Congress GOP Right Wing Morons

WATCH Marjorie Taylor Greene Get ‘Canceled’ By Newsmax When She Attacks The FBI

Right-wingers absolutely love to talk about how progressives want to impose “cancel culture” on everything they disagree with, which is really just code for conservatives wanting to be racist, homophobic, sexist, or disgustingly bigoted and getting their feelings hurt when they’re called out for being willfully obtuse.

But cancel culture came to call for Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) on Thursday during her media event with fellow extremist Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL). And this time it came from the right.


First of all, the press conference on the first anniversary of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was even more batshit crazy than you’d expect hearing the names Greene and Gaetz, with the Florida perv insisting that Jan. 6 had been a false flag staged by the federal government:

“Congresswoman Greene and I are not here to celebrate January 6. We’re not here to obsess about it. But we are here to expose the truth.”

He then went fully fact-free:

“We know this: January 6th last year wasn’t an insurrection. No one’s been charged with insurrection, no one’s been charged with treason. But it may very well have been a Fedsurrection.”

When it was Greene’s turn to talk, she picked up the baton from Florida Man and kicked off her own demented rant:

“You know what I think needs to be the biggest investigation in United States history? What is going on at the FBI and what is happening at the Department of Justice? And the American people deserve those answers because it’s the American people and the taxpayers that pay for all of it! Now I don’t want to have anything to do with a government that is going to be so obsessed with overturning regime change in our own country when it should be serving the American people, particularly…”

Extreme right-wing “news” site Newsmax quickly cut away from Greene, with the host noting:

“All right, Marjorie Taylor Greene. With Congressman Matt Gaetz there, putting forth some of the arguments from the Republican side that you certainly didn’t hear today from President Biden and the Democrats.”

Yep, Marj and the Sunshine State Perv got canceled by a right-wing outlet, which may well be the most ironic thing of 2022 even though the year has just begun.

Sorry, Marj, but even your conservative, tinfoil hat-wearing compatriots appear to be tired of your crap.

Capitol Insurrection WTF?!

QAnon Shaman Now Claims He Was Merely Trying To ‘Calm The Crowd’ On January 6

You remember Jacob Chansley, don’t you? He’s the clown who dressed in full garb the day he helped storm the Capitol a year ago today. Images of him began to circulate on social media and he became known as the QAnon Shaman.

Now, however, Chansley wants us to believe that he was trying to help on January 6 and made every effort to “calm the crowd,” according to Inside Edition:

“In retrospect, one thing I can say that I regret is not working to ensure that there was far more peace on that day. Had I known what was going to happen, I would have stepped in before any barricades were breached. I actually tried to, on more than one occasion, calm the crowd. But it just didn’t work.”

Chansley also said that he regrets not doing more to keep the peace as supporters of former President Donald Trump attacked the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to block the certification of the 2020 election results. However, multiple videos and images showed him howling and chanting his way through the Capitol and inside the Senate Chamber.

Prosecutors said he yelled, “Times up, motherfuckers,” and left a note on then-Vice President Mike Pence’s desk that said, “It’s only a matter of time. Justice is coming.”

Chansley is currently serving a 41-month sentence in federal prison for part in the Capitol insurrection, even though his mother argues that her son did nothing wrong because he was invited to the Capitol by failed, one-term former President Donald Trump.

Fox News The Biden Administration WTF?!

Laura Ingraham Calls The Biden White House ‘The MSNBC Administration’ And Gets Hit With A Blunt Reminder

According to Fox News host Laura Ingraham, President Joe Biden isn’t actually running the country. On her show Wednesday evening, Ingraham declared that the Biden White House should be called “the MSNBC administration,” Mediaite reports:
“This is the Democrats’ entire political agenda in 2022: ‘We’ll protect from you the insurrectionists.’ “This isn’t a hard left country. They’re not going to be able to convince voters to dump the Electoral College, make D.C. a state, get rid of capitalism, or eliminate prisons. Not gonna happen. This isn’t the Biden administration, though. Is it really? It’s the MSNBC administration.”
Wow! That’s pretty rich when you consider that Fox News was constantly cheering for and advising failed, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump during his term in office. Additionally, at least 21 people worked at Fox News and later in the Trump administration. In other words, Ingraham is engaged in classic projection: Accusing others of your own actions. It’s the very same tactic used by tyrants throughout history. And that’s exactly what social media users told Ingraham as they slammed her for being a pathetic hypocrite:
Capitol Insurrection Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump Urges ‘MAGA Nation’ To ‘Rise Up’ On Eve Of Capitol Insurrection Anniversary

With the anniversary of the January 6 Capitol insurrection now less than 24 hours away, failed, one-term, twice-impeached former President Donald Trump issued a statement urging his supporters to “rise up” against the government yet again.

In a statement issued via his spokesperson, Liz Harrington, on Twitter, where Trump remains permanently banned, the disgraced ex-president railed against any efforts to control the spread of COVID-19 in the United States, suggesting such measures are a burden on the people:

Be sure and note the line, “This is an outrage, and MAGA nation should rise up and oppose this egregious federal government overreach.” Rise up? Sounds more than a little like the language Trump used at his speech prior to the Capitol riots that left five people dead.

The worst president in American history had planned to hold a news conference tomorrow, but was talked out of that by people close to him. Also, since no major networks were planning to carry the presser, Donnie wouldn’t have had a captive audience to share his lies and conspiracy theories with.

Reaction to the Trump statement was swift and featured reminders that he’s facing jail time for his role in the crimes committed on Jan. 6.

Capitol Insurrection Fox News

The January 6 Committee Wants To Have A Long Talk With Sean Hannity About His Role In The Capitol Riots

The House Select Committee investigating the Capitol riots and insurrection which left five people dead is leaving no stone unturned, and is even requesting that Fox News host Sean Hannity voluntarily submit to cooperating with the panel, according to Axios.

The Jan. 6 select committee is preparing to ask Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity for his voluntary cooperation with its investigation of the assault on the U.S. Capitol, a source with direct knowledge of the plan tells Axios.

Why it matters: Hannity is one of the most prominent media figures in America and was a close adviser to Donald Trump throughout his presidency. The committee revealed last month that Hannity texted then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows during the riot to urge him to get Trump to stop his supporters.

A spokesperson for the committee declined to comment on the possibility of Hannity being called, but Jay Sekulow, an attorney for the Fox News host, raised the predictable red herring of the First Amendment:

 “If true, any such request would raise serious constitutional issues including First Amendment concerns regarding freedom of the press.”

It would? How would asking Hannity to answer questions intrude on his First Amendment protections, especially since he’s not really a journalist and mainly works as a paid propagandist and peddler of conspiracy theories?

While Hannity has condemned the storming of the Capitol, he’s been silent when it comes to criticizing failed, one-term former President Donald Trump for his role in what transpired on Jan. 6. Hannity has also been critical of the House Select Committee.

We already know that Hannity was in contact with then-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows as the rioting was taking place:

Committee officials have said Hannity was among several Fox News hosts who were texting Meadows during the riot.

“Can he [Trump] make a statement?” Hannity said in the texts, made public in mid-December. “Ask people to leave the Capitol.”

Hannity was also actively involved in the inner workings of the Trump administration, according to reports, Axios notes:

  • One former Trump aide sarcastically referred to Hannity as the “real chief of staff.” That was a gross overstatement, but it spoke to Hannity’s special access to Trump.
  • Such was Hannity’s influence with Trump that officials who wanted to persuade him often turned to the Fox News host to help get their ideas or action items across the line.
  • A phone call from Hannity to Trump carried more sway than a conversation between the president and many members of his own Cabinet.

Will Hannity agree to talk with the committee? What if he’s subpoenaed? If he chooses not to, he could be held in criminal contempt and jailed for up to two years.