Congress GOP Polls

Stunning Colorado Poll Suggests Lauren Boebert Is Toast In 2024


Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert found herself in one of the closest reelection battles in the country in 2022, managing to eek out a victory over Democrat Adam Frisch by the slimmest of margins, just 546 votes in a district that leans to the right.

New polling out of Colorado, however, suggests that Boebert won’t be so lucky come 2024, according to a report from Sara Wilson of Colorado Newsline.

An early poll shows incumbent U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert and Adam Frisch, the Democrat who came close to unseating the Republican in 2022, in a tie for the seat amid current political conditions.

If the 2024 election were held today with the two candidates, 45% of voters would choose Frisch and 45% would choose Boebert, according to findings from a poll released Tuesday.

An incumbent in a tie with her opponent with the 2024 election cycle set to begin (at least in part) later this year. That’s not exactly what a sitting member of the Congress wants to hear.

About all Frisch has to do at this point if he wants to win is increase his name recognition, something he’ll have plenty of money to accomplish as the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee announced has announced that it will indeed be targeting Boebert for defeat in 2024.

Frisch also has an opening among Republican voters, according to the poll.

Among Republicans who described themselves as not very conservative, 60% back Boebert, 24% back Frisch and 16% are undecided. Pollsters said this shows an opportunity for Frisch to gain ground with center-of-right voters who may be disillusioned with Boebert’s extreme politics and who might agree with Frisch’s stance on abortion and economic policies. Frisch painted himself as a moderate last year.

But the most troubling result from the poll is that many in the district say they don’t believe Boebert’s priorities align with theirs.

Respondents listed addressing inflation and protecting Social Security as the two most important issues for Congress to focus on. They put defending former President Donald Trump and self-promotion on social media as the two bottom priorities among those offered by pollsters. Those two issues, however, were the ones respondents ranked as the top priorities Boebert seems to be focused on.

In other words, Boebert is doing exactly the opposite of what her constituents want her to be doing. She’s busy representing herself and defending Trump, but not helping to solve the problems that confront the average middle class voter.

There’s also the matter of Boebert’s unfavorable rating, which continues to skyrocket.

In March 2021, 39% of respondents had an unfavorable view of Boebert. Today, that number stands at 50%, which suggests she is ripe for defeat.

546 votes were all that kept Boebert in Congress. But it certainly sounds like voters in her district are ready to kick her to the curb once and for all.


Donald Trump Elections

Trump Says His Erie, Pennsylvania Rally Had Greater Attendance Than Elton John – The Photos Prove Otherwise

When it comes to failed one-term, twice-impeached and multiply indicted former president Donald Trump, everything is about size.

Trump’s brags are always about how he was the richest, the most famous, the most popular, and the most beloved.

Nowhere is that more true than when it comes to attendance at his rallies, where he always tries to make people believe that the venue was sold out and people were having to hang from the lights and rafters just so they could catch a glimpse of their self-obsessed savior as he spews his hatred and lies.

On Saturday, the Donald held a rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, and it had no sooner ended than he began posting on social media that he had managed to attract a larger audience than had seen both Elton John and rock group KISS at the same arena.

Impressive, huh? Except that it’s complete bullshit, as several reporters who were at the event quickly proved with both photos and video, despite right-wing site DC Enquirer playing the hype organ for Donnie, writing:

Trump’s rally reportedly overflowed available seating at the “Erie Insurance Arena.” The arena can seat over 9,000 people, according to the Erie Insurance Arena’s About page. While thousands came out to attend the Erie rally, thousands more viewed the event online. Over 760,000 people viewed the event via Right Side Broadcasting Network’s stream on Rumble with an additional 430,000 viewing the event on Trump’s personal Rumble page.

Now let’s get a dose of reality instead of lies.

Donald Trump is a con man, a liar, and a future federal inmate. Nothing he says can be believed.


Donald Trump Elections Viral Video

‘Weird Uncle Donnie’ Autographs A Little Girl’s Hand – And She Acts Utterly Unimpressed By It

Here’s a hypothetical question for you: Let’s say every single time you invited a person over to your house, one of your children said that person gave them the creeps. Maybe your dog growled at the person and kept his distance, too. Would you keep inviting the person? Or would you think maybe your kid and pup are good judges of character and try to avoid contact with the invitee?

The reason for that query is very real for a little girl who was with her dad for a campaign even held by failed one-term, twice-impeached former president Donald Trump.

In the video below from Patriot Takes, the girl is riding on a man’s shoulders (probably her father or close relative) when Trump uses a Sharpie to plant his autograph on the child’s hand. Take a look:

That’s just creepy as hell, especially when you consider that Trump has publicly lusted after underage girls (including his daughter, Ivanka) and was once accused of repeatedly raping at 13-year-old girl with the late convicted sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

Social media users were also disgusted by the move, and some even speculated as to what Trump might have written.


Donald Trump Elections Religion

Trump Is Unable To Answer When A 2024 Voter Asks Him, ‘How Has Your Faith Grown?’

A new clip of former president Donald Trump attempting to answer a question from a 2024 Iowa voter at a town hall meeting hosted this week by Fox host Sean Hannity has quickly gone viral, and not in a good way for the multiply-indicted ex-president.

At the town hall, a voter inquired of Trump, “How has your faith grown since you decided in 2015 to run for president and who has mentored you in your faith journey?”

Trump replied, “Great question,” but then went on an extended monologue that provided no actual response to what he’d been asked.

“You know, I’ve seen so much heartache and turmoil. I was a developer and I did other things and, you know, I had a wonderful life before all this stuff. I didn’t know what a grand jury was. I didn’t know what a subpoena—what is a subpoena? I had a wonderful life.”

Attempting to transition into why he was running for president, Trump continued:

“I couldn’t be more glad. I am so happy I did it because I’ve made America great, we can do it again. Right now, we are not a great country. We are not a great country. But I’ve gotten to know, because of this, evangelicals. I mean, I know so many people and they feel so good about themselves and their family and they base it on religion. I had never had that kind of an experience where I got to know so many. And Franklin Graham and Paula White.

“I mean, I know so many people that are so incredible, religious people, and not just Christians, not just evangelicals. You know, when I look at the Catholic faith, you take a look at what the FBI— no, but look at what the FBI is doing to Catholics, they’ve made them like the enemy, they’ve made them— it’s horrible. How could a Catholic ever vote for a Democrat or a guy like Biden again after the experience that they’re going through?”

Answer the freaking question, Donnie!

Instead, he concluded with this: “But I’ve met some of the finest people that I wouldn’t have had the privilege of meeting if I weren’t president, and they’re religious leaders and they really are incredible people.”

Is it really any wonder why in a Pew Research Poll fully 40% of those surveyed said Trump is not religious “at all?” He’s a fake Christian, just like the vast majority of those who support him.


Crime Donald Trump Elections GOP

Trump’s New Documents Trial Date Has Created A ‘Nightmare Scenario’ For Republicans

A federal judge appointed by none other than failed former president Donald Trump — Aileen Cannon — appears to have sealed the fate of the Republican Party in the 2024 election by scheduling the ex-president’s trial on charges of mishandling classified documents and violating the Espionage Act to begin on May 20, 2024.

How so? By making it almost certain that chaos will rule as the GOP tries to find a presidential nominee to face President Joe Biden.

As Aaron Blake of the Washington Post explains, there’s a “nightmare scenario” brewing for Republicans that could spell doom for their chances and result in Democrats controlling the House, Senate, and White House when the dust clears after Election Day 2024.

The date could, again, be delayed. It’s not inconceivable that those delays could still kick it till after the election. But a trial date at the end of the primary schedule means the case could well be decided between when GOP voters have decided on their nominee and when general-election voters will decide the president.

Trump might still face some adverse verdicts before then — as he did in the first Carroll civil case. But if he’s convicted of any felonies, it will most likely come long after the point of no return for the party in its nominating contest.

Since most of the major GOP primaries are held before the end of March (with Super Tuesday on March 5, most Republican voters won’t know if they’re nominating a felon to be their nominee. And that’s bad news for Republicans up and down the ticket.

Yet despite the very real specter of a felon being the leader of their party, polling shows that 48% of Republicans say Trump should still be allowed to serve as president even if he’s convicted of multiple felonies. 50% say he shouldn’t drop out of the race if he gets convicted.

As Blake notes, much of this is just hypothetical at this point, “But there is certainly the possibility that Trump solidifies the nomination, is then convicted and is looking like a severe liability in the general election, but Republicans face severely alienating a huge portion of their party by trying to do anything about it.”

The possibilities are endless, but almost none of them end well for the GOP, which could well mean they’re on the verge of never winning another national election for the next couple of decades. And that would be a welcome outcome for those of us who actually cherish the ideas of freedom, democracy, and unity.