Donald Trump Jr. Healthcare WTF?!

Trump’s Proposed Medicare Chief: Uninsured Americans ‘Don’t Have A Right To Health’

Even though he lost a bid for the U.S. Senate and is widely seen as a laughingstock among respected members of the medical establishment, Donald Trump nominated Dr. Mehmet Oz to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services shortly after winning the 2024 presidential election.

However, comments Oz made several years ago to the National Governor’s Association could derail his chances of getting confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

In 2013, Oz told governors attending a conference that any Americans without health insurance “don’t have the right to health,” and should instead be provided with “a way of crawling back out of the abyss of darkness of fear over not having the health they need.”

How would that be accomplished? According to Oz, physicals in a “festival-like” setting would suffice for the uninsured.

“You can screen thousands of people for almost nothing, and you allow a conversation and take place in more of a festival-like setting,” Oz said. “It’s not scary, and I mentioned earlier that almost everybody’s come into our … physicals has a job, but a lot don’t have insurance.”

“Give them a way of crawling back out of the abyss of darkness of fear over not having the health they need, and give them an opportunity, cause they don’t have the right to health, but they have the right to access a chance to get that health.”

So if you’re without insurance, Dr. Oz thinks all you deserve is a 15-minute mini exam from a doctor at a health festival.

But what if you’re diagnosed with a serious illness at one of Dr. Oz’s traveling medical shows and still lack insurance? Are you wished good luck or would he advocate the immediate termination of your life because you’re a strain on the American healthcare system?

Senate Democrats are making it clear that they aren’t inclined to approve Oz to head the Medicare and Medicaid programs, with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) noting that Oz has frequently called for privatizing Medicare via Medicare Advantage plans.

Warren said she has “concerns about your advocacy for the elimination of Traditional Medicare and your deep financial ties to private health insurers.”

It remains to be seen if Oz can secure the votes he needs for confirmation. But if he does, don’t be surprised if the U.S. medical system becomes yet another thing only the wealthiest Americans can access and afford. The rest of us, it seems, will have to suffer and die while Dr. Oz and his money-grubbing buddies further enrich themselves.


Elections GOP

Geographically-Challenged Oz Makes A Fool Of Himself And Proves He Truly Is A Carpetbagger

Pennsylvania GOP Senate candidate Mehmet Oz may be a doctor, but he proved his complete ignorance of the state he asking to elect him during an interview he gave to Fox News host Sean Hannity on Monday night.

Oz, who has lived in New Jersey for years, is running against Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman (D) for the Senate seat being vacated by the retiring Pat Toomey (R), told Hannity:

“Pennsylvania is too important. This is important, we do not have a Republican senator north of North Carolina on the Atlantic coast until you get to Maine if I don’t hold this seat. And there has been a Republican senator in Pennsylvania most of my life. I’m gonna keep one here as well.”

As Mediaite notes, Oz may own homes in multiple states, but he clearly knows little or nothing about where exactly those houses are located:

The multimillionaire does own homes in Florida, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Two of his Florida estates are actually on the beach.

But his Pennsylvania properties do not back up to Pennsylvania’s coastline because Pennsylvania has no coastline. That did not stop Oz from pitching a very special message to voters Monday night. In essence, Oz asked them to make him the state’s next senator so the east coast can keep its Republican representation.

There is absolutely no point where the Keystone State touches the Atlantic Ocean. Never has been and never will be, which is something Oz might know if he wasn’t just moonlighting as a Pennsylvania resident in an attempt to steal a Senate seat.

Twitter users were also eager to take Oz to school on his faux pas.


Elections GOP Joe Biden

Biden Puts Oz On Full Blast After Learning He Attended High School In Delaware

President Joe Biden laid one hell of a nasty burn on Pennsylvania Republican Senate candidate Mehmet Oz when he found out that the doctor had attended high school in the president’s home state of Delaware.

Speaking to a crowd at a campaign even for Oz’s Democratic opponent, John Fetterman in Philadelphia, Biden remarked:

“I couldn’t believe it. He went to high school in Delaware. But Delaware was smart enough to send him to New Jersey.”

That wasn’t all the president said about a U.S. Senate controlled by Republicans, Politico reports:

“If, in fact, we lose the Senate, say goodbye to lower medical costs. Gone,” Biden said shortly after saying Fetterman has “got to win.”

Additionally, Biden noted that Republicans want to cut all aid to Ukraine and let Russia continue its war against the Ukrainian people.

“They said that if they win, they’re likely to not continue to fund Ukraine,” Biden said. “These guys don’t get it.”

Recent polls from the Keystone State show Fetterman with a small lead over Oz, and many political observers believe the race will come down to turnout, which is always crucial for Democrats. The massive turnout in the 2020 election is one of the reasons Biden won the election and Democrats gained seats in the Senate.