Abortion Congress GOP Whining Gun Nuts Viral Video

WATCH Jamie Raskin Mock Marjorie Greene By Telling Her It ‘Sounds Like You Want To Arm’ Fetuses

No one in Congress seems to agitate Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) more than Democratic Congressman Jamie Raskin (MD), probably because Raskin is everything Greene will never be: Intelligent, witty, and accomplished.

That dynamic was on full display during a hearing of the House Rules Committee at which Greene was testifying on the issue of the Second Amendment when Raskin asked her:

“Do you think the students should be armed?”

Greene replied:

“I think children should be trained with firearms.”

Raskin retorted:

“So they can repel someone who comes in?”

Getting agitated, Greene said:

“That’s not what I said. I said I believe children should be trained with firearms so they understand how to use them.”

The debate then shifted to the topic of abortion, which led Greene to get apoplectic:

“Abortion kills babies! We’re talking about kids being killed, abortion kills innocent children… They can’t protect themselves at all from this horrific procedure.”

That led Raskin to expertly mock the Georgia Republican by telling her:

“Sounds like you want to arm them.”

All Greene could muster in response was a weak:

“That’s impossible. That’s impossible, Mr. Raskin.”

Game, set, and match Jamie Raskin. He managed to troll Greene right to her face.



Abortion LGBT Issues Supreme Court

Clarence Thomas Urges SCOTUS To Overturn Same-Sex Marriage And Contraception Rights Next

With the 6-3 ruling in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the conservative majority on the Supreme Court has completely eliminated a right that women have had for five decades: The right to make her own reproductive and family planning decisions.

But in his concurring opinion, Justice Clarence Thomas made it clear that this is only the beginning of what the right-wingers on the high court have planned for the United States in the future.

Specifically, Thomas wrote:

“In future cases, we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell. Because any substantive due process decision is ‘demonstrably erroneous’ … we have a duty to ‘correct the error’ established in those precedents … After overruling these demonstrably erroneous decisions, the question would remain whether other constitutional provisions guarantee the myriad rights that our substantive due process cases have generated.”

Yes, the Supreme Court is now coming for other rights, meaning that millions of same-sex couples will suddenly find that their marriages declared null and void.

Also, the right to contraception will be curtailed, especially in states ruled by Republicans. Both men and women will no longer able to purchase birth control pills or condoms. There will be an explosion of unwanted pregnancies and births in the United States, driving us ever closer to Third World status.

There is, however, a way to counter what the court has done today: Democrats, Independents, and Republicans who value the Constitution must vote in November so that legislation can be passed that will guarantee all of these rights and place them beyond the control of the extremist judges on the Supreme Court.


Congress GOP Whining January 6 Social Media

Gaetz And Greene Send Out Frantic Tweets After Jan. 6 Committee Proves They Wanted Pardons

Shortly after the January 6 House Select Committee presented testimony that six House Republicans asked failed former president Donald Trump for pardons in the final days of the Trump administration, two of the six named — Reps. Matt Gaetz (FL) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA) — took to Twitter and began making posts that only succeeded in proving just how terrified they are of what the future holds for them.

What might that future entail? According to Norm Eisen, who served as co-counsel for the House Judiciary Committee during Trump’s first impeachment trial, Gaetz and Greene are facing 15 years in jail and disqualification from ever holding public office:

Such cold hard facts clearly triggered Gaetz and Greene.

That led to plenty of pushback on social media. Take a look:


Gun Nuts WTF?!

Kyle Rittenhouse Has Launched A Video Game Where Players Can Kill ‘Fake News Turkeys’

In his ongoing effort to try and make a buck off the fact that he shot and killed two people in Kenosha, Wisconsin back in 2020, Kyle Rittenhouse has just launched a video game in which players can shoot and kill what he calls “fake news turkeys.”

The New York Post reports:

Kyle Rittenhouse announced the release of a new video game Thursday in which you can shoot “fake news turkeys” — and proceeds will go to his ongoing effort to sue media outlets for defamation.

Rittenhouse, who was acquitted last year after fatally shooting two men and injuring a third during a 2020 protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, said on Twitter that the game is part of his effort to “fight back against fake news.”

“The media is nothing but a bunch of turkeys with nothing better to do than push their lying agenda and destroy innocent people’s lives,” he said in a promotional video for the game, which he is selling on his website for $9.99.

In case you’re wondering who would choose to go into business with a figure as controversial as Rittenhouse, the game was created with the help of Mint Studios, whose CEO told the Washington Examiner:

“We had to step in to help Kyle after we saw what was done to him.”

What was done to him? He’s still alive, which is more than you can say for Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, the two men Rittenhouse shot and killed. He later claimed self-defense and was acquitted by a jury on charges of homicide, attempted homicide, and reckless endangerment

Rittenhouse recently claimed he would be attending Texas A&M University, but the school said that was untrue.

Congress GOP The Karma Is Gonna Get Ya

Boebert Facing Eviction From Her Colorado Gun-Themed Restaurant

Even if she does manage to win a second term in Congress, it appears that Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) won’t be able to forestall the closing of her restaurant, Shooters Grill, which is facing eviction at the end of August, though it could also be much sooner than that.

The Daily Beast reports:

Boebert told The Daily Beast that she and her husband, Jayson Boebert, had been surprised to receive the notice last week announcing that their lease would not be renewed. The building’s ownership changed hands last month, she said, and now Shooters would either have to find new digs or shut down for good.

But the day after that notice arrived, an anti-Boebert political group somehow got word that the timeline was even tighter than that—two weeks, the group said, putting the possible ouster just days before Republicans hit the polls for primary day.

Her employees hadn’t heard that yet, so Boebert scrambled to quash that rumor, which she characterized to The Daily Beast as rank misinformation. Still, the truth stood: The restaurant she and her husband founded eight years ago was on the brink of closing.

Shooters Grill is an essential part of the “success” story Boebert has sold to voters, asserting that she rose from nothing and managed to become a successful business owner with hard work and a belief in the American dream.

The facts, however, suggest that Boebert’s definition of success isn’t exactly in line with reality.

A recent report from Mother Jones revealed that Shooters is already on the verge of collapsing financially:

Employees tell me they believed that Boebert’s husband, who works as a consultant in the oil and gas industry, was keeping the company afloat. “There were times when we were waiting for him to get his check, so that way she could get us our check,” one former employee says. According to Boyington, “He’s the one who paid the rent, all the bills, everything.”

And yet Boebert insists the restaurant is doing fine financially:

“Does a restaurant ever turn a profit? No, we’re doing fine. We’re not in the red, we’re—we’re in the black, so it’s a lot better than last year.”

As with nearly everything Boebert says, it’s almost impossible to separate the truth from the mountain of bullshit that surrounds it.