GOP Religion WTF?!

GED Queen Lauren Boebert Proves Her Ignorance Of English While Reading A Bible Verse

Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is once again proving that not only is she ignorant when it comes to the English language, she’s also a hypocrite who doesn’t understand the Bible she loves to quote as a defense for her indefensible actions and utterances.

Case in point: Boebert was reading from the Book of Romans, HuffPost reports, when she ran across a word that completely threw her.

Boebert, a conspiracy theorist who has embraced QAnon extremism, was reciting a passage from Romans that ― in “The Message” edition she was reading from ― referred to “wanton killing.” Except Boebert pronounced it more like “wonton,” the delicious dumpling often found in soup at Chinese restaurants.

“I don’t know what a wonton killing is. I’m gonna have to look that one up, but it sounds interesting.”

Oh, shit! There’s gonna be a wonton killing. Sure hope someone brought the teriyaki or sweet and sour sauce.

Of course, Boebert’s massive ignorance of the language that confounds her shouldn’t surprise anyone. She didn’t even manage to earn her GED high school equivalency until she was elected.

Fact-checking site confirmed that Boebert did indeed wait until after her election to get her GED:

On her educational background, she said she never claimed to have graduated from Rifle High School. “I went to my high school,” she said.

“I was a brand-new mom, and I had to make hard decisions on successfully raising my child, or getting to high school biology class. And I chose to take care of my child,” she said.

Boebert said she received her GED after completing a four-course review.

“I didn’t go through the typical education course,” she said. “I was a great student. I had great grades. I loved being there, but I was starting my family and had different priorities.”

Twitter users were eager to mock Boebert, and they did so with great gusto:

Capitol Insurrection January 6 Media in America WTF?!

Fox News Is Now Referring To The Jan. 6 Insurrection As An ‘Election Justice Protest’

If you’ve read George Orwell’s novel, 1984, then you know one of the most important ways the totalitarian government of Big Brother keeps control over the people is with the use of language, especially as that language relates to the news and information people are shown.

Orwell called the manipulation of language for the purpose of tyranny “Newspeak,” and he explained in an appendix to the novel:

The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible.

Open Culture elaborates on that idea:

Newspeak isn’t just a set of buzzwords, but the deliberate replacement of one set of words in the language for another.

There are examples of newspeak throughout the novel, most notably in the phrase, “War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.”

Such a twisting of the language is essential for creating a “reality” that is pleasing to the overlords who control everything that’s seen and heard in Orwell’s new world.

Newspeak is taking place in the United States right now, most notably at Fox News, where the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection is being rebranded by Fox host Tucker Carlson as an “election justice protest,” Media Matters reports, and Carlson added:

“So again, that’s the sitting vice president who they tell us over and over, and you just heard her say it, received more votes than any vice president in history. And if you don’t believe that ― and there are reasons not to believe that ― if you don’t believe that, you’re like [Sept. 11 hijacker] Mohamed Atta. Your beliefs are acts of terror, you’re comparable to a mass murderer and you need to be pursued by law enforcement.”

Rioting and insurrection are now being fed to the Fox masses as an “election justice protest.” The truth is too real, so it must be bent to serve another narrative, one that papers over the murder committed on Jan. 6 and turns it into a protest for justice.

Newspeak is not just a matter of fiction. It’s among us, and it’s a very real threat to this republic.

Donald Trump QAnon Social Media WTF?!

Desperate Trump Wraps His Arms Around The QAnon Cult With ‘Storm Is Coming’ Meme

In the surest sign of desperation yet from disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump, the ex-president is now firmly embracing the QAnon cult and its deranged conspiracy theorists, posting a meme on his Truth Social website in which he’s show with the “Q” symbol on his lapel and a message: “The Storm Is Coming.”

Mediaite reports this is the most blatant acceptance of the QAnon lie that world governments are controlled by Satan-worshiping pedophiles who eat the adrenal glands of children in order to stay young and powerful, tropes that have their roots in the anti-Semitism and Nazi propaganda used by Adolf Hitler during his rise to power in Germany.

The two phrases in the explicitly Q-endorsing retruth are common in Q world. WWG1WGA stands for “Where we go one, we go all.” The “storm” is a reference to the Q conspiracy theorist community’s belief that sooner or later Trump is going to unveil or unleash his secret plan to defeat all the enemies of MAGA and the deep state and, presumably, return to power in a sweaty Mike Lindell dream come to life.

While he was at it, Trump also shared memes that hint at an outright call for some sort of protest or violent action by those who support him.

Of course, if Trump or his supporters understood the first thing about American history, they’d know that Paine and Jefferson would be disgusted by their attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election and install the Donald as emperor for life. It’s also safe to assume that none of the Trumpers have read or understood a word found in the U.S. Constitution.

Right-wing message boards were alight with support for the memes that Trump had shared on Truth Social, with many Trump worshipers foaming at the mouth as their savior hinted at violence if he doesn’t get to walk free yet again.

“Yup, haters! Trump re-truthed Q memes. And he’ll do it again, more and more of them, over and OVER, until *everyone* finally gets it,” said one excited fan.

“It’s almost like Trump is trying to tell us something,” said another, sharing an image featuring the latest retruth alongside headlines describing Trump’s previous retruth spree.

Yeah, let’s do it: Let’s lock up the Trump mafia family, and if their QAnon acolytes want to launch an insurrection, they can face the full wrath of the U.S. Justice Department.

Congress GOP Whining Joe Biden WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says She’s Plans To Impeach Joe Biden For Supporting Renewable Energy

Ever since she arrived in Congress two years ago, it’s been clear that Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia is nothing but a shameless self-promoter who will do anything to advance her political career and nothing to actually help her constituents back home.

Greene is also a disciple of disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump, whom she supports no matter what crime he commits or laws he breaks.

And now Greene is admitting she wants payback for the fact that Trump was impeached twice, insisting that she intends to file articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden for the crime of supporting renewable energy such as that produced by the sun and wind.

Appearing on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast, Greene proudly announced:

“Because they’re driving the Green New Deal which is going to plunge America into darkness and that will lead to death and all kinds of issues across America. We simply cannot exist on solar and wind energy at this time. The technology is not there and there’s no reason to destroy fossil fuels.”

Greene added:

“And because of that, Steve, it’s such a dangerous threat. No president should be doing that. I have articles prepared on Joe Biden and we’re looking at introducing those possibly as early as this week.”

It probably won’t surprise you to learn that what Green said is complete bullshit, as the Yale University School of Environment has explained:

In reality, it is entirely possible to sustain a reliable electricity system based on renewable energy sources plus a combination of other means, including improved methods of energy management and storage. A clearer understanding of how to dependably manage electricity supply is vital because climate threats require a rapid shift to renewable sources like solar and wind power.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a imbecile.


Donald Trump The Trump Adminstration WTF?!

Trump Thought He Could Remain POTUS By Refusing To Vacate The White House: Report

After it became clear that he had lost the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden, failed, one-term former president Donald Trump told aides that he would refuse to leave when the time came for him to vacate the White House, which would allow him to remain as head of state.

That revelation comes from an upcoming book,  Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America,” written by New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman, which is due to hit bookshelves on October 4.

CNN obtained an advance copy of the book and notes:

“I’m just not going to leave,” Trump told one aide, according to Haberman.

“We’re never leaving,” Trump told another. “How can you leave when you won an election?”

Amazingly, Trump’s plan to stay in office developed even after he had accepted that Biden was the legitimate winner and next president:

Haberman writes that in the immediate aftermath of the November 3 elections, Trump seemed to recognize he had lost to Biden. He asked advisers to tell him what had gone wrong. He comforted one adviser, saying, “We did our best.” Trump told junior press aides, “I thought we had it,” seemingly almost embarrassed by the outcome, according to Haberman.

But at some point, Trump’s mood changed, Haberman writes, and he abruptly informed aides he had no intention of departing the White House in late January 2021 for Biden to move in.

At one point, Trump told Ronna McDaniel, chair of the Republican National Committee, “Why should I leave if they stole it from me?”

Despite his protestations, conspiracy theories, and endless lies about massive cheating in the election, Trump and his allies never provided a scintilla of evidence to support their allegations.

Trump continues to spread disinformation about the last election and was booted from Twitter in January of 2021 for his lies.