Fox News Joe Biden Social Media

Dark Brandon Swats Down Fox’s Peter Doocy And Twitter Applauds With Delight

Thinking he could trip up President Joe Biden with a loaded question, Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy tried on Wednesday to make Biden choose which item he felt was the “top domestic issue” as the midterm elections approach: Abortion or inflation.

But Biden, in full Dark Brandon mode, swatted down Doocy and gave him a lesson in governing, telling him:

“They’re all important. Unlike you, there’s no one thing. It crosses the board. They’re all important. And we oughta be able to walk and chew gum at the same time.”

For those who aren’t familiar with the “Dark Brandon” phenomenon, HuffPost explains:

“Dark Brandon” is the meme-worthy nickname that’s turned what was once an insult into shorthand for a feisty president willing to fight back.

This isn’t the first time Biden has put Doocy in his place. The two have sparred before, CNBC notes:

President Joe Biden called Fox News White House reporter Peter Doocy “a stupid son of a bitch” Monday on a live microphone, after Doocy asked Biden whether inflation was a political liability for him.

The verbal slip took place during a White House event on Biden administration efforts to combat inflation. After the president complained that all the press questions were about the military buildup around Ukraine, Doocy shouted: “Will you take questions about inflation? Do you think inflation is a political liability ahead of the midterms?”

Thinking his microphone was turned off, Biden responded sarcastically: “No, that’s a great asset. More inflation.”

He added, “What a stupid son of a bitch.”

It should be noted that the president later apologized for what he called Doocy.

Twitter users were delighted to see Dark Brandon make a comeback and remind Fox and its viewers that Democrats can indeed do two things at the same time, which is what governing is all about.

Economics Fox News The Trump Adminstration

Karine Jean-Pierre Sets Peter Doocy Straight When He Whines Biden Is ‘Bragging’ On Falling Gas Prices

Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy absolutely hates when good news arrives for President Joe Biden and the administration, as proved today when he whined that the president had been “bragging” on falling gas prices earlier in the day.

Specifically, the president noted:

“You know, we’ve seen some progress. Gas prices are coming down. They’re down almost a dollar a gallon where—from where they were just a month ago.”

That led Doocy to ask White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre:

“Why is the president bragging today about gas prices?”

The press secretary responded:

“Because it’s gone down.”


“It’s still $1.72 higher than when he took office.”


“It is come down in a way that we haven’t seen–its trajectory coming down in over a decade.”

The Fox reporter continued to press:

“So, over $4 a gallon, is that good?”


“You want to talk to a nurse or a teacher or a firefighter if having that little bit of breathing room doesn’t matter to them?”

Still trying to provoke Jean-Pierre, Doocy asked:

“Are nurses and teachers and firefighters saying, ‘Gas prices are only $4.11?'”

That’s when Jean-Pierre shut down Doocy with facts:

“I’m saying that even that little bit of breathing room matters to families, especially during the summer when people are traveling, when people are trying to do what they can for their families.”

She then added:

“To say that the changes, the drop that we have seen at the pump per gallon does not matter, I think that is wrong. I think that is not true and I think that does give a little bit of space and breathing room for families and is important.”


Fox News The Biden Administration

White House Press Corps Laughs At Peter Doocy When Jen Psaki Reminds Him He’s Not A Doctor

You’ve probably heard the old expression “We’re not laughing at you, we’re laughing with you” more than once in your life, but in the case of Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy, the laugh was indeed on him when he asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki about the ruling by a federal judge striking down the administration’s mask mandate on public transportation.

Here’s Doocy’s inquiry into the ruling:

“Why is it that we can sit here in the White House briefing room with no masks but people can’t sit in an airplane cabin with no masks.”

Psaki replied:

“Well, Peter, I’m not a doctor, you’re not a doctor. That I’m aware of. If you are, I wasn’t aware of that until today.”

The Fox reporter agreed with Psaki:

“Can confirm.”


“Not a doctor. Just making sure. I don’t know.”

Other reporters began giggling, which led Ed O’Keefe of CBS News to interject:

“Nor do you play one on TV.”

But what Psaki said next brought the house down, with almost every reporter bursting into laughter:

“Nor does he play one on TV. There you go. Most days.”

From that, Psaki then laid out a very clear explanation for what the White House’s position has been all along:

“But these determinations — remember, the masking guidance is green, yellow and red. We are currently in a green zone in Washington DC. So they’re not recommending it. Some people can still wear masks if they want to. Many people do. Or wear them in meetings or wear them at certain times where you’re going to be around or sitting close to people. Or maybe you have an immunocompromised parent or friend and so people make that decision. And this is based on health considerations and data that the CDC looks at about transmissibility as we’ve seen an increase in cases on airplanes.”

It should be noted that the judge who issued the Monday ruling against the mask mandate, Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, was appointed by failed, one-term former President Donald Trump and didn’t exactly come highly recommended by her peers, CNN reports:

Her confirmation in the days after the 2020 election was controversial and uniformly opposed by Democrats. A former clerk to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Mizelle was 33 at the time of her confirmation. She had been rated “not qualified” by the American Bar Association for “the short time she has actually practiced law and her lack of meaningful trial experience.”

Sounds like Judge Mizelle was even less qualified than the clueless sack of dung who nominated her and nearly destroyed the republic during his four years of dithering.


Fox News Media in America

Fox News Is Upset Because Jen Psaki Told The Truth About Peter Doocy’s Moronic Questions

As we’ve long suspected, the powers that be at Fox News can dish out the abuse, mockery, and criticism, but they sure as hell can’t take it.

The right-wing “news” network is up in arms because White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki dared to tell the absolute truth about Fox correspondent Peter Doocy.

Specifically, Psaki was asked on the Pod Save America podcast:

“Peter Doocy is a stupid son of a bitch or does he just play one on TV?”

Psaki replied:

“He works for a network that provides people with questions that, nothing personal to any individual including Peter Doocy, but might make anyone sound like a stupid son of a bitch.”

Where’s the lie in that statement? Fox has always been known for asking moronic questions and trying to stir up fake controversy over crap like their bogus, manufactured “War on Christmas.”

In response, Fox reporter John Roberts (who used to be a half-decent journalist when he was still at CBS News) got on his high horse and defended Doocy, probably because he knew Psaki was correct and he felt a need to justify his own pathetic existence on a network that has about as much news as a kosher hot dog has pork:

“(Doocy) makes the decisions on what topics he wants to quiz you on, and develops the questions himself.

“His philosophy is a basic tenet of journalism. Comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable. If that makes all of us ‘stupid s.o.b.s’, so be it.”

OK, John, we accept that you and Doocy are both stupid sons of bitches. And that goes double for Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity.

A spokesperson for Fox also defended Doocy, telling Mediaite:

“In his role as White House correspondent, Peter Doocy’s job is to elicit truth from power for the American public. His questions are his own, he is a terrific reporter and we are extremely proud of his work.”

He’s a terrific reporter? Then clearly you guys have lower standards than we suspected.

Fox News The Biden Administration

WATCH Jen Psaki Humiliate Peter Doocy When He Claims Kindergarten Kids Are Being Taught Sex-Ed

Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy was taken to the woodshed today and then shut down with facts by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki when he asserted that kindergarten students in Florida were receiving sex education.

Doocy made reference to Florida’s controversial “Don’t Say Gay” law that completely prohibits any discussion of sexuality for young students attending schools in the Sunshine State:

“Does the White House support that kind of classroom instruction before kindergarten?”

That led Psaki to respond with a question of her own:

“Do you have examples of schools in Florida that are teaching kindergarteners about sex education?”

Doocy could only whine:

“I’m just asking.”

The press secretary then explained why she had asked for specifics instead of speculation:

“I think that’s a relevant question because I think this is a politically-charged harsh law that is putting parents and LGBTQ+ kids in a very difficult, heartbreaking circumstance. And so, I actually think that’s a pretty relevant question.”

It most certainly is a relevant question, if only because what Doocy asked is utterly irrelevant unless he can prove that the Florida law was needed because kindergarten-age kids were being taught about sex in the first place. They weren’t.

The Florida law serves only one purpose: To create a fake issue that Republicans can try to run on since they have no actual ideas about how to make the state of Florida or the country better.