Congress Crime Domestic Terrorism U.S. Senate WTF?!

Ted Cruz Claims The Biden Administration Is ‘Persecuting’ The Capitol Insurrectionists

Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz (R) doesn’t believe that everyone who stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6 deserves to be punished or charged with a crime because many of them are clearly being “persecuted” and the Biden administration is “targeting” them.

In an interview with HuffPost, Cruz had this to say about the fact that hundreds of Capitol insurrectionists are now facing serious legal jeopardy for their illegal actions:

“If an individual assaulted a police officer, they should spend a long, long time in jail.

If, on the other hand, the Biden administration is targeting and persecuting people for exercising political speech that is nonviolent and simply expressing their peaceful support for a political party different from that in power, that is not the purpose of our criminal justice system.”

And if a frog had wings, it wouldn’t bump it’s ass every time it jumped, Ted.

“As it turns out, Cruz’s sentiments are now increasingly common among those who remain loyal to failed, one-term former President Donald Trump:

“Some allies of former President Donald Trump are upset that protesters who didn’t assault police officers are being charged with misdemeanor offenses, the same type of charges they’d face had they been arrested at any protest inside the Capitol. Demonstrations are banned within the Capitol complex, and even an errant laugh during a congressional hearing can get you led out of the room in flex cuffs.”

So if you stand up during a congressional hearing and speak out of turn, you can be carted off and charged, but if you riot and enter the Capitol, take a shit in the hallways, and rub your feces on the walls, that’s no biggie, according to Cruz and other Trump faithful who seem to think the rules apply to everyone but them.

What happened on Jan. 6 was a crime. Plain and simple. And it has to be treated as such. If it isn’t, we’re inviting it to happen again and be even rose the next time.


Congress Crime Domestic Terrorism Donald Trump GOP Whining

Marjorie Taylor Greene Has On-Air Meltdown As 1/6 Committee Starts: ‘They Want Members Of Congress In Jail!’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) sounded worried (and guilty) on Tuesday morning as the January 6 Congressional committee began meeting, screeching during an appearance on Real America’s Voice with host Steve Bannon, suggesting that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wants to put members of Congress in jail.

Greene told Bannon:

“The January 6 committee has started and this is [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi’s witch hunt. This is her final vendetta against the president that she hates with a passion. This woman is blind with rage and evil and she’s launching this political attack on all of us.”

And then the Georgia Republican went full paranoiac and claimed she knows that Pelosi wants to destroy her:

“I know for certain, I am one of her main targets. They want members of Congress in jail. And guess who that is?”

Sounds like Greene is worried, and considering that she may have played a role in the Capitol insurrection, she damn well should be.

While she was at it, Greene engaged in some revealing psychological projection, remarking:

“Nancy Pelosi is so warped in her thinking, she wants to put President Trump in jail. She wants to put Kevin McCarthy in jail. She’d like to put me in jail, Jim Jordan, Mo Brooks, Lauren Boebert. She’d like to put us in jail.”

As if that’s not bad enough, Greene also told Bannon that she’s putting together her own Jan. 6 “committee” that will include her and Reps. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Matt Gaetz (R-FL). Just imagine what a clusterfuck that’ll be!

Here’s Greene wailing and whining like a spoiled child:

Crime Donald Trump The Trump Adminstration WTF?!

Rudy Giuliani Was Given Secret Service Protection On January 6 – Why?

The House select committee investigating what transpired at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 is holding its first public hearing today, and it’s expected most of the testimony will come from police officers serving in the departments that were called to protect the Capitol on that fateful afternoon.

But in the days and weeks yet to come, there will be many more hearings — some public and some held behind closed doors for security reasons — that will widen the scope of inquiry for the committee and hopefully provide us all with more information about what happened that day and how we can prevent such a horrific event from taking place again.

Just Security had two former U.S. Attorneys (Barbara McQuade and Joyce Vance) sit down with Ryan Goodman, who serves as co-Editor-in-Chief of Just Security, and come up with questions that need to be asked by the committee.

At one point in their extensive document, we learn that on the day of the Capitol insurrection, former President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, was given Secret Service protection, which is highly unusual. That led to these questions:

“Are you aware that Rudy Giuliani received Secret Service Protection on Jan. 6? Were you aware of communications as to whether he should receive Secret Service Protection? What senior U.S. officials were involved in that decision? Were you aware of anyone raising concerns about whether it was appropriate to provide Secret Service protection to someone so far outside the ambit of normal protectees?”

We have this information thanks to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by public advocacy group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW):

Giuliani played a key role in the buildup to the Capitol riots, giving a speech with then-President Donald Trump’s blessings in which he urged the crowd:

“Let’s have trial by combat!”

Giuliani will likely be called (or subpoenaed) by the select committee, and considering the fact that he received Secret Service protection on the very same day he basically called for the violent overthrow of the government, he damn well should be.

But why was that protection afforded to him, and who ordered it? Only a few high-ranking White House officials could have made such a request of the Secret Service.

The fact that Giuliani was given such enhanced security suggests that the person or persons who thought that necessary knew in advance that actions were planned which would put him at risk, and that points to a larger conspiracy that may well reach all the way to the Oval Office.

The House select committee has its hands full. But as McQuade and Vance rightly suggest, they shouldn’t be satisfied until they get the answers the American people deserve.


Donald Trump Fox News Social Media WTF?!

Maria Bartiromo Gets Shredded For Pushing New And ‘Incredibly Sick’ Capitol Riot Conspiracy

Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo set off a firestorm of criticism on social media Sunday for a conspiracy theory she pitched during an interview with failed, one-term former President Donald Trump.

Trump began the lying by asserting that the government official who shot Capitol insurrectionist Ashli Babbitt “was the head of security for a certain high official. A Democrat. It’s gonna come out.”

That was all Bartiromo needed to start spewing bullshit, claiming (with zero substantiation) that she had asked Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) for “answers,” but had been rebuffed by the senator.

But as many on Twitter pointed out, both Trump and Bartiromo are both clearly trying to incite more violence. One Twitter user noted:

“This is incredibly sick stuff. Maria Bartiromo’s show has become the go-to platform for the most malevolent garbage the MAGA crowd wants to circulate.”

Others also lit up Bartiromo (who pretends to be a journalist) for her irresponsible remarks:

Donald Trump Elections Fox News Media in America Right Wing Morons

Maria Bartiromo Pitches A Fit As Her Jan. 6 Lies Come Back To Bite Her Squarely On The A*s

One thing you have to give to Fox News: No one hires more delusional crazies than Rupert Murdoch. From Tucker Carlson to Sean Hannity, the Fox hosts and “reporters” are all cut from the same batshit bonkers bolt of cloth.

One of the Fox conspiracy theorists who sometimes gets lost in the hoopla generated by the network’s primetime stars is Maria Bartiromo, who is normally seen on Fox Business but also has a show that runs on the main Fox network two each weekend.

Bartiromo was in rare form recently, inviting Moscow’s favorite senator, Ron Johnson (R-WI) to join her as they both suggested that the January 6 Capitol insurrection was non-violent because the rioters weren’t carrying guns, with the host telling Johnson:

“Armed insurrection is what Nancy Pelosi keeps calling Jan. 6, Senator. How many guns were actually taken up on that day since she says it was armed?”

Johnson was only too happy to extrapolate on what Bartiromo had just said, adding:

“They always talk about thousands of armed insurrectionists. I asked the FBI witness. Not one gun was recovered either in the Capitol or on the Capitol grounds, according to the FBI witness. So that’s just one of the latest big lies.”

Thing is, PolitiFact says Johnson and Bartiromo’s claims that none of the insurrectionists were armed is a blatant lie and earned the site’s “Pants On Fire Rating.” They noted:

“Police stopped only a fraction of the violent protestors Jan. 6, but we still know of guns and explosives seized in and around the Capitol. And we know rioters brought knives, brass knuckles a stun gun, and other weapons. Just as notable, video plainly shows the mob using all manner of makeshift weapons to attack police and force their way in, including hockey sticks, flagpoles, fire extinguishers, and a police shield stolen from an officer.”

All of this led to Bartiromo having an on-air meltdown as she acknowledged that she too has been criticized for things she says about the rioting that led to the deaths of five people, including a police officer. Bartiromo told her viewers:

“I am so incredibly proud of this team on Sunday Morning Futures and of working alongside you. We have been telling every story. We’ve been on the right side of it for seven years going. I’ve been trashed every day along the way.

“Keep trashing me! I’ll keep telling the truth.”

Actually, Maria, no one has to try and trash you. You’re doing a helluva fine job of trashing what’s left of your pathetic career.

Here’s the video: