Donald Trump Sedition WTF?!

Saturday Sedition: Trump Calls For ‘Termination’ Of The Constitution And Returning Him To The Presidency

Disgraced, failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump called for the “termination” of the U.S. Constitution and his return to the presidency Saturday on his Truth Social site.

Trump’s post was in reaction to news that during the 2020 election, Twitter removed tweets that contained nude photos of President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. Those photos were kept off Twitter because they were labeled as “revenge porn” and not newsworthy.

Despite the Hunter Biden story being a giant nothing burger, Trump posted an angry screed online.

“So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION?” Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform. “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”

Peter Baker of the New York Times noted that the ex-president had just crossed a dangerous line.

“Needless to say, can’t think of a time in the United States when a former president (and would-be future president) has called for suspending the Constitution to let him seize power. Even after all the shocks of the last few years, this one is remarkable.”

GOP Social Media WTF?!

Marjorie Taylor Greene Humiliates Herself With An Idiotic Question About Public Health And Underwear

Using her recently restored personal Twitter account, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) decided she would prove her massive ignorance of public health, disease, and coronavirus with a posting in which she compared wearing a mask to prevent COVID to donning a pair of underwear in an effort to stop a fart.

Yes, really. She actually tried to equate the two. See for yourself.

“So many people still wearing masks. I just want to ask you. If a pair of underwear, really thick ones, high quality cotton, can’t protect you from a fart, then how will a mask protect you from covid??”

Greene claims to be unvaccinated and has repeatedly railed against the COVID vaccine and mask mandates, even though both have been shown to greatly reduce the risk of contracting the virus and minimizing the symptoms if one does contract COVID.

That was all it took for others on Twitter to mock the Georgia Republican, with many reminding her that she knows as much about medicine, disease, and prevention as a slab of concrete.


GOP Gun Crime WTF?!

Lauren Boebert Says SHE’S A Victim Of The Club Q Mass Shooting

Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert wants us all to feel sorry for her because she says that she’s also a victim of the Club Q mass shooting that left five dead and 17 others injured in Colorado Springs last Saturday.

During an appearance on One America News Network, Boebert claimed the families of the Club Q victims “don’t even have time to grieve before the Left starts pointing the blame and trying to find a cause for this instead of actually going after the deranged shooter, the evil person who did this.”

And then came the congresswoman’s claim that she’s just as much of a victim as those who were shot at the nightclub.

“I’ve been accused of just about every mass shooting there has been. I’ve been blamed for all of it. It has to come to an end. The Left is pissed I won my election, so they’re trying to find something to go after me about.”

Yeah, as if there’s any shortage of things we can “go after” Boebert for. After all, this is the same woman who has said the following things:

Boebert’s victimhood claim was met with righteous scorn on Twitter.

Fox News LGBT Issues WTF?!

Tucker Carlson’s Latest Attack On Pete Buttigieg: He ‘Lied’ About Being Gay

Fox News host Tucker Carlson is absolutely livid because he claims that Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg didn’t “even admit that he was gay” until a few years ago and “lied about it for reasons he has never been asked to explain.”

Carlson made his remarks in reference to the mass shooting at an LGBTQ bar in Colorado Springs that left five dead and dozens of others injured.

“Pete Buttigieg, of course, couldn’t pass up a moment like this. It’s not like Pete Buttigieg wants to talk about how things are going over at the Transportation Department, which he supposedly runs. Short answer not well.”

That led Carlson to go on an extended rant about Buttigieg in which he accused the transportation secretary of using the Colorado shooting to advance his political aims:

“No, Pete Buttigieg wants to talk about identity. He always wants to talk about identity. And the funny, ironic thing is and the tell just a few years ago, Buttigieg wouldn’t even admit that he was gay. He hid that and then lied about it for reasons he has never been asked to explain. Why not?

“But whatever. Now he is happy to use his sexual orientation as a cudgel to bash you repeatedly in the face into submission. Quote, here’s his latest, ‘If you’re a politician or media figure who sets up the LGBTQ community to be hated and feared, not because any of us who ever harmed you, but because you find it useful that don’t you dare act surprised when this kind of violence follows.'”

The Fox host concluded:

“Buttigieg, now that you’re admitting you’re gay after lying about it, since we’re talking about identity. What do you have to say about that? Well, nothing. Weirdly, Pete Buttigieg hasn’t said anything, nor has he apologized for attacking other people on false pretenses.”

As with nearly everything said by Carlson and the other prime time hosts on Fox, the premise of his argument against Buttigieg is based on bullshit and outright lies that have absolutely no grounding in fact. Instead, they emanate from a place of hatred, homophobia, and self-loathing.

Buttigieg has indeed addressed why he was so reluctant to come out before he did, writing:

“I was well into adulthood before I was prepared to acknowledge the simple fact that I am gay. It took years of struggle and growth for me to recognize that it’s just a fact of life, like having brown hair, and part of who I am.”

And Buttigieg also explained why he remained closeted while serving in the military, noting:

“For individual servicemembers, that meant hiding who they were from the people they trusted with their lives. In some cases it meant living a life that was less than whole.”

Poor Tucker. He can’t stand the fact that Pete Buttigieg is more accomplished than he’ll ever be.

Elections GOP WTF?!

The MAGA Conspiracy Theories On Why Kari Lake Lost Have Begun – And They’re BEYOND Batsh*t Crazy

A couple of weeks ago, Arizona GOP gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake was asked if she would accept the results of the 2022 midterm election, no matter the outcome.

The New York Times reported at the time that Lake sounded supremely confident that she would be victorious and refused to even entertain the notion that she might not.

“I’m going to win the election, and I will accept that result,” Ms. Lake said in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

The host, Dana Bash, then asked, “If you lose, will you accept that?” Ms. Lake, who is running against Arizona’s Democratic secretary of state, Katie Hobbs, responded by repeating, “I’m going to win the election, and I will accept that result.”

“The people of Arizona will never support and vote for a coward like Katie Hobbs,” she added, setting up a framework in which, if Ms. Hobbs were to win, Ms. Lake could present the result as evidence of election fraud. That is one of the arguments Mr. Trump made, suggesting that the 2020 election must have been fraudulent because the idea of President Biden receiving majority support was unbelievable.

But a week after voters went to the polls, it’s now clear that Lake has lost to her Democratic opponent, Katie Hobbs, who will be the next governor of Arizona.

98% of the ballots have been counted in the Grand Canyon State, and here’s where the race between Hobbs and Lake stands:

But to hear Lake’s supporters tell it, the fight has only begun, because their candidate is being cheated out of an election she won.

Sound familiar? It’s the same tired old bullshit that the MAGA faithful have been spouting ever since Donald Trump got curb stomped by President Joe Biden back in 2020.

So, as you’d expect, the conspiracy theories regarding Lake’s failure have also begun, and some of them are downright goofy.

Let’s go to Twitter for a sampling of the craziness.

Clearly, it never ends. They lose, but all they do in the aftermath is whine. It’s pathetic and infuriating.