Crime The Trump Adminstration

Legal Expert: Grand Jury Subpoena For Stephen Miller Should Have Him Very Worried

Former Trump administration adviser Stephen Miller was informed via subpoena this week that a grand jury investigating the ex-president’s Save America PAC wants him to testify under oath, and that could be big trouble for Miller, according to a former federal prosecutor.

Glenn Kirschner was asked for his thoughts on the grand jury subpoena for Miller during an appearance on MSNBC Sunday and said Miller will have two choices when he testifies: Flip on Trump of perjure himself.

“I think one thing we should pay attention to is the difference between a January 6th congressional subpoena, and there have been, I think, more than 1000 witnesses at last count interviewed by the January 6th Congressional committee. The difference is between that kind of a subpoena and a federal grand jury subpoena, which is what now Stephen Miller has had placed in his hands.”

Kirschner then explained what he meant:

“Because you can play some games trying to avoid a congressional subpoena and Congress does not have the same tools to enforce its subpoenas and compel testimony,. But I’ll I tell you what: the Department of justice does.”

“Things have just gotten real for Stephen Miller and anybody else who has a federal grand jury subpoena. I have to believe at the end of the day he will testify truthfully and if not he’ll be looking at a perjury charge in contempt or obstruction of justice charge.”

And what if Miller does tell what he knows?

“If he testifies truthfully about what Donald Trump has done, that could spell additional trouble for Trump.”

Crime Donald Trump Kamala Harris

Watch Kamala Harris Smack Down Chuck Todd For Saying Prosecuting Trump Would Be ‘Divisive’

Vice President Kamala Harris wasn’t about to let NBC News host Chuck Todd get away with suggesting that if the Justice Department prosecutes former president Donald Trump for violating the law by hoarding classified documents, it would be “too divisive.”

In an exclusive interview that will air Sunday on “Meet the Press,” Todd repeatedly tried to get Harris to say that it would be a bad idea to charge Trump.

It began when Todd asked:

“How much should President — former President Trump’s status as a former president and a potential 2024 candidate, how much should that factor into the decision to charge him?”


 “Well, I wouldn’t dare tell the Department of Justice what to do. As a former prosecutor, I will tell you, I’ve — my — I am not in the business of telling a prosecutor what to do with their case because they know best the facts and the evidence as applied to the law. And so I’m not going to tell them what to do. And certainly the president and I and our administration, unlike the previous administration, have been very, very careful to make sure that there is no question about any kind of interference in terms of the decisions that the Department of Justice makes —”

Once again, Todd tried to trip up the VP:

“But let’s — let me, let me try to go to 60,000 feet. What do you say to the argument that it would be too divisive for the country to prosecute a former president?”

That’s when Harris lowered the boom on Todd:

“I think that our country is a country that has gone through different periods of time where the unthinkable has happened, and where there has been a call for justice, and justice has been served. And I think that’s potentially going to always be the case in our country that people are going to demand justice and they rightly do.”

They most certainly are going to demand justice, especially for a man who has repeatedly dodged having to pay the price for his many alleged crimes.

Donald Trump Melania Trump

Hillary Clinton Has A Snarkily Hilarious Question For Melania Trump

When you think about everything Hillary Clinton told us about disgraced, failed, one-term former president Donald Trump when she ran against him in 2016, it’s fair to say that not only was she prescient, she was also 100% right.

Jennifer Senior of The New York Times noted in 2020 that Clinton had indeed summed Trump up perfectly:

But she did have some strikingly good insights. You see it in the “she warned us” memes on Twitter: Here’s the snippet of her listing possible reasons Trump hadn’t released his tax returns (he’s a tax evader, he’s in hock to mysterious creditors, he’s not the bazilionaire we think), all of which turned out to be true; there’s the snippet of Hillary telling Trump that he was a puppet.

And now Hillary is back, and she’s still perfectly on-point (and funny as hell), The Independent reports, when asked what message she has for Melania Trump:

“How’s your summer going?” she bluntly told host Andy Cohen she would ask the former first lady in the wake of the FBI’s raid of her and Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and the seizure of top secret documents.

The former secretary of state appeared on Cohen’s Bravo show Watch What Happens Live with her daughter Chelsea Clinton to promote their Apple TV show Gutsy.

But it wasn’t just Melania that the former secretary of state had questions for, and she was kind enough to share those with us, too:

The former presidential candidate was also asked what question she would ask Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, whose wife Ginni Thomas has been linked to the attempt to overthrow Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory over Mr. Trump.

“Don’t you want to retire?” Ms. Clinton said she would ask Justice Thomas, who also played a key role in overturning Roe v Wade.

What about all of those eerily accurate predictions Clinton made about what a disaster Trump would be as president? Cohen asked.

“It does cross my mind honestly.
“But it doesn’t provide any kind of solace to me. I am so sad, I am so distressed that everything that happened during the time that he was there, and then his refusal to accept the election, and inciting violence, is heartbreaking.
“I hope people (of whatever party) will just say, ‘No, enough! We are not going to let that kind of divisiveness and disruption exist in our country any longer.’ It’s so important to stop it.”


Crime Donald Trump Elections

Trump Thinks Running In 2024 Will Protect Him From Legal Problems – Here’s Why He’s Wrong

With the midterm elections now less than two months away, more and more attention is turning to what may happen in 2024 if failed, one-term former president Donald Trump decides to run for a second term in office after losing badly to President Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential race.

Some political experts believe Trump will indeed seek the GOP nomination two years from now, if only because it helps him remain relevant and in the public eye, which he craves.

Democratic National Committee adviser Kurt Bardella notes that Trump needs constant attention:

“He’s an attention whore and everything always has to be about Donald. He has to make himself the centre of the universe so he goes out there and plays this little flirtatious ‘will he, won’t he?’ card and it’s just designed to continue to keep that conversation going.

“It’s also designed to try to keep his would-be competitors like Ron DeSantis or Mike Pence or Mike Pompeo at bay.”

But perhaps the biggest concern for the disgraced ex-president is the endless stream of legal issues that hang over his head and continue to expand, especially since he was caught hoarding classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach. The Justice Department now believes that Trump has committed multiple felonies for keeping the documents in violation of federal law, including the Espionage Act.

So would a 2024 run protect Trump from a possible indictment and trial? No, but it’s almost as if he doesn’t realize that, according to Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia:

“He believes incorrectly that, if he’s a formal candidate, that will somehow protect him from legal charges. It will not. We’ve had quite a number of candidates in American history who got into legal troubles so I don’t know why he thinks that. Somebody probably said something to him once and he never let it go.

Nobody knows. He is very likely to run again but I can see scenarios in which he wouldn’t. He said himself, let’s see how my health is. He hasn’t had the best diet in the world and doesn’t look to me to be in particularly good shape.”

What will Trump do? For now, reports are that he has told the Republican National Committee he won’t announce a 2024 run until after the upcoming midterms. Ironically, it’s expected the DOJ will also make a formal announcement after the election whether or not it will charge the former president with crimes related to his document scandal.

Donald Trump Ivanka Trump WTF?!

Why Is Donald Trump Suddenly Being Seen With An ‘Aide’ Who Looks Like Melania’s Twin?

Granted, disgraced, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump does a lot of things that leave us scratching our heads and wondering what in the hell is going on, but this time he seems to have outdone himself.

According to The Daily Mail, Trump was seen leaving Trump Tower this week with an aide who also held a similar job in the Trump administration.

Donald Trump appeared unbothered walking out of his Manhattan Tower Wednesday afternoon with his mid-twenties communications aide Margo Martin – the same day he raged at a report the FBI seized his medical history in the Mar-a-Lago raid. 

Another aide placed a large stack of loose paperwork into the vehicle that Trump boarded in his motorcade out of New York City, according to images obtained exclusively by

The departure from Trump Tower comes as a report emerged Wednesday that Trump was keeping at his Mar-a-Lago home nuclear secrets for an unnamed foreign nation, which were found in the FBI raid of the former president’s residence last month. 

So far, so good. Until you take a look at the aforementioned Margo Martin:

Does Ms. Martin remind you of anyone? Maybe the Donald’s wife, Melania, when she was younger? You decide. Here’s Melania shortly after the two were married in 2005:

The two could almost be sisters.

So what do we know about Margo Martin? Thanks to, we know the following:

 She is currently the Deputy Director of Communications for his Save America PAC. 

Martin was a familiar face at Trump’s press meets and she is known for cajoling journalists in and out of the Oval Office or other venues. She is currently heading the communication team which has members including Nick Luna, formerly the personal assistant to the then President, and Will Russell, director of the Trump White House advance team. Molly Michael, former Oval Office coordinator, and Cassidy Hutchinson who used to be an aide to former chief of staff Mark Meadows. The team is famous for helping Trump set up his next plan, specifically those of running for office again in 2024. Meanwhile, Trump’s visit has led to heated discussions as it came on the same day as a report emerged that he was keeping nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago for an unnamed foreign nation, which was found in the FBI raid.

Makes you wonder, What does Melania think about all this? She probably doesn’t care. After all, the less time she has to spend with the morbidly obese and deeply disturbed Donald, the better.