Donald Trump The Trump Adminstration

Trump Messed Up Some Of His Pardons – And The Recipients Can Still Be Prosecuted

In the final days of his administration, Donald Trump handed out 74 pardons and commuted the sentences of 70 others who had been convicted and sentenced to federal prison.

NBC News notes that many of those who received pardons from Trump were close friends, former associates, or people he believed would somehow endear him to the rich assholes he’s known to hang out with at Mar-a-Lago:

“A list of 143 people included his former chief strategist and longtime ally Steve Bannon as well as his former top fundraiser Elliott Broidy. Then, with less than an hour to go before President-elect Joe Biden was set to be sworn in, Trump granted one last pardon: to Albert J. Pirro, Jr., the ex-husband of Fox News host and longtime ally Jeanine Pirro.”

But some of those pardons were so narrowly constructed and written that they leave the recipients open to prosecution by the Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Former Mueller investigation chief prosecutor Andrew Weissmann spelled out the mistakes Trump made in the pardons of two individuals, longtime Trump friend and confidant Roger Stone and Trump’s 2016 campaign manager, Paul Manafort, in an article he wrote for Just Security:

“The pardon for Paul Manafort (on Dec. 23, 2020), is illustrative. By its own terms, the pardon covers only the crimes “for his conviction” on specific charges and not any other crimes (charged or uncharged). Specifically, the pardon is solely for the crimes of conviction — eight in the Eastern District of Virginia and two in the District of Columbia. That leaves numerous crimes as to which Manafort can still be prosecuted, as in Virginia there were 10 hung counts. In Washington, the situation is even more wide open. In that district, Manafort pleaded to a superseding information containing two conspiracy charges, while the entire underlying indictment — containing numerous crimes from money laundering, to witness tampering, to violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act — now remains open to prosecution as there was no conviction for those charges.”

And then we have Roger Stone and a rouges gallery of other criminals:

“Manafort is not the only example of narrow Trump pardons that may be rectified by the incoming Attorney General. The same narrow pardons were provided to Special Counsel Office defendants Roger Stone (Dec. 23, 2020), George Papadopoulos (Dec. 22, 2020), and Alex van den Zwaan (Dec. 22, 2020), as well as the myriad other felons who received pardons or commutations on December 22 and 23, 2020. As noted, these defendants include murderers, corrupt politicians and law enforcement officers, and Philip Esformes, the single largest health care fraudster in history. These windows of opportunity are due in significant part to a practice followed by prosecutors’ offices across the country: permitting defendants to plead to some, but not all, of their crimes. That feature of these cases should now redound to the benefit of the government, as it may now permit the Department to see that justice is done.”

All of these people can be tried and convicted once again, and this time they won’t be getting a presidential pardon, so they’ll have to serve all of their sentences without the promise of a get-out-of-jail free card waiting for them if they agree to not testify against Trump.

As with everything he does, Donald Trump failed. He wanted to provide protection to those who didn’t testify against him, but all he did was make it more likely they’ll wind up in prison for much longer than they anticipated.


Crime Donald Trump The Trump Adminstration

Roger Stone Is In HUGE Legal Trouble For His Connection To Two Criminal Investigations

You probably recall that in the last days of his failed one-term administration, Donald Trump handed out pardons and commutations left and right. There were 74 pardons and 70 commutations, to be exact.

One of those legal gifts was bestowed upon Roger Stone, who has bee a close friend and confidant of Trump’s for decades. Stone was handed a get out of jail free card on a raft of charges:

“Specifically, the pardon is solely for the crimes of conviction — eight in the Eastern District of Virginia and two in the District of Columbia.”

However, Stone is a notorious scofflaw, a man who thinks the rules don’t apply to him because he has friends in high places who can wash away his many sins with the sweep of a pen. And it just so happens that Roger is once again facing charges in at least two cases.

First is Stone’s connection to the Oath Keepers, a bunch of domestic terrorists who served as a security detail for Stone during the days leading up to the Jan.6 storming of the U.S. Capitol which led to the deaths of five people, including a member of the Capitol Police Force.

Two of the Oath Keepers have just been added to an existing indictment, and that makes Stone a possible co-conspirator.

The Hill reports that the two men who were indicted this week are facing serious charges:

“The Justice Department announced on Thursday that Joshua James of Alabama and Roberto Minuta of Texas were charged by superseding indictment with conspiracy, obstruction of an official proceeding and entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds.

“The men each face a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison if convicted.

“The conspiracy case against the Oath Keepers was first filed in January and now has 12 defendants.”

Since the DOJ is continuing to add people to the indictments already handed down, don’t be surprised if Stone is added, too, in the weeks ahead. As it stands now, it certainly looks like the Justice Department is indeed considering anyone who had contact with the Oath Keepers or their role in the Capitol insurrection to be part of a larger conspiracy. And that could result in Stone being a criminal defendant and also facing 20 years in federal prison.

There’s also Stone’s bizarre connection the unfolding saga taking place around Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who is under investigation by the DOJ for sexually trafficking a 17-year-old girl, along with several other crimes related to his relationship to the underage girl. Reportedly, a close friend of Gaetz’s is currently telling everything he knows about the matter to federal investigators.

Stone decided to insert himself into the Gaetz fiasco by telling unhinged conspiracy theorist Alex Jones that the congressman needs to go on the offensive:

“All of these stories that are maligning Matt Gaetz today are based on leaks. Where is the beef? Where are the facts? I don’t think there are any facts. I think this is a good old-fashioned smear.”

Stone has now managed to get himself into another conspiracy by offering advice to Gaetz, and he could be facing serious questions about what all he knows regarding the trafficking of the young girl Gaetz is alleged to have taken across state lines for the purposes of sex.

But this time, Roger Stone won’t be getting any pardons. Instead, he will be left to twist in the wind and face the consequences of his actions.

Though it sometimes takes awhile, karma always manages to catch up with the douchebags who most deserve it.


Donald Trump Elections The Trump Adminstration

Ivanka Trump Accidentally Admits That Her Father Has Ruined Her Life

With the Texas ice storm dominating the headlines, you may have missed another announcement that came down the pike on Thursday: Ivanka Trump has decided that she won’t run against Sen. Marco Rubio in 2022, the Associated Press reports:

“The former president’s eldest daughter and ex-senior White House adviser spoke with Rubio several weeks ago and told him she would not be running for his seat, according to a Rubio campaign spokesperson. The two have also discussed appearing at a joint event.

“The conversation, first reported by The New York Times, comes a day after Donald Trump re-emerged after nearly a moth of self-imposed silence, conducting a series of interviews to commemorate the death of conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh. Trump would not comment on his political future in the interviews, saying it was too soon to talk about whether he will run again in 2024.”

But what Ivanka really revealed is that she knows she has no political future whatsoever.

How so? Well, if the former president’s daughter really wanted to follow in his footsteps, she’d jump right in while a large portion of the GOP is still obsessed with all things Trump.

She didn’t, however, and that speaks volumes about Ivanka’s awareness that her father has destroyed whatever chances she had of holding any elected office, as Bess Levin notes in Vanity Fair:

“As you might have heard, Ivanka’s dad incited a fascist coup in an attempt to overthrow the U.S. government, undertaken by people the former first daughter addressed as ‘American patriots,’ before trying to furiously backtrack. And apparently having uncharacteristically read the room, Ivanka has decided that now is not the right time to take the first step in a series of steps that she believes will lead to her becoming the U.S.’s first woman president.”

Ivanka isn’t the only Trump who plans to sit out 2022. Bloomberg reports Don Jr. will also steer clear of seeking any elected office in the next election cycle:

“Trump’s oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., also doesn’t plan to run for any office in the next election cycle, though he’s aware of suggestions that he pursue a Senate seat from Pennsylvania or Montana or move to Wyoming to challenge Republican Representative Liz Cheney, people familiar with his plans said. Cheney, daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, voted to impeach the former president and was censured by her state Republican Party amid demands for her resignation.”

The Trump siblings are learning something that Rick Wilson put his finger on a few years back: Everything Donald Trump touches dies. And that now includes the so-called political futures of his family members.


Donald Trump The Trump Adminstration

Former Staffer Says Jared Kushner Is Gay And In An ‘Arranged Marriage’ With Ivanka

The final night of the Republican convention last month was full-scale propaganda night, with the apex of the lying and misinformation being (as you’d expect), Donald Trump’s 70-minute long rant in which he repeatedly patted himself on the back while simultaneously spewing out bullshit about how terrible things would be if he’s not reelected. In other words, only he can fix it, but he’s had four years and hasn’t fixed shit. But give him four more and everything will be unicorns and cotton candy.

Prior to the Donald’s dystopian soliloquy, however, his daughter, Ivanka — who also happens to work in the White House in some capacity no can seem to explain — did her best to paint her father as some sort of normal guy instead of the monster he truly is.

Perhaps the most disgusting thing Ivanka said was this:

“Dad, people attack you for being unconventional. But I love you for being real, and I respect you for being effective.”

Effective at what? Being a total racist asshole so filled with bullshit that everything he does is coated with a dark sheen of fetid feces?

Around the time Ivanka was speaking, Noel Casler, who was a showrunner on “The Apprentice,” fired off a tweet that got a lot of attention on social media:

Wow! Now that’s a headline-grabber!

Most people who read Casler’s tweet said they had no problem believing his accusation, but some also had questions:

Things just keep getting more interesting when it comes to the Trumps. Hopefully very soon they can work out their issues in private or, even better, in prison.