Congress Donald Trump Elections Joe Biden

MAGA Faithful Pillory Kevin McCarthy Online After He Admits Biden Was ‘Legitimately Elected’

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) did a complete 180 degree turn on Tuesday during an appearance on Fox News.

Speaking with Fox host Bret Baier, McCarthy was asked for his thoughts about failed, one-term former President Donald Trump’s continuing claims that he actually won the 2020 election and was cheated out of it, despite never providing a shred of evidence to support those assertions.

McCarthy told Baier:

“Joe Biden is the President of the United States. He legitimately got elected.”

McCarthy and Trump have what can best be called a love-hate relationship, as evidenced by reports that the two had a shouting match on the phone during the Capitol insurrection on January 6:

“‘When McCarthy finally reached the president on January 6 and asked him to publicly call off the riot, the president initially repeated the falsehood that it was antifa that had breached the Capitol,’ Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Wa., said in a statement posted to Twitter on Friday night.

“At one point during the phone call, McCarthy told Trump: ‘Who the f—k do you think you are talking to?’ according to a Republican lawmaker briefed on the conversation.”

So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that McCarthy is ready to move on, especially since he probably fears Trump might try another run at the White House in 2024, provided he isn’t in prison at the time.

But the MAGA faithful were outraged by what McCarthy said, and they took to Twitter to vent their anger and shed their tears:

Trumper tears are so damn sweet.


Congress GOP WTF?!

Lauren Boebert Terrifies Her Fellow Republicans By Calling For An End To All Federal Benefits

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) may have cost Republicans any chance of winning the 2022 midterm elections, and she did it by saying out loud what many in the GOP have been dreaming about for decades.

Boebert decided she wanted to make a point about the federal government offering to help Americans, so she went full-tilt and said conservatives want to eliminate all federal benefits, telling attendees at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC):

“We’re here to tell government: ‘We don’t want your benefits. We don’t want your welfare. Don’t come to us with your Fauci ouchie. Leave us the hell alone!'”

The very idea of cutting Medicare and Social Security is considered to be the the proverbial “third rail” of American politics and has consistently proven to be political poison, especially for Republicans.

It’s especially ironic that Boebert would rail against welfare since she loves to brag that she was helped by federal and state programs:

Now that she’s getting her salary and benefits courtesy of American taxpayers, however, Ms. Boebert wants to leave the neediest among us high and dry. In other words, she’s a typical conservative: A hypocrite.

HuffPost notes that in recent years Republicans have chosen to shower the rich and big corporations with corporate welfare:

“Boebert’s party has no problem cranking up benefits for the wealthy. Under the Trump administration’s tax cut — pitched as a boon to the middle class — 60% of the benefits went to the richest 20% of Americans, with the largest cuts as a share of income going to the top 5%. Corporate taxes were slashed 40%. 

“As for the Paycheck Protection Program during Donald Trump’s administration, most of the aid went to bigger companies, with just 5% of recipients scarfing up more than half of the $525 billion that went out the door.”

Boebert’s remarks were met with harsh reaction on social media:

Let’s see if Lauren Boebert actually believes the bullshit she peddles. Let’s see her return her congressional salary and benefits to the U.S. Treasury. Willing to put your money where your big mouth is, Lauren?


Donald Trump Fox News Social Media WTF?!

Maria Bartiromo Gets Shredded For Pushing New And ‘Incredibly Sick’ Capitol Riot Conspiracy

Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo set off a firestorm of criticism on social media Sunday for a conspiracy theory she pitched during an interview with failed, one-term former President Donald Trump.

Trump began the lying by asserting that the government official who shot Capitol insurrectionist Ashli Babbitt “was the head of security for a certain high official. A Democrat. It’s gonna come out.”

That was all Bartiromo needed to start spewing bullshit, claiming (with zero substantiation) that she had asked Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) for “answers,” but had been rebuffed by the senator.

But as many on Twitter pointed out, both Trump and Bartiromo are both clearly trying to incite more violence. One Twitter user noted:

“This is incredibly sick stuff. Maria Bartiromo’s show has become the go-to platform for the most malevolent garbage the MAGA crowd wants to circulate.”

Others also lit up Bartiromo (who pretends to be a journalist) for her irresponsible remarks:

Fox News Russia WTF?!

Tucker Carlson Got Busted Playing Footsie With The Kremlin – Now He’s Screaming He Was Set Up

A week and a half ago, Fox News host Tucker Carlson announced on his nightly show that the National Security Agency (NSA) had been spying on him, telling his viewers:

“Yesterday, we heard from a whistleblower within the U.S. government who reached out to warn us that the NSA — the National Security Agency — is monitoring our electronic communications, and is planning to leak them in an effort to take this show off the air. Now, that’s a shocking claim, and ordinarily we’d be skeptical because it is illegal for the NSA to spy on American citizens. It’s a crime. It’s not a third-world country. Things like that should not happen in America.”

Why would the NSA be the least bit interested in Tucker Carlson? Granted, he’s on television nightly, but he lies so much and pumps out so many bogus conspiracy theories that nothing he says can be taken seriously.

Unless, of course, Carlson was reaching out to an adversarial government in an attempt to arrange an interview with one of the most despised men on the face of the planet.

According to Vox:

“Tucker Carlson was talking to U.S.-based Kremlin intermediaries about setting up an interview with Vladimir Putin shortly before the Fox News host accused the National Security Agency of spying on him, sources familiar with the conversations tell Axios.”

Think about that for a moment: An American going through intermediaries who contacted the Kremlin, either via phone or email, about meeting with Putin, who is believed to have personally signed off on a deliberate attack on the 2016 election and who is also in charge of various Russian intelligence agencies that continue to target the United States via computer hacking and ransomware attacks.

Quite frankly, Carlson’s lucky the FBI hasn’t paid him a visit and asked why he’s making contacts with sources inside of Russia.

Once again, quoting Axios:

“Those sources said U.S. government officials learned about Carlson’s efforts to secure the Putin interview. Carlson learned that the government was aware of his outreach — and that’s the basis of his extraordinary accusation, followed by a rare public denial by the NSA that he had been targeted.”

In other words, Carlson knew he’d gotten busted reaching out to Russia and tried to suggest he was being set up by U.S. intelligence. But it also begs the question of why Carlson or Fox didn’t make the government aware of their contacts in advance, which is often done by reporters who are attempting to communicate with foreign leaders.

Something about Carlson’s paranoid ramblings suggests there’s more to this story that has yet to come out. And when it does, don’t be surprised if the Fox host and his network are proven to have been on the brink of having broken the law.

This story isn’t over with, and that should terrify Tucker Carlson.


Domestic Terrorism Donald Trump

Terrorism Expert Says He Fears QAnon Crazies Are Preparing To Try And Touch Off A Civil War

Think forward to a month from now. It’s August 5 and Donald Trump still hasn’t been “reinstated” as president the way the MyPillow moron, Mike Lindell, has been promising. Instead, the failed, one-term loser former president has been indicted (or soon will be), and Joe Biden remains president of the United States.

What happens next? Does Lindell move the goalposts again? Or do the pro-Trump crazies who also subscribe to the bizarre QAnon view of the world decide to take matters into their own hands and try to start a conflagration in major cities across the country?

That’s the concern of terrorism analyst Malcolm Nance, who said Monday evening during an appearance on MSNBC’s “The Reid Report” that he believes the QAnon goons may well be the biggest threat the U.S. faces when it comes to domestic terrorism, remarking:

“Anyone that can see with their eyes understands what is going on here. We are in a neofascist era in personal politics. Back in 1939, 1940 there was a formal fascist movement, which openly supported Adolf Hitler and called for American independence and isolation away from Europe’s war, which Hitler had just invaded, called the America First movement.”

The “America First” movement that took place in the United States as Hitler rose to power was led by a name you’ll probably recall from your history classes: Charles Lindbergh.

Nance continued:

“They had a rally in Madison Square Garden where George Washington was juxtaposed with Adolf Hitler. These people were fascists. What we’ve seen is after World War II when they were essentially run to the ground, there was a rise in the 1950s and ’60s of these very small fascist groups that turned into terrorist groups like the Christian Identity movement.”

Nance also warned that the post-August period could wind up being one filled with the sort of horror we cannot possibly imagine:

“It’s the post-August period that I would really be watching as a terrorism professional because Donie O’Sullivan did some interviews with these people and they said if Trump is not reinstalled, then they’re going to have to start talking civil war. I’ve been monitoring their communications since last December. These people are already, many of them, committed to the concept of overthrowing American democracy and inciting civil war.”

We have got to be on the alert for what some of these domestic terrorists have planned if Trump isn’t installed in the White House the way they’re expecting. They are a clear and present danger to the United States.