GOP Supreme Court WTF?!

Ted Cruz: Democrats Only Hate Clarence Thomas Because ‘He’s A Black Man’

If you thought you’d heard all of the absurd defenses that can possibly be offered up in the vain attempt to suggest that Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas didn’t do anything unethical when he accepted free trips worth tens of thousands of dollars from a Republican megadonor, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) suggested today that it’s all due to racism on the part of Democrats.

Appearing on “Sunday Futures” with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo, Cruz had this to say:

“We know what Justice Thomas did wrong. He’s been one of the greatest Supreme Court justices ever to serve on the court. He has been a principal constitutionalist,and the left despises him; Democrats hate Justice Thomas, and they have the special degree of hate for him because he’s a Black man.”

“And their view is that African-American is not allowed to be a conservative is not allowed to disagree with left-wing orthodoxy,” he added.

According to Cruz, some of the liberals on the high court had also accepted trips, but he conveniently neglected to mention any names, probably because he was lying.

“They’re not looking at any of the Democrat justice. They’re not looking at any other judges. This is a political smear job directed at Clarence Thomas because he is an extraordinary constitutionalist.”

Ted Cruz wants us to believe that questioning the ethics of a justice on the Supreme Court is racist. So if the question was about Amy Coney Barrett, would that mean it was sexism? Interesting to see how quickly Republicans play the race card when they have no actual defense for one of their right-wing heroes.

GOP Uncategorized

Marjorie Taylor Greene Is Told To Look In The Mirror After She Calls Hunter Biden ‘White Trash’

Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene walked right into a massive self-own when she accused the Biden family of being engaged in criminal activities.

In a video she posted on Twitter, the controversial Greene said the Biden family “has been influence peddling Joe Biden’s public office as Senator, VP, and POTUS.”

“Not one person has done anything about it, but the buck stops under the Republican-led House,” she added.

Greene also alleged that President Biden’s son, Hunter, has been engaged in sex trafficking (though she provided no proof), which led her to remark, “I want you to really think about that. Hunter Biden is the biggest piece of white trash in America.”

Hunter Biden is white trash? That’s incredibly rich coming from a woman who gets off on shooting semiautomatic rifles, screwing around on her ex-husband as often as the sun rises in the East, and even resorted to heckling during the State of the Union address, a move that led Democratic strategist to respond:

“Well, you know, I told people I have a PhD in white trashology, you saw real white trash on display. Let me say something about congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. She dresses like white trash. She really needs a fashion consultant. I recommend George Santos. He could do a good job of dressing up where she doesn’t announce her white trashdom by her own clothes.”

As for Greene’s clear psychological projection of her own insecurities onto Hunter Biden, Twitter users had some thoughts.

Business Donald Trump

REVEALED: Ex-Prez Donald Hypocrite Owns Millions In Anheuser-Busch Stock

Ever since many conservatives began calling for a boycott of Bud Light in response to the beer’s parent company, Anheuser-Busch, partnering with transgender TikTok influencer Dylan Mulvaney, one figure in the right-wing community has remained silent: Failed former president Donald Trump, who has yet to say a thing about the boycott.

And now we know why.

The Independent reports that Trump has a major stock investment in Anheuser-Busch and clearly doesn’t want to see the company suddenly start losing millions of dollars due to a boycott.

According to data reviewed by The Independent, it’s possible that Mr Trump’s reluctance to criticise the company that makes the middling American beverage stems from his personal financial interests.

Mr Trump’s most recent financial disclosure shows he holds a significant financial interest in Anheuser-Busch InBev, the company that produces Bud Light.

A recent disclosure report filed by Trump with the Federal Elections Commission on April 14 shows that the indicted ex-president owns between $1 and 5 million of Anheuser Busch InBev stock, which is shown under an account listed as “DJT Trust — Investment Account #2,” Business Insider notes.

However, despite the millions in Anheuser-Busch stock the twice-impeached former president owns, that doesn’t mean he isn’t a bigot when it comes to the trans community.

For example, in a video he released as part of his 2024 presidential campaign, Trump specifically remarked that if he’s elected again, he will “stop the chemical, physical, and emotional mutilation” of transgender children in the United States and vowed to use federal law enforcement against any doctor or healthcare provider who provides gender-affirming treatment to any member of the trans community.

For now, Trump is happy to hold on to his Anheuser-Busch stock and expect handsome returns in the the long run, even though he won’t be able to spend any of the profits when he’s incarcerated.

Crime Donald Trump

Trump’s Latest Legal Headache From Special Counsel Jack Smith: Possible Wire Fraud Charges 

In addition to the criminal charges failed one-term former president Donald Trump could face when Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith completes his investigation of the classified documents Trump had illegally at Mar-a-Lago, a report from The New York Times also suggests that Smith may well indict Trump for wire fraud.

According to The Times, “Led by the special counsel Jack Smith, prosecutors are trying to determine whether Mr. Trump and his aides violated federal wire fraud statutes as they raised as much as $250 million through a political action committee by saying they needed the money to fight to reverse election fraud even though they had been told repeatedly that there was no evidence to back up those fraud claims.”

“In the past several months, prosecutors have issued multiple batches of subpoenas in a wide-ranging effort to understand Save America,” The Times added, “which was set up shortly after the election as Mr. Trump’s main fund-raising entity.”

That led former federal prosecutor Glenn Kirschner to note during a Saturday appearance on MSNBC, “Wire fraud is the stock and trade of the federal prosecutors. If you use the wires, it’s an old-time term, it used to mean the TV, the radio, the telephone — now it’s the internet — as part of a scheme to defraud others out of their money.”

Kirschner continued, “Those are fairly easy charges to prove. So I have a feeling, you can see a series of wire fraud charges in what I would predict would be the larger charge of conspiracy to defraud the United States.”

Trump has been committing fraud for decades by refusing to pay contractors, attorneys, and employees. But defrauding the United States is a much more serious matter, if only because the DOJ has almost unlimited resources to pursue Donald to the doors of the nearest federal prison.

Congress GOP Social Media

Lauren Boebert Gets Endlessly Mocked After Her ‘Blessings Of America’ Rant Goes Awry

It’s so incredibly easy to make fun of Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, and a big part of the reason is because she constantly gives us all the material we need to mock and belittle her.

A perfect example of that was provided by Boebert on Thursday as part of speech she was giving in which she reeled off a list of the things that make Americans patriotic and every citizen should be eager to do in order to secure the “blessings of America.”

“I will do what’s right. I don’t care if it costs me an election,” Boebert said. “I don’t care if the school principal gets mad at me or the county commissioners get upset at me, or if the flight attendant kicks me off the plane.”

“I will do what’s right and answer the call because without righteous men and women, without patriots taking a stand for this country, our children, and our children’s children will not benefit the blessings of America.”

Yes, my fellow Americans, if you’re not willing to make the supreme sacrifice of being booted from a flight because you refuse to wear a mask, then you’ve betrayed the sacred principles set forth in the Constitution by Jefferson and Madison, both of whom will spin like proverbial ceiling fans in their graves as a result of your cowardice.

Or, as Paul Revere might have said if he could time travel: The stewardess is coming; the stewardess is coming!

Critics seized on Bobert’s moronic remarks and lit her up with mockery.