Crime Donald Trump

Alvin Bragg Has A ‘Very Compelling’ Piece Of Evidence To Destroy Trump’s Defense: Former Prosecutor

One of the main defenses that will be employed by attorneys for former president Donald Trump in his Manhattan hush money trial is to suggest that the disgraced ex-president had no idea his former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, had paid off Stormy Daniels to buy her silence on the affair she allegedly had with Trump.

But that defense can easily be torn to shreds by District Attorney Alvin Bragg, according to former federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann.

Weissmann was a guest on MSNBC yesterday, and he told host Ari Melber that all Bragg has to do is to lay out the evidence which shows there’s absolutely no way Trump couldn’t have known what Cohen was doing.

“I think here, one of the things that you’re going to hear about, is first, Donald Trump’s management style,” Weissmann explained. “We’re not talking about a person who is running Exxon, who had hundreds of thousands of people working for him. This is a small family business with somebody who is, I think by all accounts, very hands-on and very focused on the details.”

Also, Weismann noted, Trump wrote the checks in question.

“So you’re going to see checks that he signed, and I think that in itself is going to be very compelling evidence, because he reimbursed Michael Cohen for the hush money payments, is what you’re going to hear. But it wasn’t on a one to one basis. Because they had to say, oh, these are legal fees, that meant that Michael Cohen was going to have to pay taxes on them. So instead of reimbursing Michael Cohen $130,000, he had to true up the amount so that Michael Cohen would actually get the full $130,000. You wouldn’t need to do that if these were actually legal fees. This is not how this would work. So, and as you pointed out, there are a lot of prior inconsistent statements and you’ll hear from the prosecution about, look, if this was an innocent scheme, why is his story changing so much over time?”

Weissmann concluded, “So I think those are all of the kinds of things you’ll hear to undermine an exalted CEO, I didn’t know what David Pecker and Michael Cohen were doing at the ground level.”

Trump has no real defense for what he did regarding Daniels. He was desperate to keep the affair secret, knowing that if news of it broke in the midst of his 2016 bid for the White House, his chances of winning would be doomed.

But if it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump did indeed know about the payments, then he’s guilty not only of falsifying business records to hide his actions, but also of election interference, which could land him in a New York prison for several years.

Congress GOP

‘The Daily Show’ Has A Hilarious New Nickname For Marjorie Taylor Greene

It’s safe to say that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is the most despised member of Congress on either side of the aisle, with both Democrats and Republicans agreeing that all the Georgia GOPer wants is attention and headlines.

At the moment, Greene is trying to push Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) out of his post simply because he’s moving foreign aid legislation forward in the lower chamber of Congress.

All of this led Dulcé Sloan of “The Daily Show” to give Greene the perfect nickname that’s likely to follow the congresswoman for months to come.

According to HuffPost, Sloan began her remarks by noting Greene has “the strongest Karen energy I have ever seen.”

“Damn,” Sloan continued. “Last time I saw a white lady that pissed about a bill, she was getting kicked out of a Chili’s. I don’t know if she’s going to get Mike Johnson fired, but she’s definitely getting store credit for something.”

Then came the nickname.

“The crazy thing is if Capitol Hill Karen does get the speaker fired, that’ll be the second time in six months. If you’re constantly firing speakers, maybe the problem is with you.”

Capitol Hill Karen suits Margie to a T. So do a few other nicknames that can’t be shared in polite company.


Crime Donald Trump Elections Uncategorized

Donald Trump’s New York Trial Is Already Starting To Destroy His 2024 Campaign

As failed former president Donald Trump’s hush money trial continues to hang over him like a wet blanket, court proceedings are also “crippling” his bid for a second term in the White House, according to a report from the Daily Beast, which notes the trial has become a “giant time-suck” for the disgraced ex-head of state.

For example, on Tuesday Trump was scheduled to appear at a major fundraising event in Texas that was supposed to raise millions for 2024 GOP House candidates, but he had to cancel because he was in court all day.

Alex Conant, a GOP strategist and a top aide on Marco Rubio’s 2016 campaign, says Trump’s absence on the campaign trail could prove devasting for both him and Republicans who will be on the ticket in November.

“He could be raising six, seven figures pretty regularly at major-dollar events around the country at this point,” Conant said. “That’s literally what Biden is doing. So Trump’s fundraisers are probably frustrated that because he’s in New York, they can’t schedule that stuff.”

“The most valuable commodity in any campaign is the candidate’s time,” Conant added. “It’s the only thing you can’t get more of. And the fact that he’s going to have to spend weeks in the courtroom is time his campaign isn’t going to get back.”

For their part, members of Trump’s campaign insist that the New York trial will eventually backfire on Democrats and President Joe Biden, though their reasoning sounds like little more than wishful thinking, with one Trump campaign consultant remarking, “We’re only at day three now, and I think this is gonna have a backfiring effect on Democrats, I really do. They are interfering with Trump’s ability to get on his plane and go to Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia.”

And yet that so-called “interfering” is indeed keeping Trump off the campaign trail and unable to effectively raise desperately needed donations, where Biden already holds a commanding lead.

At the end of the day, Conant reiterates, time is the most precious thing any candidate has, and every day Trump spends in court puts him further behind the incumbent Biden.

Time is running out for Trump everywhere he looks as he’s finally having to confront the fact that he may be found guilty and sentenced to prison. Meanwhile, his 2024 campaign is stuck in neutral and starting to fade in both the polls and relevance.

Congress GOP Social Media

Lauren Boebert Complains About ‘Failure Theatre’ And The Jokes Write Themselves

Proving yet again that she has absolutely zero self-awareness and no sense of shame whatsoever, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) walked right into a humiliating self-own yesterday when she went on Twitter and began whining about the House preparing to take up military aid to Ukraine.

On Wednesday, the Washington Post reports, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) announced there will indeed be debate and votes on sending aid to Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine.

“Johnson now intends to try to pass five bills — one each for aid to Ukraine, Israel, and Indo-Pacific allies, as well as a GOP wish list of foreign policy priorities and a fifth stand-alone bill to address widespread Republican demands to strengthen the southern U.S. border. GOP leadership announced that the House would stay in session until Saturday to consider the bills.”

Johnson’s move has infuriated some of the right-wing extremists in the GOP who want to deny aid to Ukraine and allow Russia to continue its unprovoked invasion of the country, which has already resulted in the deaths of 70,000 Ukrainian soldiers and over 10,000 civilians.

The upcoming vote on foreign aid didn’t sit well with Boebert, who made her anger public via Twitter. But the words she used came back to bite her right on the butt.

As you may recall, back in September of 2023, Boebert and her date were ejected from a theater where a musical production of “Beetlejuice,” was being held, reportedly for vaping, being loud and obnoxious, and groping each other even though young children were sitting nearby.

Online mockery and trolling of Boebert’s “theatre” reference ricocheted across social media in response to her post.

Congress GOP Joe Biden

WATCH Jamie Raskin Shut Down ‘Deranged’ James Comer: ‘You Need Therapy’

A House Oversight Committee hearing erupted into shouting and insults today when two members of the panel, Reps. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) and James Comer (R-KY) clashed over the issue of Republican attempts to impeach President Joe Biden despite their complete lack of any evidence proving high crimes and misdemeanors.

Raskin noted that Republicans had accused Biden of taking bribes but have yet to offer any proof to support their specious accusation.

“It has obviously been dropped, and yet this was the genesis of our investigation.”

Comer interrupted, “That is just simply not true, but go ahead and finish your story.”

“Oh, I agree you have been talking about bank statements for more than a year, but they don’t show anything other than there was no crime,” Raskin continued.

“Do you want to move for impeachment today?” Raskin asked. “Because I thought that that was your main agenda item.”

“You all need therapy, Mr. Raskin.”

“No, you need therapy,” Raskin insisted. “You’re the one who’s involved with the deranged politician, not me, okay?”

“I’ve divorced myself from Donald Trump a long time ago,” Raskin added. “You’re the one who needs to disentangle from that situation.”

The purpose of the bogus impeachment inquiry aimed at President Biden was simple: To try and deflect from the laundry list of legal issues confronting disgraced former president Donald Trump, who is facing 91 felony counts on charges ranging from fraud to stealing classified documents and storing them at Mar-a-Lago.

As Congressman Raskin rightly pointed out, the GOP needs to disentangle from its associations with Trump. But they won’t, and that could lead to a landslide loss by Republicans come November.