Crime Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump Refused To Turn Over Classified Documents Because He Wanted To Use Them As ‘Leverage’: Report

A former FBI agent says he thinks former president Donald Trump kept thousands of classified and top secret documents because he had plans to use them as “leverage” over others.

Peter Strzok, who served in the FBI for 22 years, including as Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division, was asked by MSNBC host Tiffany Cross:

“We know he shares because this guy almost tweeted out major secrets. I want to direct your attention to the Iran missile tweet … there was an image of the Iranian missile blowup, and it was exquisite intelligence, this is all according to a former official. And when they showed it to the president he said I’m tweeting it. And they essentially said, sir, we don’t want to do it because people will understand our capabilities. His response was, I’m the president, I can declassify anything. That blows my mind, and I do wonder what exactly was Merrick Garland mulling over, because we’ve seen how he’s been a threat to us for four years?”

Strzok replied:

“The president has the authority to classify and declassify things while he’s in office, and what’s critical, he’s no longer in office. He was not in office immediately following the inauguration on January 20th, so what you have to do is go back and look, and the biggest question in my mind is why did he have all the information? In the run-up you show former National Security Adviser John Bolton saying he thought it might be neat. In my mind, I would not be surprised, one, not just the material that the FBI recovered in the search warrant but those 15 boxes that the National Archives got much earlier in the year.”

And then Strzok explained why he thinks Trump wanted to keep such highly sensitive information lying around unsecured at Mar-a-Lago:

“I think there’s going to be turn out to be, one, highly, highly classified information, but, two, things that aren’t just things he found neat. I would be surprised if there weren’t things that furthered his business interest, things he could use as leverage over people, things he could use to settle the scores. The biggest question in my mind is why on earth, having been told repeatedly by so many people, that he steadfastly refused to turn these things over and instead carried them all away. You know, I hope DOJ is content now with the FBI that they have recovered everything, but we’re talking about a massive amount of information.”

Greed and revenge. We all know that Trump is rapacious and petty, constantly looking for ways to enrich himself and get payback on others, even at the expense of U.S. national security. He needs to be indicted and tried. If he isn’t, this country will never be safe.

Elections GOP WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Urges Her Supporters To Commit Voter Fraud: ‘Vote One, Two, Three Times, Whatever’

Ever since Donald Trump lost the 2020 presidential election to President Joe Biden, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has been one of the most vocal disseminators of the “Big Lie” that the disgraced ex-president actually won but was cheated out of second term as a result of massive voter fraud.

Yet Greene is now encouraging her supporters to commit voter fraud on her behalf in the upcoming midterm election, according to The Independent:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene encouraged supporters to get out to the polls during the November midterms and went one step further during a video address to advocate that they exercise their right to vote “one, two, three times.”

In the video clip, shared online by the left-wing Twitter account PatriotTakes, an account with more than 450,000 followers, the Georgia Republican is seen standing alongside Mallory Staples, who ran to represent Georgia’s 6th Congressional District in the spring but lost in the Republican primary to Rich McCormick.

The video begins with Greene and Staples encouraging voters to be sure and vote in November. Staples remarks:

“Get out and vote with you and your 20 closest friends and neighbors in November.”

Greene then interjects:

“Vote one, two, three times, whatever.”

As if that’s not bad enough, the two continue to urge voter fraud:

A nervous Ms. Staples then giggles at Ms. Greene’s suggestion to get out “three times” and proffers up the suggestion that voters should get out and do “whatever the law will allow you to do.”

“Which in Georgia is almost anything,” quips Ms. Staples, before the two politicians erupt into more nervous laughter.

Apparently, voter fraud is just fine when done on behalf of Republicans, including those who squawk the loudest about how elections were “stolen” from them.

Much like the her political idol, Marjorie Taylor Greene is a disgusting hypocrite, liar, and thug. Her constituents need to kick her to the curb in November and replace her with someone who will actually represent them.

Crime Donald Trump Justice Department WTF?!

Trump Tried To Get A Threatening Message To AG Garland After Mar-a-Lago Search: Report

Before Attorney General Merrick Garland revealed the contents of the search warrant that was executed at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago golf club on August 8, the disgraced former president attempted to pass a threatening message along to the top law enforcement officer in the country.

Citing The New York Times, Business Insider reports:

Trump wanted Garland to know that he had been speaking with people around the country and that they were enraged by the FBI search.

“The country is on fire. What can I do to reduce the heat?” was the message Trump wanted to be conveyed to Garland, a person familiar with the exchange told the paper.

A person close to the former president reached out to a Justice Department official to give Garland the message, the paper reported. It is not clear if the message reached him.

Many who were asked about the message said it was a clear threat, intended to convey a warning to Garland that if he pressed further, the ex-president and his supporters might just stir up violence around the country in response.

Robert Maguire, a research director at the nonpartisan Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, noted:

“Just a normal former president hinting to the current attorney general of the United States—who was about to make an announcement about the investigation into the former president—that he can fan the flames of violence, before asking ‘What can I do to reduce the heat?'”

On Thursday, Garland announced that he had personally approved the search warrant that resulted in over a dozen boxes of allegedly classified and top secret documents being taken into federal custody.

If it can be proven that Trump knew he wasn’t supposed to keep the materials in an unsecured location, he could be charged under the Espionage Act and sentenced to 10 years for every document he had in his possession.

Crime Donald Trump WTF?!

Rudy Giuliani Tells Right-Wing Host He Fears The Government May Try To Kill Trump

Disgraced former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani said Sunday that he’s very afraid the U.S. government is going to try and kill one-term ex-president Donald Trump.

Speaking to Newsmax about Trump being caught red-handed by the FBI with boxes of classified and top secret documents, one of the hosts asked Giuliani about comments he’d made about the search warrant served at Mar-a-Lago being just like what they do in Third World nations, which led Rudy to reply:

“All the time. They kill them. They arrest them. They put their families in jail.”

The host then inquired:

“Should Donald Trump be in any fear of the deep state maybe killing him?”

That was all it took for Giuliani to reel off a ridiculous conspiracy theory:

“I do. In many different ways, I do. The amount of hatred generated toward him is the kind of hatred we worry about that would set off a sick person. I mean, if there is anything to the fact that, that hatred can set off sick people. There’s no one where more hatred has been generated by the mainstream media — who do they hate more than Donald Trump. They display it at, uh, Emmy awards, they display it at — everywhere.”

And yet, it was a right-wing “sick person” who attacked FBI headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio, earlier this week, as CNN reported at the time:

An armed man suspected of trying to breach the FBI’s Cincinnati field office Thursday was killed in Ohio after a vehicle chase and hours-long standoff with law enforcement, authorities say.

The suspect was believed to be armed with an AR-15 rifle and a nail gun, a federal law enforcement source told CNN, and was wearing body armor, according to officials in an Ohio county.

Authorities have not announced a motive. But Shiffer had been known to the FBI because he had an unspecified connection to the January 6, 2021, riot at the US Capitol, and because he had associates within a far-right extremist group, two law enforcement sources told CNN Friday.

If anything kills Donald Trump, it’ll be his gross obesity and disgusting eating habits. A man cannot live on Big Macs and KFC without paying a price.


Donald Trump GOP WTF?!

Republican Congressman: The Nuclear Information Trump Had Can Be Found ‘On Your Own Phone’

It’s been interesting to watch this week as Republicans have progressed from saying failed, one-term former president Donald Trump had been served with a search warrant for no reason to falsely claiming the FBI had “planted” evidence on the twice-impeached ex-president.

And now that we know exactly what was found in those boxes Trump had at Mar-a-Lago (top secret documents, some of which laid out American nuclear secrets, along with incredibly sensitive signals intelligence), we have Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) attempting to move the goalposts yet again, suggesting that such high classified material can be found on your cell phone.

At a press conference Friday, Turner remarked:

“I can tell you that there are a number of things that are classified that fall under the umbrella of nuclear weapons but that are not necessarily things that are truly classified. Many of them you can find on your own phone as we stand here and if they fall into that category, they’re not an imminent national security threat that would rise to the level of, you have to raid Donald Trump’s home and spend nine hours there.”

Turner, it should be noted, serves on the House Intelligence Committee.

Is what the congressman said even marginally true? Not according to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Their website notes, explaining that there are “two types of classification.”

“The first type, known as national security information, is information that is classified by an Executive Order. Its release would damage national security to some degree. The second type, known as restricted data, is information that is classified by the Atomic Energy Act. It would assist individuals or organizations in designing, manufacturing, or using nuclear weapons. Access to both types of information is restricted to authorized persons who have been properly cleared and have a ‘need to know’ the information for their official duties. For additional detail, see Classified Information.”

The unsealed search warrant served at Trump’s Palm Beach residence contained all sorts of national security and restricted data, some of which can only be safely viewed in a secure, contained facility that must be designated as such by national security experts. Trump doesn’t have any such facility at his Florida golf club.

Specifically, the Washington Post reports, the inventory lists:

One set of documents is listed as “Various classified TS/SCI documents,” areference to top secret/sensitive compartmented information, a highly classified category of government secrets, in addition to the four sets of top-secret papers. Agents also took three sets of documents classified as secret, and three sets of papers classified as confidential — the lowest level of classification.

So is what Congressman Turner says the least bit true? To answer that, just Google “Top Secret U.S. nuclear files” and see if you get access to anything close to what Trump allegedly had in cardboard boxes all over his Florida residence.