Congress GOP Social Media

Twitter Brings Down The House With Hilarious Kevin McCarthy Jokes: ‘Best Season Of C-SPAN…Ever’

It’s been an abysmal week for House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who is trying to become the next Speaker of the House.

By extension, it’s also been a bad week for all House Republicans because they’re making the Keystone Cops look competent.

At last count, McCarthy had lost 10 straight ballots for the Speaker’s chair, with Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) getting the most votes, which is humiliating for the GOP when you consider they have the majority of the votes in the chamber.

According to The Hill, here’s the latest update on the search for a Speaker:

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) appears to have lost the 10th vote for Speaker of the House.

The preliminary results were largely unchanged from all three of Wednesday’s and Thursday’s first three votes, with McCarthy garnering 200 votes, 20 Republicans voting for another candidate and one voting “present.”

Lawmakers are still in negotiations but are touting progress.

This will send the Speakership fight to a 11th ballot for the first time since before the Civil War. It’s unclear if that vote will happen tonight.

Long story short: It’s a clusterfuck.

However, despite all the chaos, one good thing has come out of this: Humor. Specifically, internet humor. Take a look:

Congress GOP

Right-Wing Activist Says He Has Evidence Marjorie Taylor Greene ‘Committed A Crime’

As she watches one vote after another fail to elevate House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to Speaker of the House, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) must wonder if she has backed the wrong horse.

Greene has resorted to attacking her GOP colleagues in the House, as if that will do anything other than alienate them even further, with Mediaite noting:

Greene lit into her colleagues while talking with reporters in the Capitol.

“If my friends in the Freedom Caucus, Matt Gaetz and others will not take the win when they have it, they’re proving to the country that they don’t care about doing the right thing for America,” she began.

“They’re proving to the country that they’re just distractions. And that’s that’s not what we need to do as a party. That’s why Republicans fail. And I’m really tired of it,” Greene concluded in a clip from Right Side Broadcasting.

As you’d expect, Greene’s comments weren’t well-received by some on the right wing of her party.

For example, Ali Alexander, organizer of the extreme right “Stop the Steal” movement, who is threatening to destroy Greene by handing over evidence of a crime the congresswoman has reportedly committed.

On Telegram, Alexander wrote:

“I will not suffer this harlot. I will not be taught vows and loyalty, commitment from a whore! You have got me mistaken for some damn fool, and a fool, Ali Alexander has never been called.”

And then things got really interesting, with Alexander making his claim of a crime committed by Greene:

“In the coming days I’m going to reveal that Marjorie Taylor Greene, in my summation and the summation of lawyers, committed a crime. That crime is going to be handed to the state of Georgia, and the state of Georgia will decide whether they adjudicate that crime or not. The House Ethics Committee and House Rules [Committee] must expel Marjorie Taylor Greene when this evidence comes to light.

“Ho, go home! I am done with you. You are lukewarm, I am spitting you out of my mouth. You played me, and no more. Everyone will know about your drunken night, because the consultants who have drunk with you will have to choose whether they fear me or whether they fear you, and they fear me, Marge. They fear me a lot more than they fear you.”

Granted, Alexander may just be blowing smoke, but if he does indeed have proof of a crime by Marge, let’s hope he makes good on this threat and shares it with the world.

Congress Fox News GOP

Lauren Boebert Gets Called Out For Her Bullsh*t By…Sean Hannity?!

Though it may be hard to believe, Fox News host Sean Hannity actually did a few minutes of journalism on his show Wednesday evening as he interviewed Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) to discuss the ongoing impasse between right-wing House GOP hardliners and those who support House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to be the next Speaker of the House.

Hannity began the interview by reading a quote from Boebert in which she had called on former president Donald Trump to urge McCarthy to withdraw his candidacy for the Speaker’s chair. He then inquired:

“Congresswoman, I’m frustrated by you not answering a direct question. You said to President Trump, you said earlier today that President Trump needs to tell Kevin McCarthy, you don’t have the votes–

“Let me turn the tables, congresswoman. Kevin McCarthy has 202–3 votes. Your side has 20. So, if I’m gonna use your words, and your methodology, and your math, isn’t it time for you to pack it in and your side to pack it in considering he has over 200 and you have 20?”

Boebert responded, “Sean, I understand the frustration, I promise you, But he–”

The host countered, “I’m not frustrated. You didn’t answer my question.”

A few seconds later, as Boebert continued to prevaricate, a frustrated Hannity asked again about her abandoning her effort to block McCarthy, to which she replied:

“Well, Sean, he needs 218 and he does not have 218.”

Hannity quickly reminded the Colorado Republican:

“Neither do you!”

When you’ve lost Sean Hannity, it might be time to realize that you are indeed in a cult.

Fox News

WATCH Laura Ingraham Get Trolled To Her Face By A Guest On Her Show 

Fox News host Laura Ingraham got reminded of the network’s repeated fearmongering and sexual harassment scandals during an interview with author Steve Almond on Wednesday evening.

Almond, who wrote Against Football: One Fan’s Reluctant Manifesto had been invited to discuss the issue of safety in sports after the tragic collapse of Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin on Monday evening during a game between the Bills and Cincinnati Bengals.

But, as Mediaite reports, Almond came loaded with facts and wasn’t shy about using them.

“What do you want?” Ingraham asked the author. “I’ve seen stampedes at soccer games, major fights at hockey games. I’ve seen fights at cricket competitions. What do you want? I’m not getting it.”

Almond said the league needs a financial “incentive” to make the game safer. He proposed weight limits for players so they “aren’t bulking themselves up on unnatural weights.” He then suggested monitors on helmets look for hard hits that might otherwise go unnoticed.

He also argued the NFL has a “PR problem” he said was not unlike that of Ingraham’s network.

“It’s like at Fox News when you have hosts who are allegedly sexually harassing people,” he said. “Fox News throws money at that to make that PR problem go away.”

Clearly taken aback by Almond’s remarks, Ingraham tried to recover:

“That’s a cute little move. I’m trying to get you to answer a question.”

Almond was ready for that, too:

“I’m focused on the fans and what I believe is not that any government ban is going to make football safer, and not some mythic woke mob that you mentioned to try to scare your viewers.”


Football is “not about politics. You’re making it about politics.”

The author continued to slam Fox:

“That’s your entire economic model. That’s to scare your viewers. That’s your whole gig.”

Almond then reminded Ingraham of her own bad actions:

“A couple of years when you taunted a survivor of the Parkland mass shooting, you apologized only because advertisers withdrew from your show.”

At that point, Ingraham abruptly ended the discussion by remarking:

“Nice try, buddy,. That’s what they always do.”

Here’s the video. Enjoy!

Congress GOP WTF?!

AOC Has The Perfect Comeback When A GOP Rep. Says Democrats Are Drinking On The House Floor

Since Republicans in the House of Representatives continue to prove that they cannot manage to elect a Speaker, they’re now lashing out at their Democratic colleagues, but it turns out they’re no better at that than they are at picking a leader.

During debate on the House floor Wednesday, Mediaite reports, Rep.-elect Kat Cammack (R-FL) accused Democrats of drinking as they watched the GOP debacle continue for the second straight day.

Refusing to elect McCarthy as Speaker, said Cammack, was tantamount to “stifl[ing] the will of the American people.”

She credited McCarthy for having “done more than anyone in this chamber to secure a Republican majority,” and said they needed to “unify now” to oppose the “liberal Senate” and “Obama’s J.V. Team in the White House.”

“The American people sent a conservative majority to govern this body,” she continued, but “we cannot begin to govern because heck, we can’t even swear in as members of Congress.”

“Diversity of thought” was “a good thing,” and sets Republicans “apart from our friends on the other side of the aisle,” Cammack continued, who “want us divided” and “want us to fight each other.”

And then Cammack casually dropped in her specious accusation:

“That much has been made clear but the popcorn and blankets and alcohol that has come in over there.”

There were loud boos and jeers in response to Cammack’s cheap shot, but perhaps the best comeback came from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who replied on Twitter.

“If only! If Dems took a shot every time McCarthy lost a Republican, we’d all be unconscious by now”

At last count, McCarthy had lost FIVE votes to be Speaker, garnering fewer votes than Democratic House leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY).

If anyone needs a drink, it’s the House GOP caucus. Maybe if they got rip-roaring drunk they could actually manage to accomplish something. Then again, they’d probably argue over who got the last swig from the bottle.