Gun Nuts WTF?!

Kyle Rittenhouse Claims He’s Now Attending Texas A&M – The University Says He’s Lying

According to acquitted Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, he’s now a student at Texas A&M University.

Rittenhouse made that claim during an appearance on a broadcast of “The Charlie Kirk Show,” telling the host:

“I’m going to be going there. It’s going to be awesome. Beautiful campus, amazing people, amazing food.”

“It’s going to be an amazing experience where I can go and finally get an education. Over the past six months, I’ve been out having fun, living my life being a free man. Now it’s time to go and get an education, get good grades, and be successful in life.”

Just one problem: Texas A&M says Rittenhouse is lying and isn’t enrolled for either the summer or fall, NBC News reports:

“He has not been admitted as a student this summer or fall,” university spokesperson Kelly Brown told The Dallas Morning News. NBC News has reached out to the university for comment.

This isn’t the first time Rittenhouse has been involved in a controversy surrounding his higher education goals, Mediaite notes:

Rittenhouse previously took online classes as a non-degree student at Arizona State University and told reporters he wanted to study on campus after the trial.

Several ASU students protested following the verdict, and a petition called “Kyle Rittenhouse Should Not Be Allowed To Attend ASU” garnered more than 17,000 signatures (though some likely came from individuals unaffiliated with the university).

“Our records show that he is not currently enrolled,” ASU spokesperson Jay Thorne wrote in an email to the Arizona Republic late last November. “There was no action taken by the university.”

Sounds like Kyle has the same problem as the man who has gladly embraced him and even posed for a photo: Failed, one-term former President Donald Trump, who is also fond of lying more often than he breathes.

On August 5, 2020, Rittenhouse traveled from his home in Illinois to Kenosha (complete with an assault rifle) and fatally shot Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26. He later claimed he had done so to protect property in the city from being destroyed.

Congress GOP Gun Crime Social Media WTF?!

Paul Gosar Tweets And Then Deletes Lie That The Texas Shooter Was A ‘Transsexual Leftist Illegal Alien’

While we already knew that Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) is one of the most bigoted and disgusting people currently serving in Congress, something he tweeted shortly after a mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, killed 21 people was so tone-deaf (and completely incorrect) that he felt a need to delete the tweet a couple of hours later.

HuffPost notes:

Extremist Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Arizona) deleted a disturbing and offensive tweet Tuesday that falsely claimed the gunman who killed more than 20 people at a Texas school was a “transsexual leftist illegal alien.”

The lawmaker wrote the message in response to a Twitter user who wondered if the shooter was a member of the far-right, “the kind of trash that” Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and Gosar “travel to speak to?” before deleting their tweet.

Gosar’s conspiracy theory about the shooter was also widely disseminated on right-wing media, despite its factual inaccuracy:

Gosar, an anti-immigration hardliner who routinely cozies up to white nationalists, was apparently promoting a false claim circulating on right-wing networks. Users shared images of a trans person unrelated to the attack claiming they were the shooter.

Who needs facts when you’re trying to spread a lie? Right, Paul.

Gosar is such a sorry excuse of a human being that his own family members have urged voters in his district not to support him. They have also suggested he should be held responsible for his role in the January 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Congress GOP WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Whines About There Now Being A ‘Target’ On White Supremacists

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) says there’s no need to worry in the least about white supremacy in the United States despite the fact that the accused Buffalo mass shooter made it clear he allegedly shot and killed 10 black people because he was worried about being “replaced” by people of color in the U.S..

Speaking with Real America’s Voice on Sunday, Greene insisted that there needs to be more focus on blacks who commit crime, not on whites who commit mass murder:

“Jerry Nadler was on the House floor and he was talking about white supremacy. And he was bringing up the terrible shooting that happened in [Buffalo] but totally ignoring the shooting that happened in California that I think involved an Asian man who was the shooter totally ignoring the guy that drove his car, black man that drove his car through a Christmas parade [in Waukesha, Wisconsin], killing people and was a racist himself, completely ignoring the black man that did the New York subway shooting.”

See, to Marjorie, crime is only a threat when it’s committed by a person of color. No need to talk about white supremacy, she insisted:

“These people are all guilty of these crimes and it’s not about race. It shouldn’t be about race. But they’re clearly racist as well, so white supremacy shouldn’t be the main target.

“We should be more concerned about the illegal invasion at the border, the crime happening every single day on our streets, especially in cities like Chicago. We should go after criminals that break the law and not pursue people based on their skin color and how they vote. But that’s what the Democrats want to do.”

No, Margie, that’s simply a bullshit conspiracy theory, and we all know how fond you are of those and other nonsense that you see on the internet and then parrot as if it’s fact.

White supremacy and right-wing terrorism is the single-greatest threat to this country, according to FBI Director Chris Wray, who just happens to have been appointed by failed, one-term former President Donald Trump.

If there’s a “target” on white supremacists, that’s a good thing. They don’t deserve to walk among us in the first place. They belong in prison.

Abortion WTF?!

Anti-Abortion Activist Tells House Committee Electricity In DC Comes From ‘Burning Fetuses’

At a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee this week, an anti-abortion activist told members of the panel that electric power in Washington, D.C. is provided by burning aborted fetuses.

Mediaite notes:

Catherine Glenn Foster, who is the president and CEO of Americans United for Life, appeared before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. She spoke out forcefully and at times graphically about abortion. At one point she claimed discarded fetuses help power Washington, D.C.:

“Abortion activism always requires euphemism and misdirection. Why? Because of the violent nature of abortion. Because it is, frankly, inconvenient. Human persons, from their earliest, days poisoned in the womb and dismembered, torn limb from limb, bodies thrown in medical waste bins and – in places like Washington, D.C. – burned to power the lights of the city’s homes and streets.

“Let that image sink in with you for a moment. The next time you turn on the light, think of the incinerators, think about what we’re doing to ourselves so callously and so numbly.”

Where did Foster get such an absurd conspiracy theory? HuffPost reports it likely came from rumors that medical waste is often incinerated:

While some states, like Indiana, require aborted fetuses to be buried or cremated in a funeral home, they’re disposed of as medical waste in the nation’s capital.

That has led anti-choice activists to accuse Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services, the largest medical waste incinerator in the country, of transporting and incinerating fetuses to generate energy. Recently, an anti-abortion activist found with the remains of five fetuses in her apartment claimed that she and a colleague had obtained them from a Curtis Bay worker. The company denied the claim, saying company policy prohibits it from transporting fetal remains.

If indeed the Supreme Court does overturn Roe v. Wade and criminalize the right of women to make their own reproductive choices, how many unwanted orphans will Catherine Glenn Foster be willing to adopt?

Congress GOP WTF?!

Meet The 9 House Republicans Who Voted To Deny Formula To Babies In Poor Families

For weeks now, Republicans in Congress have been excoriating the Biden administration for the shortage of infant baby formula in the United States, even though blame squarely lies with Abbott Laboratories, which had to shut down a manufacturing facility in Michigan after it was discovered some of their formula was contaminated with a dangerous bacteria.

To help solve the problem, President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he was invoking the Defense Production Act and would also be allowing for an increase in imports of baby formula to the U.S.

And yet, when Republicans were given the chance to help babies in poor families get access to more formula, nine members of the House GOP voted no to expansion of a program that would do exactly that, according to Newsweek:

The Access to Baby Formula Act, also known as H.R. 7791, would allow low-income women to buy more baby formula through the federal Women, Infant and Children (WIC) program.

It received a 414-9 bipartisan support in a House vote on Wednesday amid the formula shortage crisis in the country.

The nine lawmakers who voted about the bill were all Republicans. They are: Reps. Andy Biggs (Arizona), Lauren Boebert (Colorado), Matt Gaetz (Florida), Louie Gohmert (Texas), Paul Gosar (Arizona), Marjorie Taylor Greene (Georgia), Clay Higgins (Louisiana), Thomas Massie (Kentucky) and Chip Roy (Texas).

Attempting to explain his heartless vote, Gaetz remarked:

“It will allow WIC to utilize a far greater portion of the baby formula market, crowding out many hard-working American families.

“All considered, government-empowered swings to markets typically create more problems than they solve. Instead of creating new emergency authorities for the Incompetent Biden Regime, we should source more product for all American families and solve the problem.”

Bullshit! Gaetz and his eight colleagues don’t give a damn about poor children, especially if they happen to be from families of color.

The next time you hear a Republican mention the “sanctity of life,” keep in mind that’s just a talking point they use during election season. The rest of the time, they don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves.