Congress GOP

Chelsea Handler Lays A Brutal Smackdown On Marjorie ‘Moron’ Greene: ‘Go Work At Foot Locker, B*tch!’

Comedian Chelsea Handler is guest hosting “The Daily Show” this week, and she had some free advice for Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who recently whined about how “miserable” it is to be a member of Congress.

Last Friday, Greene told Glenn Greenwald on his System Update podcast:

“The nature of this job. It keeps members of Congress and Senators in Washington so much of the time — too much of the time to be honest with you, that we don’t get to go home and spend more time with our families, our friends, and, you know, all in our district or maybe just be regular people because this job is so demanding and it’s turned into practically year-round.

“Becoming a member of Congress has made my life miserable. I made a lot more money before I got here. I’ve lost money since I’ve gotten here. I have people come up to me and say crazy things to me out of the blue in public places that they believe cause they read it on the internet or saw it on some news show about me. So it’s not a life that I think is like something that I enjoy because I don’t enjoy it.”

That led Handler to verbally excoriate Greene:

“Marjorie Taylor Greene, aka capital storming Barbie, hates her job, which is so funny because the rest of us also hate her having her job.

As for Greene suggesting that she just wants to be a “regular person,” Handler noted:

“First of all, you’re not a regular person, you moron. You’re a congressperson because you campaigned and somehow won, which requires you to work year-round. I also don’t wanna work year-round, and that’s why I don’t!”

The comedian then offered some free advice to the Georgia Republican:

“To quote Kim K for a second, ‘Get your f*cking ass up and work! The point is, if you don’t like being in Congress, then go work at Foot Locker, bitch!”

Congress GOP

MT Greene’s Attempt To ‘Legislate’ Gets Defeated By One Of The Largest Margins In History

Now that she has the full support and backing of Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, who said earlier this week that he will “always take care of her,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) is trying to act like a responsible legislator and try to pass legislation.

However, her first attempt at that endeavor didn’t go very well on Thursday, as an amendment she introduced regarding the sale of oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) went down in flames, losing by one of the largest margins in the history of Congress.

According to HuffPost:

New House rules put in place by the Republican majority allow any lawmaker to offer an amendment. The Hill reported that led to some 140 amendments being proposed for a bill regarding the use of the strategic petroleum reserve. Greene’s proposed amendment would have forbidden President Joe Biden from selling oil from the reserve.

The conspiracy theorist ― who spoke last year at a white nationalist event ― was joined by just 13 others as the amendment failed 14-418.

418 to 14. Wow! That’s about as lopsided of a margin as you’ll ever see in the House of Representatives, and it’s indicative of a much larger trend taking place now that Republicans run the House: Amendments and bills that have no chance of passing being introduced so someone can claim credit as proof that he or she is doing their job.

Some even suggested that Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), who was once best friends with Greene, was clearly trying to troll Greene with this tweet:

That was followed by other online mockery aimed directly at the Georgia Republican, who was reminded that she’s not very good at pretending to be anything other than a punchline.

For her next feat, perhaps Marge can pull a rabbit out of her ass and pretend she’s finally accomplished something.

Congress GOP

Marjorie Taylor Greene Confronts Lauren Boebert In House Restroom: ‘Don’t Be Ugly!’

The growing divide between Reps. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) began on January 3, 2023, the first day of the new Congress.

Greene had already aligned herself with then-House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), making it clear she planned to support him in his bid to be the next Speaker of the House.

Boebert, on the other hand, was in the Anyone But McCarthy camp, and a confrontation between her and Greene seemed inevitable.

As debate began on who would be Speaker, Boebert and Greene had a nasty tête-à-tête in a House restroom, according to The Daily Beast.

According to multiple sources, the two women were nearly in a screaming match in the Speaker’s lobby ladies room just off the House floor.

“Greene questioned Boebert’s loyalty to McCarthy, and after a few words were exchanged, Boebert stormed out,” a source familiar with the fight told The Daily Beast.

According to another source familiar, while in the bathroom, Greene asked Boebert, “You were OK taking millions of dollars from McCarthy but you refuse to vote for him for Speaker, Lauren?”

That wasn’t all that took place, the source noted. As Greene continued to press Boebert, the Colorado congresswoman ran away like a child.

The first source said Greene was in a stall and, upon coming out, confronted Boebert about taking money from McCarthy for her re-election and then turning against McCarthy when it came time to vote. The Colorado Republican was allegedly unaware that Greene was also in the bathroom at the time.

“That’s when Lauren said, ‘Don’t be ugly,’” the first source said, before she—in the words of this source—“ran out like a little schoolgirl.”

When confronted with details of the dustup between the two women, Boebert again ran away, telling a reporter, “See you later. Bye.”

The two women are also going in opposite directions when it comes to supporting Donald Trump in his 2024 bid for the White House.

On one hand, Greene issued an early endorsement of the ex-president. Boebert, on the other hand, has left the door open to backing a Republican 2024 presidential contender that isn’t Trump.

“I certainly would not turn my back on President Trump. I am a huge supporter of his,” Boebert told a local Colorado CBS affiliate back in November, while not pledging her alliance to Trump’s 2024 presidential endeavor. The lawmaker went on to add that she also does “love” Trump foe Ron DeSantis, the Florida governor.

What remains unclear is whether it will be Boebert or Greene who winds up surviving in the new cutthroat world now that Republicans control the House. McCarthy is hanging on as Speaker by the skin of his teeth, and some in the GOP are already hinting they want to see him deposed and replaced by a more right-wing Republican.

Boebert and Greene, meanwhile, may need to try and coordinate their bathroom breaks to avoid future confrontations.


Congress GOP

Right-Wing Activist Says He Has Evidence Marjorie Taylor Greene ‘Committed A Crime’

As she watches one vote after another fail to elevate House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to Speaker of the House, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) must wonder if she has backed the wrong horse.

Greene has resorted to attacking her GOP colleagues in the House, as if that will do anything other than alienate them even further, with Mediaite noting:

Greene lit into her colleagues while talking with reporters in the Capitol.

“If my friends in the Freedom Caucus, Matt Gaetz and others will not take the win when they have it, they’re proving to the country that they don’t care about doing the right thing for America,” she began.

“They’re proving to the country that they’re just distractions. And that’s that’s not what we need to do as a party. That’s why Republicans fail. And I’m really tired of it,” Greene concluded in a clip from Right Side Broadcasting.

As you’d expect, Greene’s comments weren’t well-received by some on the right wing of her party.

For example, Ali Alexander, organizer of the extreme right “Stop the Steal” movement, who is threatening to destroy Greene by handing over evidence of a crime the congresswoman has reportedly committed.

On Telegram, Alexander wrote:

“I will not suffer this harlot. I will not be taught vows and loyalty, commitment from a whore! You have got me mistaken for some damn fool, and a fool, Ali Alexander has never been called.”

And then things got really interesting, with Alexander making his claim of a crime committed by Greene:

“In the coming days I’m going to reveal that Marjorie Taylor Greene, in my summation and the summation of lawyers, committed a crime. That crime is going to be handed to the state of Georgia, and the state of Georgia will decide whether they adjudicate that crime or not. The House Ethics Committee and House Rules [Committee] must expel Marjorie Taylor Greene when this evidence comes to light.

“Ho, go home! I am done with you. You are lukewarm, I am spitting you out of my mouth. You played me, and no more. Everyone will know about your drunken night, because the consultants who have drunk with you will have to choose whether they fear me or whether they fear you, and they fear me, Marge. They fear me a lot more than they fear you.”

Granted, Alexander may just be blowing smoke, but if he does indeed have proof of a crime by Marge, let’s hope he makes good on this threat and shares it with the world.

Congress GOP Social Media

‘Stop The Steal’ Founder Rips Marjorie Taylor Greene As A ‘Trailer Park Hood Rat’

You may never have heard of Ali Alexander, founder of the “Stop the Steal” movement that was instrumental in many of the lawsuits and protests surrounding the 2020 election and efforts to overturn the will of the voters by declaring ballots in several key battleground states invalid.

Alexander is described like this on Wikipedia:

An American far-right activist, social media personality, and conspiracy theorist. Alexander is an organizer of Stop the Steal, a campaign to promote the false conspiracy theory that widespread voter fraud led to Joe Biden’s victory over Donald Trump in the 2020 United States presidential election. He also helped to organize one of several rallies that preceded the January 6 United States Capitol attack.

And now Alexander is slamming Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) for her criticism of Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) in the debate over who should be the next Speaker of the House when Republicans take control of the lower chamber in January.

While Greene is all-in on seeing House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) being Speaker, Boebert is opposed to him being elected by the GOP caucus, with the Colorado Republican recently remarking:

“I don’t believe in [electing McCarthy], just as I don’t believe in … Jewish space lasers.”

That led Greene to respond:

“Lauren refuses to endorse President Trump, she refuses to support Kevin McCarthy, and she childishly threw me under the bus for a cheap sound bite … Americans expect conservative fighters like us to work together to Save America and that is the only mission I’m 100% devoted to, not high school drama and media sound bites.”

Alexander came to Boebert’s defense, posting a nasty take about Greene on his Telegram account:

“MTG is now attacking Rep. Lauren Boebert like a trailer park hoodrat”

Greene hasn’t yet addressed Alexander’s posting, but knowing her, it’s just a matter of time before she feels the need to do so.