Fox News Immigration WTF?!

Judge Jeanine Gets Heavily Trolled After She Says Some Immigrants May Be Alcoholics

In what may wind up being the ultimate irony of 2022, Fox News host Jeanine Pirro says she’s worried that some of the immigrants coming into the United States may have a drinking problem.

As The Wrap notes, Judge Jeanine made her remarks on the Fox show “The Five.”

“[Biden] is opening up the borders to people we don’t even vet. We don’t know who among them is a criminal, who among them is a pedophile, who’s an alcoholic, who likes children, who is convicted of murder, who’s a Latin King. Don’t we have a right to know that?”

The irony, of course, is that Pirro has been accused of appearing on-air while in the bag. Here’s an example:

Back in 2017, Pirro was ticketed for driving much faster than the posted speed limit:

The former district attorney, whose show “Justice with Judge Jeanine” is a staple of the Fox News channel, was ticketed by a state trooper Sunday for driving 119 mph in the Southern Tier town of Nichols.

Pirro, 66, was pulled over at 1:15 p.m. on Route 17, said a spokeswoman for the state police. The speed limit there is 65 mph.

Imagine if Pirro had been drunk when she was going that fast!

It didn’t take long before internet karma caught up with Judge Jeanine for her “alcoholic” remark regarding those immigrating to the U.S.

Congress GOP Social Media WTF?!

This Tweet From Lauren Boebert Is So Crazy That Social Media Users Are Still Shaking Their Heads

It’s a given that some crazy stuff gets posted on social media. If you doubt that, just take a spin around Twitter or Facebook on any given day and you’ll run across all kinds of head-scratching nonsense that borders on unintelligible and/or vapid.

But a tweet posted by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) has completely confounded even the most forgiving of social media patrons because it quite simply makes no sense whatsoever.

Here’s an attempt to decrypt that word salad:

Inflation numbers were released, so the first sentence checks out.

But the “tobacco industry being immune from prostitutes being sued” is a complete non sequitur. Where in the hell did that come from, and what does it mean? Do you recall reading anything in the news lately about the tobacco industry being sued by prostitutes or vice versa?

As for “any sort of economic solution,” be sure and note that Ms. Boebert provided no ideas of her own regarding economic policies she thinks might be used to combat inflation.

Twitter users were left shaking their heads to the point of dizziness.


GOP U.S. Senate WTF?!

Dense Marsha Blackburn Suggests Building A Wall Between Tennessee And…Alabama?

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) is to the U.S. Senate what Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) are to the House of Representatives: A clueless gasbag who knows almost nothing about virtually everything.

Blackburn proved her massive ignorance with a tweet she sent out suggesting that her home state of Tennessee wants to see a wall built on its southern border:

“Tennesseans want a wall on our southern border.”

Blackburn likely meant that the people of Tennessee want a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, but the way she phrased her tweet set off hysterical laughter online and was a reminder that the senator’s so-called “qualifications” for office are a degree in home economics from Mississippi State University.

Congress Elections GOP The Biden Administration WTF?!

Greene Says House Republicans Will Impeach Biden And Harris If They Win The Midterm Election

If Republicans win control of the House of Representatives in the upcoming midterm elections, according to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), their top priority won’t be legislating or doing anything to help the American people. Instead, they intend to try and impeach President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

At a reelection kickoff for alleged sex trafficker Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Greene made it clear that she and her GOP colleagues will be seeking payback for the two impeachments of failed, one-term former President Donald Trump:

“Here’s what we do after that we too impeach Kamala Harris, because you can’t encourage, and promote, and raise money for criminal rioters, and expect to serve the interest of the people, the great people of the United States. That is a conflict of interest.”

If Republicans win control of the House, they can indeed impeach Biden and Harris, though there’s no way either would be convicted in a Senate trial. Such a move would also alienate millions of voters as the country moves closer to the 2024 presidential election.

Trump has been hinting that he will likely run in 2024, but considering his age, questionable health, and possible indictment, that’s not even a 50-50 proposition.

Greene and her ilk are on the verge of overplaying their hand, and that could wind up making it all the more likely that Democrats win in 2024 and become the permanent party in power for decades.

Donald Trump Social Media WTF?!

According To Devin Nunes, Trump’s Truth Social Has Turned Twitter Into A ‘Ghost Town’

Despite evidence to the contrary, Devin Nunes insists that failed, one-term former President Donald Trump’s social media startup, Truth Social, is doing so well that Twitter has become a “ghost town.”

Just last week, according to Newsweek, we learned how pathetic Truth Social actually is:

Last week, a mobile analytics firm stated that downloads for Truth Social were down more than 90 percent since launching in February. During the week of its launch earlier this year, there were more than 870,000 downloads, which has now fallen to approximately 60,000 downloads a week.

But pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! Devin Nunes says the reports of Truth Social being a flop are exaggerated, even though he and Trump and the ones known for exaggeration (a.k.a. lying).

Appearing on Fox Business Thursday morning, Nunes told host Maria Bartiromo:

“There’s not very much activity over at Twitter right now, especially when you compare it to sites like ours, where we’re just in our beginning stages as we continue to test and bring people on day by day.”

Yeah, that must be why Elon Musk just bought a 9.2% share in Twitter instead of Truth Social, which is such a giant failure that not even Trump posts anything on his own social media platform.

Nunes was also pushing his bullshit during an interview he gave to The Washington Times:

“Bottom line is it’s the fastest-growing social media company in history. There hasn’t been one that has grown faster.

“Because we’re building this from scratch without using any of the tech tyrants, anyone who can cancel us, we have to go methodically, step by step, to ensure both quality and reliability.”

Sure thing, Devin. But did he offer any data to support his claims? Nope. It’s just him doing his best imitation of Trump and lying about everything.