Fox News GOP The Trump Adminstration WTF?!

Kellyanne Conway Tells Sean Hannity There Was ‘No Supply Chain Crisis’ When Trump Was President

Former Trump administration senior adviser Kellyanne Conway resurfaced Monday evening on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show to do the only thing she’s any good at: Lying.

During a discussion of President Joe Biden and the continuing delays in getting goods to market as a result of an overwhelmed supply chain in the United States and around the world, Conway insisted that there were no shortages when her boss was president:

“I worked in that White House for four years. We never even heard of a such of a thing. There was no supply chain crisis. There was no inflation.”

As HuffPost notes, the supply chain crisis during the pandemic while Trump was still president was so bad that there were times it was almost impossible to find toilet paper or other essentials:

Supply chain issues were one of the most dominant stories of 2020, when Trump was president and Conway was working in the White House as the start of the coronavirus pandemic triggered panic buying. That, in turn, caused nationwide shortages of everything from toilet paper to pasta, leading to empty shelves in supermarkets.

“During the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. suffered one of the worst supply chain crises in modern history,” Tinglong Dai, a professor at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School, told Newswise, noting that many of the shortages lasted for months.

When supermarkets did have supplies, many enforced strict rationing of essentials such as flour and meat. The lack of food, combined with the loss of jobs due to the pandemic, led to miles-long lines at food banks.

Even the most basic items needed to help control the spread of COVID were hard to find, including masks, gloves, sanitizer, and soap.

And let’s not forget that under Trump the U.S. unemployment rate reached almost 15%.

That was all it took for Twitter to explode with reminders for Conway of just how bad things were while Trump was in the White House:

The Queen of Alternative Facts needs to sit down and shut her piehole.

GOP Joe Biden WTF?!

GOP Rep. Paul Gosar Posts Horrific Anime Video Of Him Killing President Biden And AOC

Even among the pack of extremist idiots who populate the right-wing of the Republican Party, Rep. Paul Gosar (AZ) stands out as one of the most disgusting and deplorable GOPers to be found anywhere.

Gosar has ties to several white supremacist groups, and is so unhinged that even his siblings have said he needs to be removed from Congress ASAP.

Today, Gosar has once again stepped way over the line by posting a video on Twitter which shows him killing both President Joe Biden and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

Jon Skolnik of Salon reports:

The tweeted video – which he captioned, “Any anime fans out there?” – opens with Gosar’s name under Japanese text that reads “attack of immigrants,” an apparent reference to the anime show “Attack on the Titan” from which the Republican pulled various clips.

The video then goes on to show footage of immigrants at the southern border, overlaying the footage with anime-style special effects and crosscutting with interstitials that read “drugs, crime, poverty, money, gangs, violence” and “trafficking.”   

But it’s what happens next that’s so incredibly disturbing and should garner Gosar attention from both the Secret Service and FBI.

About midway into the video, “Attack on the Titan main character Eren Yaeger is shown in a mashup of clips with Gosar’s face photoshopped onto the cartoon character. Swords in both hands, the fictionalized Gosar scales a European-esque urban landscape alongside cartoon versions of Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., and Lauren Bobert, R-Colo., until slaying what appears to be a titan with Ocasio-Cortez’s face photoshopped onto it. 

Toward the end, the cartoon Gosar is shown leaping into the air with his blades unsheathed moments before striking the photoshopped head of President Joe Biden.

The very idea of such a video is proof-positive that Republicans like Gosar have given up trying to debate ideas and explain where they disagree with their political opponents. Instead, they plot coups by attacking the Capitol and calling for a sitting vice president to be hanged.

Gosar should be charged with threatening the life of the president and a member of Congress. The Justice Department should insist that he be prosecuted. If he’s allowed to get away with this sort of threat, then it’s only a matter of time before we see more violence in the city that just so happens to be the seat of American government.


Donald Trump Elections GOP Politics

Trump Releases Statement On VA Governor’s Race That May Doom The GOP Candidate

For months now, Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin has been trying to distance himself from failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump because he doesn’t want to be directly associated with a man as controversial and tarnished as the Donald.

And yet, on the eve of the election in the state, Trump decided he’d tie himself to Youngkin with a statement that could well doom the Republican when voters go to the polls tomorrow.

Politico reports that the Trump statement — released via his spokesperson — makes it clear that the ex-president sees Youngkin as a carbon copy of himself:

“The Fake News media, together with some of the perverts doing ads ad nauseam on primarily Fox (Fox shouldn’t take those ads!), are trying to create an impression that Glenn Youngkin and I are at odds and don’t like each other.

“Importantly, this is not true, we get along very well together and strongly believe in many of the same policies.”

That statement is exactly what Younkin’s Democratic opponent, Terry McAuliffe, has been saying for months now and reiterated shortly after Trump sent out his statement:

“Since launching his campaign, Glenn Youngkin has made it clear he is running for governor for one person and one person only: Donald Trump. Now, with less than 24 hours until Election Day, Trump is helping Glenn close his campaign and rewarding his total allegiance for the last eight months.”

Quite simply, Trump may have just doomed Glenn Youngkin. The election will likely come down to turnout, but Trump’s enthusiastic embrace of the Virginia Republican could turn off lots of independent voters who haven’t yet made up their minds about how they’ll cast their ballot on Tuesday.

If you watch election returns Tuesday evening, keep a close eye on Northern Virginia. That’s where Democrats get their biggest share of votes in the state, and that’s where Youngkin will probably come up short, if only by a few points.

But in a race as close as the one between Youngkin and McAuliffe, a few points may be the margin of victory. And having an albatross like Trump around your neck is not something any candidate wants the day before votes are cast.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Joy Reid’s Nightmare Prediction About Donald Trump Will Absolutely Terrify You

On her show Friday evening, MSNBC host Joy Reid made a Halloween prediction that is certain to terrify anyone who cares about the future of this country and the Constitutional republic failed, one-term former President Donald Trump and his GOP minions have tried to destroy.

Wearing a witch costume, Reid warned that a return of Trump in the 2024 election would be an absolute nightmare, and she even laid out how fears things might happen in the next race for the White House:

“Just picture it, an even older, weirder Donald Trump buoyed by Republicans who game the voting system.”

Reid went on to explain that Trump would actually lose the election, and that’s when the things would take a turn for the worse. GOP governors and legislatures would ignore the will of the voters and install Donald as president:

“So Trump returns but he’s unconstrained because there are no more American democratic elections. With his own little puppet, puppet Kevin McCarthy as speaker, whom he can dangle and fling to his delight, and his his cruel wicked henchman grim reaper Mitch McConnell back in charge in the Senate … there is no stopping him.”

McConnell, Reid continued, would have refused to let President Biden fill any Supreme Court vacancies, but once Trump is back in power, the GOP would install another right-wing justice and cement a 7-2 majority:

“If you think it’s racist and fascist out here now, just wait until all of Trump’s monsters are unleashed. Picture the Proud Boys and the Three Percenters and the Boogaloo Boys with real power, Trump’s own personal militia, racist sheriffs and police free to commit untold violence against anyone they please, all in the name of Trump. The land ravaged, plowed for every drop for oil and coal until it all just burns.”

Anyone who wants to make sure this country doesn’t descend into authoritarianism and fascism needs to make sure and vote in every election at every level: Local, state, and national.

To borrow a phrase from Benjamin Franklin: We have a republic, but only if we can keep it.

Congress Fox News Fox News Lies GOP Social Media

Marjorie Taylor Greene Called Rep. Liz Cheney A ‘Karen’ – That Was A Big Mistake

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) walked into a hornet’s nest of her own creation Thursday after she tried to mock Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) for criticizing Fox News host Tucker Carlson and a special he’s done for the network which claims the Jan.6 attack at the U.S. Capitol was a “false flag,” planned and carried out by the federal government.

In response to Carlson’s recklessness, Cheney sent out this tweet:

Greene couldn’t resist taking a cheap shot at Cheney for daring to criticize Carlson:

As HuffPost notes, if anyone is deserving of the “Karen” moniker, it’s Greene:

Greene (who late night comedian Trevor Noah once dubbed “Osama Bin Karen”) has likened House mask mandates to the Holocaust, said she doesn’t believe in evolution, has pushed a conspiracy theory about Jewish space lasers starting wildfires in California and liked social media posts calling for the execution of prominent Democrats, which caused her to be stripped of her House committee assignments.

Others then joined the online debate, excoriating Greene and reminding her what a joke she is.