Congress GOP Joe Biden WTF?!

Boebert Reported To FBI And Secret Service For Threatening President Biden

Considering that she has repeatedly defended the actions of domestic terrorists who attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 6, it probably shouldn’t surprise anyone that Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is now issuing threats against President Joe Biden.

And this threat could land Boebert in very hot water.

On Sunday, Boebert posted this on Twitter:

The word “terminate” appears to be a reference to remarks Biden made regarding reproductive rights earlier this week when he misspoke and said:

“Ten years old and she was forced to travel out of the state to Indiana to seek to terminate the presidency and maybe save her life.”

Boebert’s tweet led to others on social media reporting her to the FBI and Secret Service for what they perceived to be a direct threat against the president.

It’s the second time this week that Boebert has drawn heavy criticism online for comments she made.

On Friday evening, Boebert said the following during an appearance on Fox News:

“Leftists, who now make up the genocide squad, want abortion anytime, anywhere, including babies who are already born. But that’s not going to happen.”

Time to arrest Bobo and charge her with making terroristic threats.

Congress Elections GOP

Comedian Trolls Republicans With Hilarious Parody Websites

Chances are you’ve never heard of Toby Morton, who has written for comedy shows and also provided voices for characters on “South Park.”

But Morton is playing a major role in the 2022 midterm elections, and his acquisition of website domains that he turns into parody pages mocking congressional Republicans is drawing national attention, according to The New York Post:

On, the upstate congresswoman’s slogan is shown as “Let’s Keep It White,” and a whole page is dedicated to replacement theory — the fringe idea that elites and Democrats are creating lax immigration policies to replace and disenfranchise white Americans.

Her mock “About Me” section says: “I am a vile and disgusting politician who is responsible for the Buffalo NY shooting spree,” referring to the recent massacre where gunman Payton Gendron allegedly slaughtered 10 Black people and wounded three other shoppers at a supermarket. 

The domains are incredibly cheap, usually costing less than $20 each, and they allow Morton to go after House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who is ridiculed with three words at “Kompromat. Coward. Adulterer?”

There’s also comedy gold at, which will take you to the Wikipedia page for “sex trafficking.”

As you’d expect, the politicians being skewered are not the least bit amused by what Morton is doing, with Alex deGrasse, a spokesman for Rep. Stefanik remarking:

“He spends all his time as a troll on social media, a scam PAC artist launching sexist and false attacks against Republican female leaders, and raising money for himself under the congresswoman’s name in a desperate attempt to gain acceptance from the radical left blue checkmark brigade. We pray he gets the therapy and a real job he so desperately needs.”

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) got so peeved by Morton’s online jabs at her she had her office send him a cease and desist letter in which she accused him of defamed her and used photos of her without permission, which led the comedian to note:

“I think they just wanted to scare me, so they sent this stupid email.”

As we’ve always suspected, Republicans have no sense of humor whatsoever. Especially when they’re the butt of the joke.

Congress GOP Sex Scandals

Latest Court Filing Is The Worst Possible News For Matt Gaetz

As Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL) prepares to steer a course for his reelection effort in November, an ominous new court filing in the Sunshine State is certain to have him and his attorneys very worried, as the lead witness against him is making it clear that he is naming names and not leaving anyone out of the rapidly expanding sex trafficking scandal that threatens to send Gaetz to federal prison for the rest of his life.

According to Newsweek, the filing suggests that federal investigators are determined to get to the bottom of not only any alleged crimes Gaetz may have committed, but also those of anyone even remotely associated with him:

Joel Greenberg, an associate of Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz, has highlighted his cooperation with numerous investigations ahead of his sentencing for child sex trafficking crimes being set.

Greenberg is facing 12 years in jail after he pleaded guilty to six federal crimes, including sex trafficking of a child, identity theft, stalking, wire fraud, and conspiracy to bribe a public official.

Prior to his sentencing date, Greenberg’s lawyer filed a motion on Tuesday asking a judge for permission to submit additional information to the court under seal related to his cooperation in other criminal investigations.

Of special concern to Gaetz and others in his orbit is this line from Greenberg’s attorney, Fritz Scheller:

“Pursuant to his plea agreement with the Government and to mitigate the significant penalties he faces, Mr. Greenberg has been cooperating with federal prosecutors in active investigations currently being conducted by the United States Attorney’s Office in the Middle District of Florida and the Department of Justice in Washington D.C. as well as in other jurisdictions.”

The “other jurisdictions” reference is certain to send a chill up the spine of Gaetz and anyone who has been associated with him over the past few years because it suggests the investigation could wind up ensnaring other members of Congress who have even tangential ties to Gaetz.

Greenberg alleges that he and Gaetz had sex with multiple underage girls who were then given cash or gifts in exchange. Since they also allegedly took those girls across state lines, they committed the federal crime of sexually trafficking minors. The penalty for that offense can be as severe as life imprisonment.

GOP Gun Crime Gun Nuts WTF?!

Marjorie Greene Gets Smacked Down For Blaming Latest Mass Shooting On Antidepressants

Eager to prove her complete lack of comprehension and featly to the gun lobby, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is desperately trying to blame the July 4th mass shooting in Highland Park, Illinois on antidepressant medications and video games instead of weapons of mass murder.

Robert Crimo III is the suspected shooter who allegedly killed 6 people during an Independence Day parade and wounded 31 others.

Greene, however, thinks guns had nothing to do with the crime, and took to Twitter so she could proudly declare her ignorance for the entire internet to see, writing:

“What drugs and/or psychiatric drugs was he on for his mind to be ruined in alternate reality games that caused him to commit a mass shooting? His parents know. The police know. School, arrest, hospital records? The public DESERVES to know.”

She also posted this:

“When are we going to talk about drugs and SSRI’s? When are they going to release the shooters records? Why wasn’t his threats of mass shootings in his videos taken seriously by LE that knew about him? What did his parents know? Gun control won’t stop this epidemic of evil.”

Shannon Watts, the founder of firearms safety advocacy group Moms Demand Action, quickly reminded Greene of some cold hard facts she had neglected to mention regarding mass shootings and gun crime.

“Iceland is the world’s biggest consumer of [selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors]. They’ve had 5 gun homicides since 2020; in the US, there have been over 30,000 in that time. Japan is one of the largest video game markets in the world. They have only 10 shooting deaths a year; the US has 40,000. It’s the guns.”

Video games and antidepressants, according to Greene. But how many people would have died if Crimo had been unable to obtain the weapon he used? Would tossing knives off the roof where he carried out the shooting have killed and wounded so many people? No. And yet it’s all about drugs and games.

Marjorie Taylor Greene and the vast majority of the Republican Party are whores for the NRA and gun manufacturers. It’s that simple and that easily diagnosed.

Capitol Insurrection GOP January 6

Mark Meadows Caught Tampering With January 6 Witnesses: Report

Even though he’s no longer working for failed, one-term, twice-impeached ex-president Donald Trump, former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows is still trying to protect his former boss (and himself), but his actions could result in him being charged with witness tampering.

As we learned Tuesday during a public hearing of the January 6 House Select Committee, the panel has discovered that witnesses who have cooperated with the committee received messages from those close to Trump, and one of those was from Meadows, according to Politico:

The Jan. 6 select committee publicly pointed to two communications this week as potential evidence of Trump-world’s efforts to influence witness testimony — without revealing their origin. Both were detailed to the panel by Cassidy Hutchinson, according to a person familiar with the last of her four depositions.

Both of the two slides that the panel revealed at the end of its live hearing with Hutchinson reflected conversations she described to the committee in her final closed-door deposition, this person said. Hutchinson told the committee at the time that, on the eve of her earlier March 7 deposition, an intermediary for former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows contacted her to say that her former boss valued her loyalty.

“[A person] let me know you have your deposition tomorrow,” read a slide that the Jan. 6 committee broadcast at the end of Hutchinson’s hearing, which Vice Chair Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) characterized as pressure on a key witness. “He wants me to let you know that he’s thinking about you. He knows you’re loyal, and you’re going to do the right thing when you go in for your deposition.”

In that slide, Politico reports, the redacted name was that of Meadows, and that could be a big problem for him.

Ben Williamson, a spokesperson for Meadows, denied the former chief of staff had ever done anything wrong:

 “No one from Meadows’ camp, himself or otherwise, has ever attempted to intimidate or shape Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony to the committee. Any phone call or message she is describing is at best deeply misleading.”

Committee member Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) told the Washington Post he believes the facts show that witness tampering has indeed taken place:

“The vice chair released two different episodes of potential witness tampering, anonymously, for obvious reasons. We don’t want further intimidation of the same people. But we want this to be a warning to the people who are doing it that they can’t do it. It is a crime and this committee is taking it very seriously.”

Hopefully the Justice Department is doing the same.