GOP Gun Nuts

Marine Vet Congressman Slams Nikki Haley As A ‘Poser’ For Photo Of Her With A Gun

In an attempt to curry favor with gun owners (especially the ones who vote in Republican primaries), GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley posted a photo of herself with a gun online.

On Twitter, Haley relayed this message:

“Making sure our military has the equipment they need to keep us safe is a priority. @SigSauerInc is keeping them on the cutting edge. Thank you for letting us check out the latest. #LiveFreeOrDie

That posting led Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) — A Marine veteran who served with honor in Iraq — to respond, calling Haley a “poser” who doesn’t even know how to properly hold such a weapon.

“Poser alert: Why is your finger on the trigger ! 1. Bolt is clear back and there is no Magazine. 2. The linked ammo on the stand you are ‘shooting’ from doesn’t feed into the magazine fed weapon you have. 3. Your stockwell is gonna hurt you when that weapon kickback”

Nice try, Nikki, but your photo is almost as absurd as your bid for the White House.


Barack Obama Elections GOP WTF?!

Cruz Claims He Can Tell Buttigieg Is Running In 2024 Because He’s ‘Mimicking Obama’s Cadence’

Texas GOP Senator Ted Cruz is convinced that Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg will challenge President Joe Biden for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination.

Why would Cruz say such a thing? According to him, it’s because Buttigieg has recently been “mimicking” former President Barack Obama’s “cadence” when he speaks.

In a podcast recorded on Sunday, Cruz told his co-host regarding comments Buttigieg made about the Chinese spy balloon:

“Just something I noticed listening to that — did you pick up on Buttigieg’s cadence? He is mimicking Barack Obama.”

Cruz added:

“He’s doing this speed up and pause; speed up and pause. And Buttigieg didn’t use to speak that way. I think he’s getting ambitions of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. And there’s no real mystery about that. But it is a little amazing, given the train wreck he’s presided over at the Department of Transportation for two years, that his ambitions have soared so high.”

David Edwards · Ted Cruz opines on Buttigieg’s cadance ‘mimmicking Barack Obama’

Of course, Ted is also planning to run for president in 2024, and he’s trying to get ahead of his potential rivals if he should happen to win the GOP presidential nomination, which he won’t. Cruz has tried his hand atwinning a nomination to be president, and he failed spectacularly, winding up kissing Donald Trump’s ass even though Trump insulted both his father and his wife.

Sounds like Cruz is still upset at a burn Buttigieg laid on him in June of last year, shortly after the mass shooting at a school in Uvalde, Texas that killed 19 children and two teachers.

When asked about the horrific shooting, Cruz suggested that schools would be safer if they had “one door into and out of the school, which led Buttigieg to retort:

“The idea that us being the only developed country where this happens routinely — especially in terms of the mass shootings — is somehow a result of the design of the doorways on our school buildings is the definition of insanity, if not the definition of denial.”

Donald Trump Elections Religion

Trump Blames ‘Disloyalty’ Of Evangelicals For The Early Failure Of His 2024 Presidential Campaign

The most immoral man to ever be elected President of the United States has a complaint about the braindead evangelical Christians who eagerly supported him even when he got caught screwing porn stars and paying them off: They’re not being sufficiently loyal to him in his 2024 campaign, and he’s really pissed off about it.

Donald Trump made his complaint during an interview with David Brody of the far-right Real America’s Voice, suggesting that the “disloyalty” of evangelicals was why his latest campaign is struggling so badly.

“That’s a sign of disloyalty. There’s great disloyalty in world of politics and that’s a sign of disloyalty because nobody, as you know… has ever done more for right to life than Donald Trump. Three Supreme Court justices and they all voted [to overturn Roe v. Wade]… they won, they finally won!”

Trump also blamed Christians for the GOP’s failure to win control of both houses of Congress in the 2022 midterm election:

“I was a little disappointed because I thought they could have fought much harder during the ’22 election because they won.”

In recent weeks, Trump has also blamed evangelicals for overplaying the abortion issue by not making sure anti-abortion laws contained exceptions for rape and incest.

Translation: Donald Trump is failing yet again, but it’s not his fault. It’s NEVER EVER his fault. When he goes bankrupt, others are to blame. When he gets caught committing adultery, that’s also the fault of others. And now the 2022 election and upcoming 2024 race can also be blamed on others, because it certainly can’t be Trump’s fault. After all, he’s perfect.

Since Trump is so damn perfect, maybe he needs to start his own religion and make himself the deity. He can be the MAGA god and ask for tithes from his flock. They can easily afford to give him 10% of their net worth, can’t they?

Kneel down and worship, MAGAts! Your tangerine savior demands it.


Congress Donald Trump GOP WTF?!

GOP Congressman: Trump’s Call For ‘Termination’ Of Constitution Doesn’t Disqualify Him In 2024

Republican Congressman Dave Joyce (OH) said Sunday he doesn’t agree with failed former president Donald Trump’s social media posting calling for the “termination” of the U.S. Constitution, but doesn’t think that should disqualify him from running for the White House again in 2024.

Appearing on ABC’s “The Week,” Joyce was asked by host George Stephanopoulos, “Now he’s talking about suspending the Constitution. Can you support a candidate in 2024 who’s for suspending the Constitution?”

Joyce responded:

“Well, again, it’s early. I think there are going to be a lot of people in the primary. I think, at the end of the day, you will — whoever the Republicans end up picking, I’ll fall in behind because that’s –”

Stephanopoulos interjected, “Even if it’s Donald Trump and he’s called for suspending the Constitution?”

Again, Joyce refused to say he considered what Trump wrote to be disqualifying:

“Well, again, I think it’s going to be a big field. I don’t think Donald Trump’s going to clear out the field like he did in ’16.”

Once more the host tried to pin Joyce down:

“That’s not what I’m asking. I’m asking you, if he’s the nominee, will you support him?”


“I will support whoever the Republican nominee is. And just don’t think that, at this point, he will be able to get there because I think there’s a lot of other good quality candidates out there.”

Later in the interview, Joyce told Stephanopoulos:

“Well, you know, he says a lot of things that — but that doesn’t mean that it’s ever going to happen. So you’ve got to separate fact from fantasy. And the fantasy is that we’re going to suspend the Constitution and go backwards. We’re moving forward and we’re going to continue to move forward as a Republican majority and as a Republican conference.”

This is the same sort of gutless double-talk that led to Trump getting the nomination in 2016. Almost no Republican had the spine to call him out so he got a free pass. If that happens again in 2024 and Trump manages to win another term in the White House, this country is doomed.

Here’s the video:

Crime Donald Trump Elections

Trump Thinks Running In 2024 Will Protect Him From Legal Problems – Here’s Why He’s Wrong

With the midterm elections now less than two months away, more and more attention is turning to what may happen in 2024 if failed, one-term former president Donald Trump decides to run for a second term in office after losing badly to President Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential race.

Some political experts believe Trump will indeed seek the GOP nomination two years from now, if only because it helps him remain relevant and in the public eye, which he craves.

Democratic National Committee adviser Kurt Bardella notes that Trump needs constant attention:

“He’s an attention whore and everything always has to be about Donald. He has to make himself the centre of the universe so he goes out there and plays this little flirtatious ‘will he, won’t he?’ card and it’s just designed to continue to keep that conversation going.

“It’s also designed to try to keep his would-be competitors like Ron DeSantis or Mike Pence or Mike Pompeo at bay.”

But perhaps the biggest concern for the disgraced ex-president is the endless stream of legal issues that hang over his head and continue to expand, especially since he was caught hoarding classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach. The Justice Department now believes that Trump has committed multiple felonies for keeping the documents in violation of federal law, including the Espionage Act.

So would a 2024 run protect Trump from a possible indictment and trial? No, but it’s almost as if he doesn’t realize that, according to Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia:

“He believes incorrectly that, if he’s a formal candidate, that will somehow protect him from legal charges. It will not. We’ve had quite a number of candidates in American history who got into legal troubles so I don’t know why he thinks that. Somebody probably said something to him once and he never let it go.

Nobody knows. He is very likely to run again but I can see scenarios in which he wouldn’t. He said himself, let’s see how my health is. He hasn’t had the best diet in the world and doesn’t look to me to be in particularly good shape.”

What will Trump do? For now, reports are that he has told the Republican National Committee he won’t announce a 2024 run until after the upcoming midterms. Ironically, it’s expected the DOJ will also make a formal announcement after the election whether or not it will charge the former president with crimes related to his document scandal.