Elections GOP U.S. Senate

WATCH: Josh Hawley Tries To Ambush His Democratic Opponent And Gets Humiliated

Sen. Josh “Running Man” Hawley (R-MO) showed up at the Missouri State Fair on Thursday, but he wasn’t there to see the exhibits and enjoy the food. Instead, he decided he’d ambush his Democratic opponent, Lucas Kunce, and whine about the two not being able to arrange a debate.

Hawley posted a video of his confrontation with Kunce on Twitter, perhaps thinking it would make him look tough and spontaneous, but only proving what a complete douche he is.

The video begins with Hawley saying, “Guys, how are you? Let’s go find Lucas Kunce. Let’s go find him. Come on, where’s he been? I haven’t seen him, you guys seen him? He hasn’t been out of his basement two weeks, let’s go find him. Where is he? Where is he? Where is he? Where is he?”

After finding Kunce, Hawley exclaims,  “Lucas Kunce! We gonna debate today?”

Kunce: “How you doing, man?”

Hawley: “We gonna debate today?”

To that, Kunce notes, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, dude.”

Hawley:  “You don’t know!? I read your bullshit letter to the Farm Bureau. Are you going to sue the Farm Bureau?”

The Farm Bureau reference, according to HuffPost, involves a campaign contribution made to Hawley.

Kunce’s campaign has agreed to five televised debates, according to St. Louis Fox affiliate KTVI-TV. But Kunce would not participate in a non-televised debate hosted by the Missouri Farm Bureau that his campaign contends would violate campaign finance law, since the group endorsed Hawley and donated $5,000 to his campaign, according to the Missouri Independent.

In a letter to the bureau, the Kunce campaign cited Federal Election Commission law preventing organizations that endorse and financially back candidates from hosting debates, the website said.

“Lucas does not wish to expose the Farm Bureau or your members to unnecessary risk,” Kunce campaign manager Caleb Cavaretta wrote.

After a few seconds of back-and-forth between the two men, Hawley asks Kunce, “It’s great to see out of your basement, Lucas. By the way, are you gonna do any campaign events around the state or just media?”

That’s when Kunce struck Hawley with the perfect retort.

“Josh, why are you so weird? Man, why are you so creepy?”

Here’s the encounter at the state fair, as presented by Hawley:

Kunce responded with a posting of his own:

Hawley was dragged on Twitter for his stunt.

Donald Trump Elections GOP Joe Biden

WATCH Lawrence O’Donnell BURN DOWN Josh Hawley For His Disgusting Lie About Joe Biden

MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell verbally excoriated Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) for willfully sharing a blatant lie about President Joe Biden online, and a video of his remarks is going viral this morning.

On his show Tuesday evening, according to HuffPost, O’Donnell referenced a debunked claim that Biden had insisted that he be allowed to sit during next week’s debate with convicted felon Donald Trump.

Here’s what Hawley posted on Twitter:

CNN immediately pushed back, calling Hawley’s tweet false, Forbes noted.

The network “rejected the claim, telling Forbes ‘it’s not accurate’ and that both Biden and Trump agreed to CNN’s proposed format when they accepted the network’s invitation to debate.”

All of this led O’Donnell to give Hawley a brutal history lesson.

“I can explain it in three words: Franklin Delano Roosevelt.”

“And in every day of his 13 years as president, Franklin Roosevelt was in a wheelchair,” O’Donnell said. “The same wheelchair he was in in his two terms as governor of New York.”

Roosevelt was struck by polio at age 39 and spent the remainder of his life in a wheelchair.

“So, no, standing for 90 minutes is not a presidential job requirement,” O’Donnell continued, adding, “Adolf Hitler was a younger, healthier man than Franklin Roosevelt, but from his wheelchair President Franklin Delano Roosevelt forced Adolf Hitler in Berlin to commit suicide in his bunker as the allies, commanded by Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, were closing in on the German capital city.”

And then the MSNBC host went right at Hawley.

“Hitler could stand for 90 minutes. He did it all the time. 90 minutes was a short speech for Adolf Hitler. Josh Hawley would have loved Adolf Hitler if standing for 90 minutes and ranting incoherently is something Josh Hawley truly admires as presidential.”

While he was at it, O’Donnell also pointed to a darling of the right-wing GOPers: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), who is in a wheelchair after a horrible accident in 1984 that nearly killed him.

“But wise-guy Josh Hawley wants to do his punk joke about standing for 90 minutes so that he can impress the world’s worst insult comedian, Donald Trump. Sen. Hawley is one of the unindicted participants in Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election. Sen. Hawley was the first member of the Senate to agree to join Republican House members in their plan to challenge the electoral votes won by Joe Biden.”

Josh Hawley should be prosecuted for his role in trying to overturn the last presidential election. He’s a disgusting demagogue and a coward. Here’s hoping the voters of Missouri will kick him to the curb when he runs for reelection.

Crime Donald Trump

Ted Lieu Burns Down Josh Hawley With A Point-By-Point Fact Check Of His Trump Indictment BS

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) had the perfect comeback when Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) suggested that the indictment of failed former president Donald Trump by the Department of Justice on Thursday was all the fault of President Joe Biden.

Appearing on Fox, Hawley told host Laura Ingraham, “If the president in power can just jail his political opponents ― which is what Joe Biden is trying to do tonight ― we don’t have a republic anymore. Joe Biden and his cronies are trying to take out their chief political opponent.”

That’s complete bullshit, of course, and Hawley, who used to serve as the Missouri attorney general knows it’s a crock of shit, but he’s too busy trying to curry favor with Fox viewers and Trump himself with his obsequious display of outrage.

Lieu saw Hawley’s comments and did an incredible fact-check on him.

“The below assertions on Fox are incorrect. Some facts: 1. Presidents don’t jail or indict anyone. Grand juries indict. 2. The Trump Indictment is just that, an indictment. Trump is entitled to presumption of innocence. A jury would decide if Trump is guilty and goes to prison.”

Game, set, and match Ted Lieu.


Elections GOP U.S. Senate

Missouri Native Jon Hamm Mocks Josh Hawley As A Coward In A Devastating Campaign Ad

While Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) likes to brag and write books about manhood and what it means to be a man, a fellow Missourian is destroying Hawley with a campaign ad he made for his 2024 Democratic opponent.

HuffPost reports that actor Jon Hamm of “Mad Men” fame directly questions Hawley’s manhood in the devastating campaign ad.

“Manhood. You’d hope that means courage. Courage isn’t something you can give speeches or write a book about,” Hamm says, alluding to Hawley’s new book “Manhood.”

“It’s not sitting on the sidelines while others sacrifice, or denying help to those who did,” the actor says. “It isn’t putting people down or trying to control them or using your own power for profit or ambition.”

The ad also references Hawley’s cowardice on January 6, 2021, when he ran from protesters who stormed the U.S. Capitol just hours after he saluted them with a raised fist of support.

“In Missouri, you can’t fake courage,” Hamm says. “We’re the Show Me state. Courage is something you have to show us.”

The ad ends with Hamm taking another dig at Hawley’s so-called manhood.

“If you want to be told about manhood, some guy wrote a book about it. But if you want someone to show you courage, send Lucas Kunce to the Senate.”

Kunce is indeed a courageous man. He’s a Marine veteran who has made it clear he thinks Hawley is vulnerable because he’s too obsessed with gender roles and trying to pretend he has macho credentials, remarking earlier this year:

“He’s just done creepy things, like write books telling everybody how to be a man, and if you don’t do what he says then you’re not a man. So we’re going to hold him to task for all of that. He’s obsessed with what everybody else is doing in their bedroom, at work, on the internet, in the doctor’s office.”

Here’s the Jon Hamm ad for Lucas Kunce:


Capitol Insurrection GOP January 6

Stephen Colbert Has A Hilarious New Nickname For Josh Hawley – And It’s Absolutely Perfect

The five days since last Thursday’s public hearing of the House Select Committee investigating January 6 have been especially bad ones for Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), who was exposed as a coward by the panel when it aired new video of him running away from rioters like a little boy who thinks he’s just seen the boogeyman.

That scene took place just hours after Hawley had given a raised fist salute to protesters as he entered the Capitol on Jan. 6.

As you’d expect, reaction to the video of Hawley, especially when compared to his tough guy salute, has set off plenty of laughter on social media.

And now Stephen Colbert, host of “The Late Show,” has joined the mockery, giving Hawley a nickname that will likely stick with him for the remainder of his life and help assure he is never elected president, despite his reported ambitions to run for the White House in 2024.

HuffPost reports:

“This weekend, at the right-wing Turning Point USA Summit, we heard from Missouri senator and star of the new film ‘Fascist Gump’ Josh Hawley,” Colbert said Monday.

Colbert then played a clip of Hawley’s speech at the summit in which he proclaimed:

“I just want to say to all of those liberals out there and the liberal media, just in case you haven’t gotten the message yet: I do not regret it. And I am not backing down. I’m not going to apologize. I’m not going to cower. I’m not going to run from you.”

That led Colbert to counter:

“Yeah. He is never going to run from his enemies. In fact, here he is on January 6 bravely moonwalking into danger.”