GOP Gun Crime Gun Nuts WTF?!

Marjorie Greene Gets Smacked Down For Blaming Latest Mass Shooting On Antidepressants

Eager to prove her complete lack of comprehension and featly to the gun lobby, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is desperately trying to blame the July 4th mass shooting in Highland Park, Illinois on antidepressant medications and video games instead of weapons of mass murder.

Robert Crimo III is the suspected shooter who allegedly killed 6 people during an Independence Day parade and wounded 31 others.

Greene, however, thinks guns had nothing to do with the crime, and took to Twitter so she could proudly declare her ignorance for the entire internet to see, writing:

“What drugs and/or psychiatric drugs was he on for his mind to be ruined in alternate reality games that caused him to commit a mass shooting? His parents know. The police know. School, arrest, hospital records? The public DESERVES to know.”

She also posted this:

“When are we going to talk about drugs and SSRI’s? When are they going to release the shooters records? Why wasn’t his threats of mass shootings in his videos taken seriously by LE that knew about him? What did his parents know? Gun control won’t stop this epidemic of evil.”

Shannon Watts, the founder of firearms safety advocacy group Moms Demand Action, quickly reminded Greene of some cold hard facts she had neglected to mention regarding mass shootings and gun crime.

“Iceland is the world’s biggest consumer of [selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors]. They’ve had 5 gun homicides since 2020; in the US, there have been over 30,000 in that time. Japan is one of the largest video game markets in the world. They have only 10 shooting deaths a year; the US has 40,000. It’s the guns.”

Video games and antidepressants, according to Greene. But how many people would have died if Crimo had been unable to obtain the weapon he used? Would tossing knives off the roof where he carried out the shooting have killed and wounded so many people? No. And yet it’s all about drugs and games.

Marjorie Taylor Greene and the vast majority of the Republican Party are whores for the NRA and gun manufacturers. It’s that simple and that easily diagnosed.

Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump’s Independence Day Message Is A Whiny Pout About How Persecuted He Is

Proving yet again that failed, one-term former president Donald Trump thinks the world revolves around him and he’s the most persecuted man on the face of the planet, the ex-president managed to make his so-called Independence Day message to the country all about himself and how persecuted he’s been.

Posting on his failing Truth Social site, Trump was in full whine mode:

Aww…poor little Donnie Dotard. The first sentence is proof-positive that he’s scared shitless by what the January 6 House Select Committee has already uncovered regarding his role in the post-2020 election coup attempt.

His mention of his two impeachments only serves to remind everyone that he’s the only president in U.S. history to ever be impeached multiple times.

The Muller Report made it clear that Trump and members of his 2016 presidential campaign had multiple contacts with Russian nationals in attempts to get dirt on his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton. He then turned around and tried to do the same damn thing in 2020, blackmailing the nation of Ukraine to give him damaging information about Joe Biden in exchange for releasing military aid to the Ukrainians.

Everyone is out to get Trump. Yeah, as if he needs any help in destroying himself.

Responses to the Trump July 4th message were harsh and well-deserved.

Social Media Trump Supporters WTF?!

Kid Rock Sends Out A Hateful July 4th Posting And Gets Hit With Massive Online Backlash

Kid Rock (who was born Robert James Ritchie) has long been a fan of failed, one-term former president Donald Trump, which immediately tells you that he’s an ignorant pile of human excrement who has fewer brain cells than he does teeth in his head.

Also, if you’ve ever heard any of Kid Rock’s so-called “music,” you know he’s a talentless hack who couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket, let alone make real music that doesn’t sound like enraged cats fighting inside a gunny sack.

But now Kid is here to bestow his July 4th message for 2022, and it sounds like it could have been written by Trump himself or his traitorous eldest son, Don Jr., at the end of a long weekend as the realization hits that the eight-ball of Peruvian marching powder has run out and his dealer is in the Cayman Islands for an extended vacation.

As you’d expect, Robert James Ritchie decided to post his message on Trump’s pathetic Twitter imitation, Truth Social, but it was later shared via tweet by one of Kid’s brainless fans.

Reaction to the “pussy” posting drew plenty of fire on Twitter, all of it well-deserved and some it downright hilarious.

Here’s a suggestion for Kid Rock: Take your no-talent ass back to Michigan where you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. The vast majority of us are sick of hearing your whining and what you claim is music.

Capitol Insurrection Congress January 6 Social Media WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Tweets Out A Disgusting Threat At Cassidy Hutchinson

Near then end of today’s January 6 House Select Committee hearing, we learned that there have been efforts to exert influence on witnesses who appear before the panel.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), who serves as vice chair of the committee, announced:

“The easy course is to hide from the spotlight and to deny what happened. We have evidence of one particular practice that raises significant concern.

“Our committee commonly asks witnesses connected to Mr. Trump’s administration or campaign whether they’ve been contacted by any of their former colleagues or anyone else who attempted to influence or impact their testimony.”

Cheney then read one example of a communique that had been sent to a witness:

“What they said to me is, as long as I continue to be a team player, they know I’m on the right team … I’m protecting who I need to protect, you know, I’ll continue to stay in good graces in Trump World. And they have reminded me a couple of times that Trump does read transcripts and just to keep that in mind as I proceeded through my depositions and interviews with the committee.” 

In another example, someone called a witness and said an unnamed person “wants me to let you know that they are thinking about you. He knows you’re loyal, and you’re going to do the right thing when you go in for your deposition.”

Clearly, what Cheney was hinting at was witness tampering, which is a very serious federal crime.

And now we have another example of potential witness tampering, this time aimed directly at today’s star witness, former Trump administration official Cassidy Hutchinson.

The threat aimed at Hutchinson comes from none other than Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who sent this tweet:

“Cassidy Hutchinson lied and the@January6thCmte held a special hearing today to broadcast her lies. In ‘23, every single one of them need to be held accountable for what they are putting Pres Trump, his admin, & Republicans through on the people’s dime.

“Enough of this.”

Be sure and note the reference Greene made to a tweet from right-wing lugnut Jack Posobiec, which suggests that Trump couldn’t have possibly reached into the front seat of the limo the way Hutchinson alleged.

However, neither Posobiec or Greene paying very close attention, as another person reminded them regarding the limo:

Let’s not forget just how rich it is that Greene is accusing someone of lying, something both she and Donald Trump do more often then they exhale.

And then there’s the matter of Greene requesting a pardon from Trump as he was preparing to leave office. Who needs a pardon? A guilty person, and thanks to Cassidy Hutchinson we know that Greene and others Republicans in Congress were begging to be pardoned.

But the threat from Greene to Hutchinson and others can clearly be seen as witness tampering, and she damn sure won’t be getting any pardons before 2025 at the soonest if she’s charged and convicted.

So thanks, Margie. You just provided all the evidence needed to nail your trifling ass to the wall and send you off to prison.

Gun Nuts WTF?!

Kyle Rittenhouse Has Launched A Video Game Where Players Can Kill ‘Fake News Turkeys’

In his ongoing effort to try and make a buck off the fact that he shot and killed two people in Kenosha, Wisconsin back in 2020, Kyle Rittenhouse has just launched a video game in which players can shoot and kill what he calls “fake news turkeys.”

The New York Post reports:

Kyle Rittenhouse announced the release of a new video game Thursday in which you can shoot “fake news turkeys” — and proceeds will go to his ongoing effort to sue media outlets for defamation.

Rittenhouse, who was acquitted last year after fatally shooting two men and injuring a third during a 2020 protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, said on Twitter that the game is part of his effort to “fight back against fake news.”

“The media is nothing but a bunch of turkeys with nothing better to do than push their lying agenda and destroy innocent people’s lives,” he said in a promotional video for the game, which he is selling on his website for $9.99.

In case you’re wondering who would choose to go into business with a figure as controversial as Rittenhouse, the game was created with the help of Mint Studios, whose CEO told the Washington Examiner:

“We had to step in to help Kyle after we saw what was done to him.”

What was done to him? He’s still alive, which is more than you can say for Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, the two men Rittenhouse shot and killed. He later claimed self-defense and was acquitted by a jury on charges of homicide, attempted homicide, and reckless endangerment

Rittenhouse recently claimed he would be attending Texas A&M University, but the school said that was untrue.