Fox News Lies Joe Biden The Biden Administration

WATCH Jen Psaki Call Fox’s Peter Doocy Out For Lying About Biden’s Policies

If there’s a White House press briefing, you can count on Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy trying to twist President Joe Biden’s words and getting slapped down by press secretary Jen Psaki.

Today’s dustup took place when Doocy asked about a report that seven school districts in Virginia are suing Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) for his ban on mask madates:

“So who does the president think knows best for students? School board members or parents?”

Psaki replied:

“The president believes that public health officials have the best guidance on what we can all do to protect ourselves. Studies show that masks reduce transmissions in school. They are a proven tool that helps keep teachers safe from Covid and they can thus help keep schools open and safe.”

But that response wasn’t enough for Doocy, who then asked:

“So if a parent wants to send their kid to school with no mask, should that child be allowed to go to school and be in class?”


“Again, what we’re advising school districts on is to abide by public health guidelines and follow public health guidelines. It’s about keeping an entire community safe and those are the decisions that people should focus on making.”

Clearly trying to criticize Biden’s policies on education and health, Doocy added:

“Just so it’s crystal clear for anybody watching, you guys think that ultimately in this conflict between school board members and parents, the school board members should have more of a say.”

The press secretary shut Doocy up by telling him:

“That’s actually not what I said. I think everybody should abide by public health guidelines, not just to keep their own kids safe, but keep their school community safe, whether it’s teachers, classmates, administrators or others in schools.”

And that’s how you counter the bullshit that flows 24/7 from Fox and other right-wing propaganda outlets: With facts. They absolutely hate that.

Here’s the video from Fox News:


Fox News Joe Biden The Biden Administration

Doocy Whines Biden Isn’t Being Nice Enough And Gets Taken To The Woodshed By Jen Psaki

It has become an almost daily ritual that Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy will ask an utterly moronic question or make a brainless remark that quickly gets shot down by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.

So by now you might think that Doocy would dial back some of his BS and act the way a journalist is supposed to: Ask tough, fair questions and not try to get into a debate when the person he’s asking is happy to answer whatever queries he might have.

However, Doocy is clearly a masochist and enjoys getting reprimanded by Psaki on a level that’s too disgusting and perverse to contemplate for more than two seconds before it makes your teeth ache.

Such was the case yet again on Friday at the daily White House press briefing when Doocy referenced a speech President Joe Biden made this week in Atlanta about voting rights and asked:

“As you talked about a year ago and working with Republicans, now [President Biden] is talking about Republicans that don’t agree with voting rights, he’s describing them as George Wallace, Bull Connor, and Jefferson Davis. What happened to the guy who, when he was elected said: ‘To make progress me must stop treating our opponents as our enemy’?”

Actually, here’s what the president said:

“Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace? Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis? This is the moment to decide to defend our elections, to defend our democracy.”

It’s eminently clear that Biden didn’t describe anyone as Bull Connor or George Wallace. What he rhetorically asked is, Whose side would you rather be on? Make your choice carefully.

And that’s exactly what Psaki told Doocy, pointing out the flaws in his question and setting the record straight:

“I think everybody listening to that speech, who’s speaking on the level, as my mother would say, would note that he was not comparing them as humans. He was comparing the choice to those figures in history and where they’re going to position themselves, if they as it – as they determine whether they’re going to support the fundamental right to vote or not.”

There’s an old saying we have in the South that applies to Peter Doocy and other conservatives who were “offended” by President Biden’s speech: A hit dog will holler. In other words, if you felt attacked by something someone said, it probably means you’re guilty and are hollering because it hit a bit too close to home.

Fox News Joe Biden The Biden Administration

Jen Psaki Destroys Peter Doocy When He Asks If Biden Will Apologize To Kyle Rittenhouse

Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy tried again Tuesday to trip up White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, only to wind up humiliated when Psaki brilliantly turned the tables on him.

Doocy began by noting that President Joe Biden had linked acquitted Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse to white supremacists in remarks he made during the 2020 campaign. He then asked Psaki:

“Will the president ever apologize to the acquitted Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse for suggesting online and on TV that he is a white supremacist.”

Psaki responded:

“This is about a campaign video released last year that used President Trump’s own words during a debate as he refused to condemn white supremacists and militia groups. And President Trump, as you know… didn’t just refuse to condemn militia groups on the debate stage, he actively encouraged them throughout his presidency.

So, you know, what we’ve seen are the tragic consequences of that. When people think it’s okay to take the law into their own hands instead of allowing law enforcement to do its job. And the president believes in condemning hatred, division, and violence. That’s exactly what was done in that video.”

But Doocy couldn’t resist digging the hole he was in even deeper:

“You’re saying that it was just a campaign video. It wasn’t. The president gave an interview that he said that Rittenhouse was part of a militia coming out of Illinois.

“None of this was not proven in trial and Kyle Rittenhouse is saying that the president had actual malice in defaming his character.”

Again, Psaki was prepared and swatted Doocy down:

“The president spoke to the verdict last week. He has obviously condemned the hatred and division and violence we’ve seen around the country by groups like the Proud Boys and groups that that individual has posed in photos with. But beyond that, I’ll leave it to his comments around the verdict.”

As a matter of fact, Rittenhouse posed with the Proud Boys in Wisconsin, as the The Washington Post reported back in January:

Shortly after pleading not guilty to murder and weapons charges earlier this month, Kyle Rittenhouse showed up at a bar in Mount Pleasant, Wis., clad in a T-shirt that said “Free as F—,” prosecutors said. Then the 18-year-old allegedly drank three beers, posed for photos with members of Proud Boys and flashed a “white power” hand sign.

Rittenhouse now says he supports the Black Lives Matter movement. But as the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words.

Fox News Media in America The Biden Administration Viral Video

Jen Psaki Masterfully Mocks Peter Doocy For Suggesting Pregnant Women Are A Threat

Once again today, Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy managed to walk right into a humiliating takedown delivered by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, and video of the interaction is quickly going viral.

Doocy asked about the thousands of immigrants at the Texas-Mexico border, and Pskai made it clear they weren’t being allowed into the United States.

Doocy, however, decided to suggest otherwise, telling Psaki:

“We’re being told by our people on the ground that you’re releasing pretty much all family units. Couples where the woman says that she is pregnant, or single women who say that they are pregnant and that no one has to actually take a pregnancy test unless they want to, so…..”

Psaki had the perfect comeback:

“Are you suggesting that you don’t believe when women say they’re pregnant? Is that a big issue? We think at the border?”

Doocy sarcastically replied:

“I’m not in charge of keeping the border secure.”

Calmly, professionally, Psaki repeated her query to the Fox reporter:

“Do you think pregnant women are posing a big threat to the border? To the border communities — is that a big issue?”


“You tell me.”

Psaki then shut Doocy down by quoting the law to him:

“I’m not aware of pregnant women being a big issue of concern to people at the border. What I will note for you, Peter, is that, as I said earlier, there is a process. If people cannot be expelled under Title 42 for a range of reasons. Some of that is that countries they came from or other countries, including Mexico, may not be accepting families with children under the age of seven. They are placed in removal proceedings. Those removal proceedings require them to either go to a detention facility or require them to go get a notice to appear and including their biometric data and otherwise so that we can ensure where they are.”

You’d think that Peter Doocy would learn his lesson and stop trying to trip up Jen Psaki. Instead, he keeps asking moronic questions and proving why the only “news” network that will employ him is the one that also allows Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham to spew their disgusting lies each and every night.

Fox News Terrorism The Biden Administration

Psaki Says What We’re All Thinking When Asked Yet Another Asinine Question By Fox’s Peter Doocy

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki managed to shut down Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy yet again at Friday’s daily press briefing when he asked how the terrorists who murdered 13 U.S. service members in Afghanistan yesterday would be dealt with.

Mediaite reports that Doocy asked Psaki:

“What does that look like? Is he going to order a mission to kill the people responsible or would he be satisfied if they are captured and brought to trial?”

Psaki responded:

“I think he made clear yesterday that he does not want them to live on the Earth anymore.”

For a follow-up question, Doocy inquired:

“Are we going to try to bring those known terrorists to justice before we leave the country?”

The press secretary replied:

“Peter, I think our focus right now is on doing everything we can to get the remaining American citizens who want to depart out of the country, to get our Afghan partners out of the country. This is not a preferred relationship or a situation that we would have designed if we had started from scratch. I think that’s very clear.”

Is Doocy so clueless that he doubts the prowess of the U.S. military and their ability to track down those responsible and mete out the necessary punishment? Or is he trying to suggest that President Biden isn’t capable of making a decision to order the elimination of those who killed our brave troops as they tried to evacuate people from a hellhole?

Thank you, Jen Psaki, for putting Peter Doocy in his place yet again.