Fox News LGBT Issues WTF?!

Tucker Carlson’s Latest Attack On Pete Buttigieg: He ‘Lied’ About Being Gay

Fox News host Tucker Carlson is absolutely livid because he claims that Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg didn’t “even admit that he was gay” until a few years ago and “lied about it for reasons he has never been asked to explain.”

Carlson made his remarks in reference to the mass shooting at an LGBTQ bar in Colorado Springs that left five dead and dozens of others injured.

“Pete Buttigieg, of course, couldn’t pass up a moment like this. It’s not like Pete Buttigieg wants to talk about how things are going over at the Transportation Department, which he supposedly runs. Short answer not well.”

That led Carlson to go on an extended rant about Buttigieg in which he accused the transportation secretary of using the Colorado shooting to advance his political aims:

“No, Pete Buttigieg wants to talk about identity. He always wants to talk about identity. And the funny, ironic thing is and the tell just a few years ago, Buttigieg wouldn’t even admit that he was gay. He hid that and then lied about it for reasons he has never been asked to explain. Why not?

“But whatever. Now he is happy to use his sexual orientation as a cudgel to bash you repeatedly in the face into submission. Quote, here’s his latest, ‘If you’re a politician or media figure who sets up the LGBTQ community to be hated and feared, not because any of us who ever harmed you, but because you find it useful that don’t you dare act surprised when this kind of violence follows.'”

The Fox host concluded:

“Buttigieg, now that you’re admitting you’re gay after lying about it, since we’re talking about identity. What do you have to say about that? Well, nothing. Weirdly, Pete Buttigieg hasn’t said anything, nor has he apologized for attacking other people on false pretenses.”

As with nearly everything said by Carlson and the other prime time hosts on Fox, the premise of his argument against Buttigieg is based on bullshit and outright lies that have absolutely no grounding in fact. Instead, they emanate from a place of hatred, homophobia, and self-loathing.

Buttigieg has indeed addressed why he was so reluctant to come out before he did, writing:

“I was well into adulthood before I was prepared to acknowledge the simple fact that I am gay. It took years of struggle and growth for me to recognize that it’s just a fact of life, like having brown hair, and part of who I am.”

And Buttigieg also explained why he remained closeted while serving in the military, noting:

“For individual servicemembers, that meant hiding who they were from the people they trusted with their lives. In some cases it meant living a life that was less than whole.”

Poor Tucker. He can’t stand the fact that Pete Buttigieg is more accomplished than he’ll ever be.

Congress Fox News January 6

Tucker Carlson Pitched An On-Air Hissy Fit During Thursday’s Jan. 6 Committee Hearing

Fox News host Tucker Carlson proved once again Thursday evening that he and the network he works for have zero credibility and are nothing more than a propaganda outlet for the Republican Party and its would-be dictator for life, Donald Trump.

As the first evening of hearings from the House Select Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol were beginning at 8:00 p.m., Carlson was starting his nightly show, and he made it clear from the get-go that he had no intention of letting any truth into his broadcast:

“This is the only hour on an American news channel that will not be carrying their propaganda live.

“They are lying, and we will not let them do it.”

HuffPost notes it wasn’t just Carlson’s ranting that was completely fact-free and at times hysterical:

He and his producers plastered hysterical chyrons across the screen for their millions of viewers to see: “JAN 6 CMTE FUELS FALSE NARRATIVES AS SHAM INVESTIGATION DRAGS ON.” “LEADERS WILL SPEND 90 MINUTES GIVING MORAL LECTURE.” “OUR LEADERS ARE FOCUSING ON JAN. 6 WHILE IGNORING THE REAL THREATS.”

And if all that wasn’t bad enough, Carlson also suggested that investigating the Jan. 6 insurrection might just led to another insurrection, which is ironic since he insisted there had been no insurrection in the first place:

“This was not an insurrection, but you know what will give you an insurrection? If you ignore legitimate concerns of a population. If you brush them aside like they don’t matter when gas goes to $5 and say ‘Buy an electric car.’ When cities become so filthy and dangerous that you can’t live there. When the economy becomes so distorted your children have no hope of getting married and giving you grandchildren. When you don’t care at all about any of that and all you do is talk about yourself, nonstop, you might get an insurrection if you behave like that, speaking of insurrections.”

Is that right, Tuck? Well, at least the FBI will know who to visit if and when that happens.

Fox News Lies Social Media

Tucker Carlson Gets Cold Busted Lying About Why He Rejoined Twitter

Like all of the on-air hosts at Fox News, Tucker Carlson lies about everything, even when he’d be better served by telling the truth.

For example, on Monday evening, just hours after the announcement that Elon Musk had reached a deal to acquire social media platform Twitter, Carlson announced he was rejoining the site, even going so far as to announce it on his nightly show.

However, it turns out that Carlson lied about the reason he had returned to Twitter, according to Mediaite:

Tucker Carlson appears to have attempted to mislead his viewers as to why he is back on Twitter after a month-long break.

Carlson, who was suspended by the censor-happy platform on March 23, attributed his return on Monday to Elon Musk on his nightly show.

Carlson had his account locked for a disgusting tweet he posted suggesting that Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine — who is transgender — was a man.

The Fox News host commented on Levine’s biological sex after two other prominent accounts, those of the Babylon Bee and of Charlie Kirk, were suspended for calling Levine a “man.”

Afterwards, Fox said Carlson would refuse to delete the tweet, no matter the consequences.

And yet, he clearly did delete the offensive tweet, which led him to send out this message an hour before his Monday evening broadcast:

What happened? Once again, Mediaite explains:

Carlson’s Monday tweet appears to be the result of a decision to delete the Levine post, which no longer appears on his timeline.

So Tucker was never going to delete the tweet, but he did exactly that, which means he lied. Then he failed to admit he had deleted said tweet and pretended he was back on the platform because Musk was now the owner of Twitter.

There are lies, and then there are Fox News lies, which are always bigger, more obvious, and more pernicious.


Foreign Policy Fox News Lies Russia WTF?!

Tucker Carlson Is Now Trying To Blame The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine On…The United States?!

When Russia first invaded Ukraine a couple of weeks ago, Fox News host Tucker Carlson tried desperately to make excuses for the naked aggression of Russian mass murderer Vladimir Putin.

But when polling revealed that Americans universally despised Putin and his attack on Ukraine, Carlson began looking for other ways to frame the issue, suggesting that it was the fault of the Biden administration’s energy policy, which was also met with skepticism by the public.

So Carlson has now shifted his ranting points yet again, and come across this conclusion: The United States itself is to blame because politicians want to go to war with Russia.

HuffPost notes that Carlson was pushing that asinine theory on his show Monday evening:

“Kamala Harris encouraged Ukraine to become a member of NATO. Quote, ‘I appreciate and admire President Zelenskyy’s desire to join NATO.’

“Message: Up yours, Vladimir Putin, go ahead and invade Ukraine. And, of course, Vladimir Putin did that just days later. So the invasion was no surprise to the Biden administration. They knew that would happen. That was the point of the exercise.

“We watched all this happen, we missed it. How? Honestly because it was insane and therefore very hard to take seriously. Why in the world would the United States intentionally seek war with Russia? How could we possibly benefit from that war? We still don’t know the answer to that question.”

They knew that would happen. Really, Tucker? That’s what your going with? Because it sounds more like something you’d hear from a tinfoil hat wearing loon standing in Times Square and clutching a tattered Bible as he proclaims the end of the world is nigh.

Ukraine should have the right to join NATO. If Putin doesn’t like that, too damn bad. He doesn’t set policy for the NATO alliance. Or at least he doesn’t now that Donald Trump is no longer in the White House and doing whatever his “genius” buddy Vlad orders.

By extension, it can be implied that Carlson (and Fox News) thinks that you and I are also culpable for the invasion of Ukraine. If we support NATO and Ukraine, then we triggered Putin to do what he did.

You’d think it’d be difficult for Tucker Carlson to speak with so much bullshit in his mouth. But he’s so used to lying that it comes naturally for him.

Fox News Gun Crime WTF?!

Kyle Rittenhouse Says He’s Forming An Organization To Sue The Media For Reporting On Him

Acquitted Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse told Fox News host Tucker Carlson Monday evening that he’s creating what he calls “The Media Accountability Project” for the purpose of suing media outlets who reported on his shooting of two people at a Black Lives Matter protest in Wisconsin.

Newsweek reports that Rittenhouse said his new project is meant to punish the media for their “lies.”

“We’re looking at quite a few politicians, celebrities, athletes.

“Whoopi Goldberg is on the list, she called me a murderer after I was acquitted by a jury of my peers. She went on to still say that. And there’s others, don’t forget about Cenk [Uygur] from the Young Turks. He called me a murderer before verdict and continues to call me a murderer.”

As you’d expect, there’s also a financial incentive for Rittenhouse, who is asking people to send him money:

However, legal experts noted that Rittenhouse’s attempts to sue the media for defamation won’t have any success because there’s a little thing called the First Amendment.

Attorney Adrienne Lawrence remarked:

“Did someone call Rittenhouse a ‘convicted murderer’?

“Because, to my knowledge, you can be a murderer factually, even if you’re legally acquitted. An acquittal doesn’t really change that one murdered another.”

Former MSNBC host David Schuster echoed Lawrence’s comments:

So what could be the real motive for Rittenhouse’s new project? Probably money, many on Twitter suggested:

Wouldn’t it just be easier if Rittenhouse got a damn job? Isn’t that what Republicans say is the solution to every ill in the world?