Fox News The Biden Administration WTF?!

Laura Ingraham Calls The Biden White House ‘The MSNBC Administration’ And Gets Hit With A Blunt Reminder

According to Fox News host Laura Ingraham, President Joe Biden isn’t actually running the country. On her show Wednesday evening, Ingraham declared that the Biden White House should be called “the MSNBC administration,” Mediaite reports:
“This is the Democrats’ entire political agenda in 2022: ‘We’ll protect from you the insurrectionists.’ “This isn’t a hard left country. They’re not going to be able to convince voters to dump the Electoral College, make D.C. a state, get rid of capitalism, or eliminate prisons. Not gonna happen. This isn’t the Biden administration, though. Is it really? It’s the MSNBC administration.”
Wow! That’s pretty rich when you consider that Fox News was constantly cheering for and advising failed, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump during his term in office. Additionally, at least 21 people worked at Fox News and later in the Trump administration. In other words, Ingraham is engaged in classic projection: Accusing others of your own actions. It’s the very same tactic used by tyrants throughout history. And that’s exactly what social media users told Ingraham as they slammed her for being a pathetic hypocrite:
Capitol Insurrection Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump Urges ‘MAGA Nation’ To ‘Rise Up’ On Eve Of Capitol Insurrection Anniversary

With the anniversary of the January 6 Capitol insurrection now less than 24 hours away, failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump issued a statement urging his supporters to “rise up” against the government yet again.

In a statement issued via his spokesperson, Liz Harrington, on Twitter, where Trump remains permanently banned, the disgraced ex-president railed against any efforts to control the spread of COVID-19 in the United States, suggesting such measures are a burden on the people:

Be sure and note the line, “This is an outrage, and MAGA nation should rise up and oppose this egregious federal government overreach.” Rise up? Sounds more than a little like the language Trump used at his speech prior to the Capitol riots that left five people dead.

The worst president in American history had planned to hold a news conference tomorrow, but was talked out of that by people close to him. Also, since no major networks were planning to carry the presser, Donnie wouldn’t have had a captive audience to share his lies and conspiracy theories with.

Reaction to the Trump statement was swift and featured reminders that he’s facing jail time for his role in the crimes committed on Jan. 6.

Anti-Vaxxers Coronavirus Social Media WTF?!

MT Greene Gets Slapped Down For Posting Blatant Lie That Anti-Vaxxers Are Being Denied Medical Treatment

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) went on fact-free, extended Twitter rant (19 tweets!) on Saturday, spewing conspiracy theories, vitriol, and plenty of whining as she compared what she called “Before COVID” and “After COVID,” even going to far as to suggest (incorrectly) that some people who aren’t vaccinated are being denied medical treatment.

Greene asserted in her tweetstorm that the only reason the government is urging Americans to get vaccinated is to enrich pharmaceutical companies, which is more than a bit hypocritical when you consider that she owns stock in companies that are producing the vaccine:

Greene holds stock in AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson, each worth between $1,000 and $15,000, according to an August 13, 2020, filing from Greene with the clerk of the House of Representatives.

Here are some of the lowlights from Greene’s social media meltdown:

Is any of what Greene alleges true? Of course not! The woman hasn’t said anything accurate or factual since she announced she was running for Congress. And she’s only accelerated her bullshit since getting elected.

Reaction to Greene’s stupidity was immediate and harsh:

UPDATE: Greene’s Twitter account has been permanently suspended for spreading lies and misinformation about COVID.

Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump Tells Newsmax He Rescued Christmas: ‘Brought It Back Very Quickly!’

If you enjoy this time of the year and are a big fan of Christmas, you should be down on your hands and knees thanking failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump for rescuing the holiday from destruction.

Or at least that’s what Trump wants you to believe.

Speaking with Mike Huckabee of Newsmax, Trump couldn’t wait to toot his own horn and pat himself on the back for keeping Christmas from being destroyed by people who insist on saying “Happy Holidays.”

Huckabee prompted Trump by remarking:

“We went through a long period where people quit saying Merry Christmas. You deliberately changed that!”

Trump responded:

“It was embarrassing for stores to say ‘Merry Christmas,’ you’d see these big chains, they want your money but they don’t want to say ‘Merry Christmas.’ They’d use reds, they’d use whites and snow but they wouldn’t say Christmas!”

The failed ex-president then added:

“When I started campaigning, I said, ‘You’re going to say Merry Christmas again,’ and now people are saying it.

“We brought it back very quickly!”

Brought it back quickly? It was never gone! People have been saying “Merry Christmas” for hundreds of years and no one stopped saying it. The fact that businesses chose to include those who celebrate Hanukkah and Kwanza (or don’t recognize any of those) was done to keep from excluding those who don’t do the Christmas thing.

For some unknown reason, this whole “war on Christmas” got started on right-wing media to make it appear that Christians were being persecuted. That’s a lie. No one cares what you say during the Holidays. It doesn’t change what you believe in your heart. The only thing that can do that is believing bullshit spread by propagandists, fascists, and liars.

Donald Trump didn’t rescue or save Christmas. He just needs something to claim credit for because his presidency was a miserable failure.

Eric Trump Joe Biden Social Media WTF?!

Eric Trump Is Now Pushing The Idea That Joe Biden Won’t Live Through His Term In Office

Ever since Joe Biden was elected president, those opposed to him have been trying to suggest that he might be in failing health, even though they fail to provide any facts or evidence to support such a premise.

The irony of such morbid speculation is especially rich when you consider that failed, one-term former President Donald Trump was indeed a walking health time bomb. While in office, he was morbidly overweight, often consumed large amounts of fast food, and got almost no exercise.

In contrast, President Biden is toned, eats a balanced diet, and regularly exercises with the use of a Peloton bike.

And yet, despite this contrast, Trump’s son, Eric, is now posting tweets in which he is tacitly endorsing the idea that Biden won’t live out the length of his term in office:

Also included in Eric’s tweet is an attempt to fearmonger among the MAGA faithful by appealing to their racism and misogyny: If Biden doesn’t serve his term, a black woman will replace him!

Eric’s obvious reveling in the idea of another person’s passing is both perverse and disgusting, as many people reminded the twice-impeached former president’s spawn: