness are counting on us. Enjoy your Thanksgiving knowing that a wonderful future lies ahead!”

Around the same time, Trump’s Save America PAC sent out this message trying to raise money so Grifter Don can pay his legal bills:

“We have a lot to be thankful for, but unfortunately, RECORD HIGH INFLATION is not one of those things. Biden took the beautiful, strong economy I built and lit it up in flames. The price of your Thanksgiving meal has gone up 14%. Despicable.”

The real reason we should be thankful today is because Donald Trump is no longer president and is under criminal investigation in several jurisdictions. If we’re lucky, by this time next year he’ll be indicted and facing prison.

As for “despicable,” the most despicable thing of all is what the ex-president sees anytime he looks in the mirror.

Crime Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump Claims He ‘Saved Kenosha’ As He Takes Credit For Kyle Rittenhouse’s Acquittal

According to failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump, it’s a good thing he was in office when Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed two people in Kenosha, Wisconsin, because the city was saved and Rittenhouse was acquitted thanks to the brilliant actions of the Donald.

Speaking with Fox News host Laura Ingraham, Trump had this to say about the not guilty verdict handed down by a jury on Friday:

“I think that it was a great decision. I was sad it had to go this far. Somebody should have ended it earlier, and frankly the case should have never been brought. It was prosecutorial misconduct. … I was very happy to see (the not guilty verdict). A lot of people were very happy to see it — most people.”

Trump went on to accuse CNN and MSNBC of making the case about race:

“They were really trying to spew hatred. They’d love to see riots all over the place”

Like the riots that took place at the Capitol on January 6th when Trump urged his supporters to march on the building and make sure the electoral votes weren’t counted?

The ex-president also patted himself on the back for saving the city of Kenosha:

“We saved Kenosha very early. It was a horrible couple of nights. They got individual stores. The place didn’t burn down to the ground because we sent in a lot of good people.”

As usual, Trump wants us to believe that only he is capable of handling a crisis. Yet he failed to adequately control the COVID pandemic, repeatedly lied about the dangers of the virus, and even suggested it could be treated by injecting disinfectant or using bright light inside the body.

Every time he opens his big mouth, Donald Trump reminds us why voters overwhelmingly rejected him.

Here’s the video from Fox:

GOP The Biden Administration U.S. Senate WTF?!

GOP Senator Makes A Fool Of Himself When He Tries To Smear Biden Nominee

During a confirmation hearing in the Senate Banking Committee on Thursday, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) proved that though he may not be as well known as his equally obnoxious GOP colleagues, Sens. Ted Cruz (TX) and Josh Hawley (MO), he’s just as narrow-minded and bigoted as his two colleagues.

The Banking Committee was considering the nomination of Saule Omarova to be comptroller of currency, and Kennedy used his allotted time to suggest that since Dr. Omarova was born in Kazakhstan when it was still part of the Soviet Union. As a child in that Soviet satellite, Omarova was forced to join the Young Communists because if she hadn’t she would have been persecuted by Soviet authorities and perhaps even sent to a gulag where she would more than likely have died.

Specifically, according to CNBC, Kennedy went out of his way to suggest that Omarova might still be a communist:

Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., asked Omarova about her membership in a youth communist group during her childhood in Kazakhstan.

Omarova replied that membership in the Communist Party was required under the totalitarian government and noted that members of her family were murdered by the Communist Party led by Joseph Stalin.

That’s the very same Joseph Stalin who killed an estimated 6 million people he considered to be “disloyal” to him. The Omarova family could either claim to be communists or they could have been wiped off the face of the planet.

And yet, Kennedy felt it necessary to then add:

“I’m struggling with what to call her. I don’t know whether to call her ‘Professor’ or ‘Comrade.’”

Fortunately, Democrats on the committee called out Kennedy for his comments, with Committee Chairman Sherrod Brown of Ohio noting that his colleague was asking “irrelevant” questions. Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts called Kennedy’s remarks “vicious.”

The real reason Kennedy and other Republicans are opposed to Dr. Omarova is because she’s promised to keep a close eye on the reckless fiscal policies of big banks, telling NY Magazine in a recent interview:

“They [the banks] know that I won’t let them do whatever they want. I’m not the one to easily go along with whatever big banks would tell me is ‘good for them, therefore good for the country.’ I want to make sure that what is good for them is also good for the country. I’m also very reasonable, and I will have an open door, and I will work with any bank that wants to do good for the country. Any bank that wants to channel credit into the real communities, real economy, I’ll be their best friend. If wealthy banks genuinely commit to doing good for the United States, then they have nothing to be afraid of from me. Nothing.”

That’s not what big banks like Chase, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo want to hear, so their paid puppets in the Senate GOP are attacking Dr. Omarova as some sort of a danger to capitalism, which is total bullshit.

Banks need to be regulated. If you doubt that, remember how the foolish policies of banks nearly crashed the U.S. economy back in 2007 and led to what became known as the Great Recession.

Sen. Kennedy and his ilk are nothing but bigoted assholes who would gladly crash the American economy again if it would benefit their corporate sugar daddies.