Congress GOP

Matt Gaetz Gets Heavily Trolled When He Announces Upcoming Town Hall Meeting With Jim Jordan

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) wants everyone to know that he’s holding a town hall meeting with his good buddy Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) this weekend in Pensacola, but the controversial pasts of both men wound making for hilarious online trolling.

Gaetz posted a notice of what he calls his “Hold Biden Accountable Tour” which is planned for Saturday, August 13. It even comes complete with a video:

Gaetz is currently under investigation for allegedly taking underage girls across state lines, having sex with them, and then paying them via Venmo.

Jordan, on the other hand, allegedly knew about the sexual assault of male wrestlers on the Ohio State wrestling team while he was an assistant coach. He never reported that abuse to authorities even though several wrestlers say he witnessed it on several occcasions.

As you can imagine, the checkered pasts of Gaetz and Jordan led to some hilarious trolling. Take a look:

Abortion Congress GOP Viral Video

WATCH: Jim Jordan Hems And Haws When Asked If A 10-Year-Old Should Have To Give Birth To Her Rapist’s Baby

There are many things that can be said about Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), and most of them aren’t charitable because he simply doesn’t deserve to have nice things said about him and also because there’s virtually nothing about him that mertis any sort of praise.

The Ohio Republican is still trying to extricate himself from a controversy of his own making, suggesting on Twitter earlier this week he didn’t believe a 10-year-old Ohio girl had been raped and forced to travel to Indiana in order to obtain an abortion so she wouldn’t have to give birth to the child of her rapist.

Here’s the tweet Jordan posted and later deleted:

So objectionable was Jordan’s tweet that even when he showed up on right-wing Newsmax Friday, he got grilled by the host, according to Mediaite:

“Should they be forced to carry out this child? Should they have this option? In the state of Ohio, sir, where do you fall on that?” Jordan was asked.

To call Jordan’s reply gobbledygook would be an enormous understatement:

“Well, this is a question. This is straight on this Supreme Court, Supreme Court’s decision.

“This is the question that the legislatures in the respective states will answer. I am as pro-life as you can be, we want to protect the unborn children as life. But in this situation you’re talking about you’re talking about a ten-year-old. But that’s a question for legislatures in the respective states.”

Jordan added:

“That’s exactly what the Dobbs decision said. And that’s where the people’s representative should make that decision in our state legislature.”

Jordan and his colleagues in the Republican Party are hypocrites. They say they want to end abortion in the United States, but they have no solutions when children are raped or women’s lives are in danger if they give birth. They want to try and have it both ways, but that’s simply not possible when it comes to an issue of fundamental privacy and reproductive choice.

Republicans have long dreamed of a day when the Supreme Court would make abortion illegal. But now that the court has done so, the GOP is like the proverbial dog who caught the car: They don’t know what in the hell to do next.

Capitol Insurrection Congress January 6 The Karma Is Gonna Get Ya

Jim Jordan Calls Cassidy Hutchinson’s Testimony ‘Hearsay’ – Gets Reminded Of His College Sex Scandal

Ohio Republican Congressman Jim Jordan is such a clueless fool, and he proved it today when he sent out a tweet suggesting that former Trump administration aide Cassidy Hutchinson had provided nothing more than “hearsay” when she testified before the January 6 House Select Committee earlier this afternoon.

Using the Twitter account of the House Judiciary GOP (which Jordan’s office controls), the congressman posted:

“It’s literally all hearsay evidence. What a joke.”

That led former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti to give Jordan a lesson in the law, which he so clearly needs:

And then Ken White, a partner at Brown, White & Osborn, who tweets under the handle of “Popehat,” shredded Jordan by bringing up the sexual assault scandal he was part of while an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University.

“So if a player comes up to you and says ‘hey coach I went to the team doctor for a bloody nose and he grabbed my genitals instead,’ that’s not hearsay because he’s not repeating an out-of-court statement, it’s something that person perceived.”

“But if people came to you and said ‘hey coach a bunch of people are complaining that the team doctor is perving on them in the showers and doing gratuitous genital exams,’ that would be hearsay, because they’re talking about other people’s statements.”

“Now, say you were being sued for something — say, some sort of grotesque dereliction of duty for failing to report or stop the serial sexual abuse of people under your care — and a witness said ‘I told coach about it and he said ‘I have nothing to do with this.” That’s not hearsay either, because in that case you’re a party opponent and a statement of a party opponent is not hearsay. Just like first-hand witness testimony about what Trump said would be a statement of a party opponent in, say, a prosecution of Trump.”

As a finishing touch, Jones also noted that he thinks Trump is facing prosecution:

Jim Jordan just loves owning himself, doesn’t he?


Congress GOP

WATCH NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell School Jim Jordan On The First Amendment

Ohio Republican Congressman Jim Jordan got his head handed to him on Wednesday by National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell when Jordan tried to trip up Goodell on the subject of the First Amendment and free speech.

Specifically, Jordan said he was upset that Goodell had fined Washington Commanders Jack Del Rio for downplaying the January 6, 2021 Capitol riot that left five people (including a Capitol Police officer) dead.

Jordan began with a confrontational tone, asking Goodell:

“You made this statement. ‘We the National Football League encourage all to speak out and peacefully protest.’ Did you really mean that when you said, Mr. Goodell?”

Goodell replied:

“Yes, I think people are responsible for what they say and what they do. Yes.”


“When you said you encourage all to speak out, you meant all, not just some?”

And that’s when Goodell reminded Jordan that the First Amendment isn’t absolute:

“That’s correct, congressman, but you are responsible for what you say. There are consequences for what you do, and say, and write.”

Jordan’s wan response was “Yeah.”

Keep in mind this is the same Jim Jordan who spoke via phone with failed, one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump as the attack on the Capitol was taking place and may have also helped plan the attack.

Also, Jordan has steadfastly refused to give testimony to the January 6 committee unless they agree to show him all of the evidence they have in advance. Sounds like the sort of thing a guilty person would demand, doesn’t it?

Donald Trump GOP Social Media WTF?!

‘Bootlicker’ Jim Jordan Gets A Thorough Mocking After Posting One-Word ‘Trump’ Tweet

For some reason known only to him, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) thought it would be a good day to kiss failed, one-term former President Donald Trump’s fat ass, but his efforts only succeeded in getting him mocked and ridiculed on Twitter.

Oddly, the tweet Jordan sent out was just the ex-president’s last name:

What in the hell is that all about? Is it just an attempt to provoke people? Is it some sort of code that only the MAGA morons understand? Or could it be that Jim has simply run out of material for his social media account?

Fortunately, others on Twitter were more than equal to the challenge, and they lit up Jordan in some incredibly original and hilarious ways. Take a look: