Congress GOP WTF?!

Family Of Devin Nunes Holds Illegal Fireworks Display And Winds Up Setting Their Own Dairy On Fire

If perhaps you’ve ever wondered whether or not stupidity is a hereditary trait, consider the case of the family of Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) and their dairy farm just outside Tulare, California.

According to The Tulare Advance-Register, a massive 100-ton hay fire is burning at the Nunes and Sons Dairy, which has investigators wondering what exactly might have caused the blaze.

Well, according to neighbors who live near the Nunes dairy farm, it’s all connected a fireworks show held at the dairy on the eve of Independence Day:

“Neighbors on Oakdale Avenue said they witnessed a ‘Disney-style’ illegal fireworks show and party at the dairy, which is run by a relative of Tulare Congressman Devin Nunes.

“Lori Lockwood, who lives across from the dairy, said she heard loud booms and felt her house shake before midnight. She went outside with her husband and watched the colorful display, she said.

Soon after, Lockwood said her husband noticed a fire spreading in the field that separates their property from the Nunes’ family dairy. She called 911.”

“I was concerned because they use the field to grow corn and silage for their cows, and it’s completely dry. We were prepared to leave. Fortunately, Tulare County Fire (Department) responded quickly and put the fire out before it could reach us.”

Exceptionally dry weather in California has led officials to to warn against residents shooting fireworks at home, but apparently the Nunes clan doesn’t think the rules apply to them, much like their more well-known relative.

News of a fire at the dairy is especially ironic in light of the fact that Congressman Nunes sued Twitter over a parody account that pretended to be from a cow at the Nunes family dairy, as CNN reported last year:

“California Republican Rep. Devin Nunes cannot sue Twitter over allegedly defamatory remarks made about him by satirical accounts pretending to be his mother and a cow, a Virginia judge ruled Wednesday.

“Nunes sued Twitter, the two satirical accounts and a third Twitter user in March 2019, demanding $250 million in damages and that the anonymous accounts be unmasked.”

@DevinCow had this to say about the dairy fire:

So is stupidity an inherited trait? Mmmm…ooo….yeah.

Donald Trump

Kimberly Guilfoyle Makes A Disgusting ‘Joke’ About Kamala Pushing Biden Down The Stairs To Become POTUS

For some time now, it’s been clear that 99.9% of the people in the pro-Trump movement are immoral, hateful, and emotionally bankrupt, just like the slimeball they so fervently worship.

A perfect example of just how disgusting and downright evil the Trumpers are can be found in a rally the one-term loser former president held in Sarasota, Florida, Saturday evening.

As a warm-up act, the Trump team had disgraced former Fox News host Kimberly Guilfoyle (who’s now employed as Don Jr’s armpiece) get up and rouse the braindead MAGA faithful with some of her patented, fever-pitched snarling that brings to mind the frothing fury of a rabid wolf.

Rather than say good things about the disgraced former president the crowd had come to slather with their diseased devotion, Guilfoyle decided she’d try to tear down Vice President Kamala Harris, much as she did back in April when she appeared on Newsmax and declared that Harris was actually running the country, not President Biden:

On Saturday, however, Guilfoyle decided to suggest that the vice president was secretly planning to bump off her boss so she could be head of state, telling the Trump acolytes:

“Old Joe is leading from behind with Kamala trying to push him down the stairs.”

Just like Donald Trump, Kimberly Guilfoyle hates Kamala Harris because she’s a smart, strong woman of color who doesn’t take any shit and has a very bright future. There’s a very good chance she’ll be the first woman president in U.S. history. But to suggest she’ll have to kill her boss to get what she wants is beyond contemptable. It’s downright sick and perverse.

Of course, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the Trump contingency walking among us is filled with rage and violence. Their own self-loathing is apparent by the fact that they support a man who would gladly toss them into the nearest gulley and walk on their backs to keep his own shoes dry.

Kimberly Guilfoyle is a fool. But her so-called sense of humor is telling, and it suggests that Junior had better watch his back when he’s walking down a flight of stairs and Kim is nearby.


Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump Gets Supremely Mocked For Saying He’ll Be Making A ‘Major Announcement’ About The First Amendment

Even though he hasn’t been president for nearly six months now, failed, one-term former President Donald Trump seems to be under the mistaken impression that he can still change things by making speeches or firing off press releases.

The latest proof that Trump is living in an alternate reality where he’s still head of state comes in a tweet sent out by his “spokesperson,” Liz Harrington:

So next Wednesday in New Jersey, Donald Trump is going to regale us all with his “efforts to protect Americans’ First Amendment rights.”

Donald Trump and the First Amendment don’t exactly go together. After all, he spied on reporters while serving as head of state and suggested that Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms be shut down when the put warnings on his postings. In other words, Trump is the last person to protect the right to free speech and a free press, establishment of religion, or the right to assemble.

Remember when protesters were in Lafayette Park and Trump ordered them teargassed so he could go hold up a Bible in front of a church? How about when he called members of the news media “enemies of the people”?

The only person Trump thinks the First Amendment applies to is him or one of his demented surrogates. If he’d gotten a second term in office, the right to free speech would have been destroyed by his Justice Department and his handpicked asspuppet, William Barr.

Let the online mockery begin!

Don’t be surprised if Trump’s big “announcement” turns out to be him whining about being banned from Facebook and Twitter. He’s so damn pathetic.


Crime Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump Is Reportedly ‘Thrilled’ By Trump Org. Indictment Because He Thinks It Will Hurt Biden

Failed, one-term former President Donald Trump is reportedly “thrilled” that the Trump Organization and Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg were indicted by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. because he believes the move will hurt President Joe Biden.


Politico reports that during a conference call with his advisers, Trump sounded delighted by the upcoming indictments:

“The former president was on a conference call with his advisers Monday discussing his favorite topic — revenge — when he was interrupted with an update on the Manhattan D.A.’s investigation. He would not be personally indicted, Trump was told — only Weisselberg and the Trump Organization would be. Trump was thrilled by what he saw as light charges, and according to one of the advisers on the call, his mind raced to 2024.

“’Just wait until 2024, you’ll see,’ Trump said. The former president implied that the legal case would be seen as a political witch hunt that would backfire on Democrats. ‘This is going to hurt Sleepy Joe.’

“The adviser had the impression that Trump, who was already coming off a high from the large crowd at his rally in Ohio last weekend, was emboldened by the news. ‘Now he’s definitely going to run for president” again,’ the person said.”

Of course, it pays to remember that this is the very same Donald Trump who thought being impeached would help him get reelected and also told advisers that his response to the COVID-19 pandemic had been exceptional.

Perhaps Trump thinks he won’t be indicted. If so, that proves the depths of his self-delusion. Someone inside the company is going to agree to testify against him, and if he filed tax returns with his signature on them, he’s screwed.

As for Trump running in 2024, that’s going to be difficult to pull off from a prison cell.