Donald Trump Foreign Policy Russia WTF?!

Trump Says He’s The Perfect Person To Negotiate A Peace Deal Between Russia And Ukraine

Disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump is now proposing that he head a U.S. delegation to negotiate a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine.

A day after reports that explosions had damaged and disabled the Russian Nordstream pipelines in what European leaders are calling sabotage, the failed ex-president went on his failing Truth Social site and posted this message:

U.S. “Leadership” should remain “cool, calm, and dry” on the SABOTAGE of the Nord Stream Pipelines. This is a big event that should not entail a big solution, at least not yet. The Russia/Ukraine catastrophe should NEVER have happened, and would definitely not have happened if I were President. Do not make matters worse with the pipeline blowup. Be strategic, be smart (brilliant!), get a negotiated deal done NOW. Both sides need and want it. The entire World is at stake. I will head up group???

Despite suspicions that Russia disabled the Nordstream pipelines, Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Tuesday evening on his show that he believes the Biden administration might be responsible, according to Mediaite:

Recent explosions that reportedly disabled the pipeline did not earn much coverage in the United States until Carlson opened his top-rated show covering it and pointing the finger at the Biden administration for what he suggested was a climate catastrophe.  Given Carlson’s documented proclivity for supporting Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Trump’s doing the same, it might be wise to keep powder dry on laying blame on anyone at this point, but it is definitely a story to continue to track.

By all means, let’s send a man who repeatedly kowtows to Putin on every issue to sell out our Ukrainian allies. What could possibly go wrong, other than Trump helping to craft a “deal” that would result in Ukraine having to give up 90% of its territory to the mass murdering megalomaniac who may have dirt on the former president?

Here’s some of the reaction on social media to Trump’s ludicrous offer to help:

Congress Foreign Policy GOP Russia Vladimir Putin

Marjorie Taylor Greene Demands The US Pull Out Of NATO And Let Putin Destroy Ukraine

On Wednesday, President Joe Biden announced a significant increase of the U.S. military presence in Europe, including additional naval destroyers stationed in Spain, two F-35 fighter jet squadrons in the United Kingdom, and a headquarters in Poland for the U.S. 5th Army Corps.

Making the announcement, Biden noted:

“The United States and our allies, we’re going to step up. We’re proving that NATO is more needed now than it ever has been and it’s as important as it ever has been.”

Shortly after Biden made his remarks, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) went on Twitter and proved her complete ignorance of foreign and military policy while also making it crystal clear where her true loyalty lies.

Of course, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Congresswoman Greene (along with the vast majority of the Republican Party) is once again siding with Russian President and mass murderer Vladimir Putin and against our NATO allies.

Greene got pelted with derision for her ignorant tweet.

Congress Foreign Policy GOP Russia

Marjorie Taylor Greene Melts Down After A GOP Colleague Applauds Destruction Of The Russian Military

Making it clear yet again that she understands absolutely nothing about foreign policy or the implications of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) attacked a fellow Republican simply because he dared to applaud the destruction of Russia’s military by Ukrainian freedom fighters.

According to Newsweek, Greene pitched an online hissy fit in response to a $40 billion aid package to Ukraine:

On Tuesday, the House approved the package, about $7 billion more than President Joe Biden requested, giving Ukraine military and economic assistance to help fend off Russian troops. The following day, Greene slammed Crenshaw on Twitter for supporting the package.

The back and forth between Crenshaw and Greene began when he responded on Twitter to a person who criticized him for this vote in support of the military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine:

That led Greene to interject herself into the online debate:

“So you think we are funding a proxy war with Russia? You speak as if Ukrainian lives should be thrown away, as if they have no value. Just used and thrown away. For your proxy war? How does that help Americans? How does any of this help?”

Crenshaw, however, was more than equal to the task of retaliation against Greene:

“Still going after that slot on Russia Today huh?”

Oddly, Greene then suggested that aid to Ukraine was fueling inflation in the United States:

“Sanctions aren’t stopping anything, but they are driving inflation and fuel prices. I refuse to vote for useless measures that cause problems but solve none. While you send $40 billion for your proxy war against Russia, I’m focused on baby formula for American babies.”

Perhaps it’s time we took a closer look at Congresswoman Greene’s finances. Has she accepted any money from Russia or Russian interests?


Foreign Policy Fox News Russia

WATCH President Biden Slap Down Peter Doocy For Requesting Details About US Military Policy Toward Russia

During a Q&A session with the White House press corps on Monday, President Joe Biden was asked by Fox reporter Peter Doocy for details about how the United States military would respond to actions such as the use of chemical weapons by Russian forces, and he got resoundingly slapped down by the president.

Doocy asked Biden:

“When you said that a chemical weapon use by Russia would trigger a response in kind…”

The president corrected Doocy:

“It would trigger a significant response.”

The Fox correspondent then followed up:

“What does that mean?”

That’s when the president took Doocy to the woodshed:

“I’m not going to tell you. Why would I tell you? You’ve gotta be silly!”


“The world wants to know.”

But Biden was more than ready for that comeback:

“The world wants to know a lot of things. I’m not telling them what the response would be. Then Russia knows the response.”

Foreign Policy Vladimir Putin

WATCH Sen. Chris Murphy Shut Down Chuck Todd For Complaining That Biden Called Putin A ‘War Criminal’

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) wasted no time shutting down “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd on Sunday when Todd suggested that President Joe Biden had made a mistake when he called Russian President Vladimir Putin a “war criminal” this week.

Todd asked Murphy:

“President Biden called Putin a war criminal this week. There are a lot of people who agree with that assessment but question whether the president himself should have personalized it. Where are you in this?”

The senator replied:

“I don’t think you can do anything other than call Vladimir Putin a war criminal He is! I mean, what he’s doing right now as we speak, targeting children, maternity wards, schools inside Ukraine clearly crosses a line.”

That led the NBC host to follow up by inquiring:

“We’re going to negotiate with a war criminal? That is what’s difficult here, right? We didn’t negotiate with [former Serbian President Slobodan Milošević].”


“President Biden is showing moral leadership just like President Zelenskyy is showing moral leadership. There are a lot of Republican colleagues now who are using their time to criticize President Biden, vote against Ukraine aid on the floor of the House and the Senate while President Biden is standing up there saying and doing the right thing.

“So I’m proud of President Biden for drawing a moral line against Vladimir Putin. I’d rather have my Republican colleagues supporting him rather than attacking him.”

There can be no doubt that Vladimir Putin is a war criminal. Anyone who orders the bombing of residential areas, uses cluster bombs, and doesn’t care if his troops target women, children, and the elderly is beyond the pale.

When Russia’s illegal and immoral invasion of Ukraine is over with, Putin needs to be dragged of of the Kremlin and placed on trial for crimes against humanity. If he’s found guilty, he should face the same fate as the Nazis convicted at the Nuremberg trials after World War II: To swing from a hangman’s noose.