Donald Trump Foreign Policy Vladimir Putin

Hillary Clinton Only Needs One Word To Explain Trump’s Obsession With Vladimir Putin

Former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton only needed one word to describe why failed ex-president Donald Trump constantly defends and praises Russian mass murderer/war criminal Vladimir Putin, HuffPost reports.

Referencing comments Trump made over the weekend during a campaign rally in Durham, New Hampshire regarding Putin, in which Trump quoted the Russian dictator as saying criminal charges against the Donald “shows the rottenness of the American political system, which cannot pretend to teach others about democracy,” Clinton posted this response on Twitter:

Just last month, Clinton appeared on “The View” and noted, “I think it would be the end of our country as we know it” if Trump wins in 2024.

Donald Trump Espionage Foreign Policy Russia Vladimir Putin

Top Secret Intel File On Russia Missing – Last Seen Before Trump Left Office

A file containing classified information about Russia and Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election disappeared in the last days of the Trump administration and has yet to be found, according to a terrifying report from CNN.

The binder contained raw intelligence the US and its NATO allies collected on Russians and Russian agents, including sources and methods that informed the US government’s assessment that Russian President Vladimir Putin sought to help Trump win the 2016 election, sources tell CNN.

The intelligence was so sensitive that lawmakers and congressional aides with top secret security clearances were able to review the material only at CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where their work scrutinizing it was itself kept in a locked safe.

The file was last seen at the White House when Trump sought to declassify it for public release. The disgraced former president has long been obsessed with news reports suggesting that the Kremlin actively worked to get him elected instead of then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Additionally, the Russia binder wasn’t among the classified documents found when the FBI searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in August of last year, raising new questions about what might have become of the dossier.

New information suggests that the file was taken by former chief of staff Mark Meadows, CNN notes.

Cassidy Hutchinson, one of Meadows’ top aides, testified to Congress and wrote in her memoir that she believes Meadows took home an unredacted version of the binder. She said it had been kept in Meadows’ safe and that she saw him leave with it from the White House.

“I am almost positive it went home with Mr. Meadows,” Hutchinson told the January 6 committee in closed-door testimony, according to transcripts released last year.

George Terwilliger, an attorney for Meadows, denied his client is in possession of the file, remarking, “Anyone and any entity suggesting that he is responsible for anything missing does not have facts and should exercise great care before making false allegations.”

If the information is now in the hands of the Kremlin, has U.S. national security been compromised? And if so, what long-term ramifications could that pose for the overall security of the United States?

Perhaps members of the Trump administration, including the ex-president, need to be brought before a Senate committee and forced to testify under oath. After all, if they have nothing to hide, they should be eager to cooperate.


Congress Foreign Policy GOP U.S. Senate WTF?!

WATCH: Lindsey Graham EXPLODES When Asked A Question By Reporter During Trip To Israel

During a visit to Israel on Monday, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) had a full-scale meltdown when a reporter from right-wing network Newsmax asked him a question about Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI).

At a press conference, Newsmax’s Daniel Cohen began by thanking Graham for his support of Israel, but then asked, “And I’d like to ask any Democrat senator here that would like to speak to Rashida Tlaib. She still has a tweet up condemning Israel for a hospital attack.”

Graham replied, “We are here together, not to talk about the problems at home, which are many.”

Cohen pressed: “It’s a question.”

That’s when Graham grew angry.

“You’re not going to screw this up!” Graham shouted.

Cohen: “I’m not trying to screw it up.”

That only made Graham angrier, leading him to suggest Cohen should be removed.

“Get this guy out of here!”

Graham then pounded the podium and declared:

“I’m an American. And I believe in free speech. I don’t believe what the squad has to say at all. But I came here with Democrats and Republicans to let everybody in the world know.”

“Don’t judge every Democrat by the squad, and don’t judge every Republican by some of the things you hear.”

A few minutes later, Graham offered an apology to the reporter: “And I’m sorry, my friend. I probably shouldn’t have said it, but my nerves are raw right now.”

Here’s the video:


Donald Trump Foreign Policy

Trump Owed $20 Million To A Company Allied With North Korea While He Was President

To many, it seemed odd that Donald Trump would be interested in trying to make peace with North Korea while he was president. After all, he had once threatened the hermit nation with “fire and fury” if they continued to test nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missiles that could one day reach the United States.

What was with Trump’s bizarre fascination with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un? Did he truly believe he could talk Kim out of his nuclear ambitions?

A report from Forbes suggests that Trump might have been operating out of his own financial interest on behalf of a company that has extensive business ties to North Korea.

Buried in a heap of recently released financial paperwork sits a surprising revelation: Donald Trump had a foreign creditor he failed to disclose while running for president in 2016 and after assuming office in 2017.

The documents, compiled by the Trump Organization and obtained by the New York attorney general, show a previously unreported liability of $19.8 million listed as “L/P Daewoo.” The debt stems from an agreement Trump struck to share some of his licensing fees with Daewoo, a South Korean conglomerate that partnered with Trump on a project near the United Nations headquarters in New York City.

Trump eliminated the debt five-and-a-half months into his tenure as president, according to the documents. He seems to have acted with some urgency to wipe the liability off his balance sheet. From 2011 to 2016, the documents show that the balance stayed static at $19.8 million. Paperwork capturing Trump’s financial picture as of June 30, 2017, five months into his presidency, appears to show that the balance had dropped to $4.3 million, $15.5 million less than it had been a year earlier. Trump got rid of the debt altogether shortly after that. “Daewoo was bought out of its position on July 5, 2017,” the documents say, without specifying who exactly paid off the loan.

Did Daewoo pay off Trump’s debt as some sort of quid pro quo? Such an arrangement might have gone something like this: Trump would agree to hold talks with Kim and ratchet down the incendiary rhetoric he had once used in exchange for the $19.8 million disappearing from the Trump debit sheet.

Amazingly, the fact that Trump owed such a huge sum to a company that does business with North Korea (which U.S. companies are prohibited from doing under federal law and sanctions) may not have actually been illegal, just unethical as hell, Forbes notes.

Although the debt appeared on the Trump Organization’s internal paperwork, it did not show up on Trump’s public financial disclosure reports, documents he was required to submit to federal officials while running for president and after taking office. Trump’s former chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, told the New York Times in 2016 that his boss disclosed all debt connected to companies in which Trump held a 100% stake on the documents. That was not true.

There is a chance that Trump’s omission may have been legal, nonetheless. Although officials have to list personal loans on their financial disclosures, the law does not require them to include loans to their companies, unless they are personally liable for the loans. The Trump Organization documents do not specify whether the former president, who owned 100% of the entities responsible for the debt, personally guaranteed the liability, leaving it unclear whether he broke the law or merely took advantage of a loophole.

How many other countries does Trump and the Trump Organization have with other nations hostile to the United States? It’d be nice to know that before the disgraced former president runs again in 2024, but as of this moment, there is no law requiring him to release a full accounting of his business dealings, meaning that he could be an ever bigger threat to American national security than we ever imagined.


Foreign Policy Fox News WTF?!

Tucker Carlson Says Lindsey Graham’s ‘Personal Life’ Explains His Support For Ukraine

According to Fox News host Tucker Carlson, the reason Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is so eager to give more military aid to Ukraine as it continues to fight against a Russian invasion is because of the senator’s “personal life.”

Mediaite reports that Carlson made his comments on his show Thursday evening, seeming to suggest that Graham’s sexuality might be in question. The senator is 67 and has never been married, leading some to say that he’s a closeted homosexual.

“So, the other day Lindsey Graham came out–” Carlson began, taking a long pause “–the Republican from South Carolina, and said that he agreed with Joe Biden and Zelensky.

Carlson then played a clip of Graham remarking:

“How does this war end? When Russia breaks and they take Putin out. Anything short of that, the war’s gonna continue. To ask the Ukrainians to give Russia part of the country after all this death and destruction is not gonna happen. To signal a ceasefire, Russia will take the opportunity to rearm and come at them again. So, we’re in it to win it and the only way you’re gonna win it is to break the Russian military and have somebody in Russia take Putin out.”

That led Carlson to tell his viewers:

“So, it’s really hard to overstate how crazy this is. And you don’t want to play shrink and wonder about, you know, what emptiness at the core of Lindsey Graham’s personal life causes him to identify so strongly with a country he’s not a citizen of. Something’s going on there.”

According to Carlson, continuing to assist the Ukrainians will only lead to wider conflict, including a catastrophic war between the U.S. and Russia.

“What happens then?. Well, the world’s largest land mass falls into ungovernable chaos.”

Leave it to Fox News to try and slag a member of the GOP simply because they don’t like his foreign policy aims. What’s next? Will Carlson begin suggesting that Graham is a transsexual? With Fox, you just never know how low they’ll go.