Donald Trump Elections GOP Mike Pence The Trump Adminstration

Jake Tapper Asks Mike Pence: Did You Betray Your Faith By Defending Trump’s ‘Ungodly’ Actions?

CNN host Jake Tapper confronted former vice president Mike Pence on Sunday, asking if he thought he betrayed his faith with his willingness to defend and justify the actions of his ex-boss, Donald Trump.

Quoting comments from Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), who told the Atlantic he didn’t understand how Pence could excuse the things Trump did and said, Tapper asked:

“The profile appeared in the Atlantic where Republican Senator Mitt Romney is quoted saying that when it comes to your actions as Donald Trump’s vice president nobody had been quote ‘More willing to smile when he saw absurdities, more willing to ascribe God’s will to things that were ungodly than Mike Pence,’ unquote.”

“What do you say to that, do you think you used your faith to justify ungodly things as vice president, as Mitt Romney believes?” 

Clearly perturbed by Romney’s remarks, Pence replied:

“Look, Mitt Romney has no idea what I was doing in the administration,” Pence said. “I haven’t talked to Mitt Romney for years.”

“And I think he can go off into retirement,” he continued. “He’s even critical of his old running mate Paul Ryan in the pages of that book. So I know the stands that we took, I know the stands that we maintained and I’ll always believe that we were called to that fight.”

What “fight” were Trump and Pence called to? The one that resulted in appointing Supreme Court justices who have decided American women don’t have a right to make their own reproductive choices?

Or was the fight to cut taxes for the richest Americans, who, according to Pence’s Bible, have an almost impossible path to heaven?

Or could the real fight be Trump and Pence’s sick desire for power at any cost, no matter how many have to suffer?

Mike Pence is a fake Christian who deserves to spend eternity in the hell he’s so afraid of.


Donald Trump Elections Joe Biden WTF?!

Confused Trump Claims Biden Will Lead The Country Into ‘World War 2’ During Error-Filled Speech

During a speech he gave Friday at the D.C. Pray Vote Stand Summit, failed one-term, twice-impeached and oft-indicted former president Donald Trump accused President Joe Biden of being “cognitively impaired,” and then proceeded to make one gaffe after another as part of his remarks.

“We have a man who is totally corrupt and the worst president in the history of our country, who is cognitively impaired, in no condition to lead, and is now in charge of dealing with Russia and possible nuclear war.”

The disgraced ex-president added:

“Just think of it. We would be in World War 2 very quickly if we’re going to be relying on this man, and far more devastating than any war. There will never be a war if that happens— there will never be a war like this. It will obliterate everything there is, everybody, it will obliterate every country.”

Umm…wasn’t World War 2 from 1939-45? That’s certainly what the history books say. Then again, Trump never bothers to read or do any research, so it’s not exactly surprising that he doesn’t know when the Second World War took place.

In yet another bizarre claim, Trump also seemed to suggest that he’s beating former President Barack Obama in the 2024 polls.

“As you know, crooked Joe Biden and the radical left thugs have weaponized law enforcement to arrest their leading political opponent, and leading by a lot, including Obam— I’ll tell you what,” he said. “You take a look at Obama and take a look at some of the things that he’s done, this is the same thing.”

He continued: “The country was very divided, and we did with Obama, we won an election that everyone said couldn’t be won, we beat Hillary Clinton.”

So who exactly is cognitively impaired?


Donald Trump Elections Joe Biden

Joe Biden’s Latest Nickname For Trump Is Guaranteed To Enrage The Former Guy

President Joe Biden knows exactly how to get under Donald Trump’s thin skin, and he’s doing it again by giving the failed, one-term and twice-impeached former president a nickname that’s certain to push the Donald’s buttons.

Biden was speaking at a community college in Maryland and noted that Trump was one of just two president’s in U.S. history who left office with fewer jobs than when he began.

“One was President Hoover, and the other was Donald Hoover Trump. My predecessor promised to be the greatest job president in history. Well, it didn’t really work out that way. He lost 2 million jobs over the course of his presidency.”

Biden is absolutely correct, and that makes his new nickname for Trump even more devastating, as Forbes noted back in 2021.

“(Trump was) the first post–World War II president to see employment fall during his presidency. It last occurred when Herbert Hoover left office in 1933 amid the early years of the Great Depression.”

How many jobs were lost on Trump’s watch? According to the Washington Post, which used Labor Department figures, 3 million American jobs were lost while Trump was in office.

Biden’s latest burn was greeted with cheers on Twitter.


Donald Trump Elections

Donald Trump May Have Just Had His Own Mitch McConnell ‘Freezing’ Episode

Failed one-term, twice-impeached, and oft-indicted former president Donald Trump and his supporters love to make fun of President Joe Biden, suggesting that Biden is too old and senile to be head of state, even though he’s only three years older than the Donald.

Trump has also attacked Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) as being too feeble to remain in the upper chamber of Congress, especially in light of recent public episodes McConnell had in which he “froze” in public, unable to answer questions asked by the press.

But could it be that the disgraced ex-president had his own “freezing” moment during a rally in South Dakota over the weekend?

That’s the question being asked by podcast host Dean Obeidallah, who posted a video of Trump at the South Dakota rally in which Donnie stops speaking in the middle of his speech.

Be sure and note what can only be called a look of terror on Trump’s face at frames 0:37-0:39 of the video. It’s almost as if he knows he can no longer speak and realizes he’s experiencing an episode he may not be able to recover from.

Granted, Trump could have been posing for effect, to heighten the gravity of what he’s saying. Or perhaps he got lost and wasn’t sure what his next line should be.

Watch the video closely a second time and ask yourself: Is Donald Trump too old and senile to be president? Based on the visual evidence, it would seem the answer is a resounding yes.

Twitter users had some thoughts on the Trump freeze.

Donald Trump Elections GOP

Trump Gets Booed At Iowa-Iowa State Football Game As His 2024 Campaign Begins To Implode

Even though he won the state of Iowa by 7 points in the 2020 election, failed former president Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign in the Hawkeye State is in complete disarray, leading to fear that he might lose to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis or another challenger when the state holds its first in the nation primary next year.

Just this week, a report from NBC News explained the problems taking place for the Trump in Iowa.

The fretting extends even to Trump’s own family members. One Trump-supporting source who has worked in Iowa, who spoke out in an effort to spur change in the campaign, described a phone call with the former president’s son Donald Trump Jr. in which he worried about a lack of experience on the campaign’s Iowa team and said multiple times that they need “an adult in the room.”

Trump Jr. was concerned “that they were running from behind in getting things going, and that there was concern about that at the highest levels,” the source said, adding that “they were giving [Florida Gov. Ron] DeSantis too many opportunities.”

Asked for comment, Don Jr. tried to use his father’s “fake news” line, which sounded like famous last words, “As usual, this is 100% fake news, in what is likely the last breath from the dying Ron DeSanctimonious campaign.”

Something that transpired at Saturday’s football game between Iowa and Iowa state suggests that Trump’s so-called “magic” is indeed wearing off, because he got booed by more than a few people in the crowd.

Granted, there are cheers, but there are also more than a few boos. In a deep red state like Iowa, that should definitely concern the Trump campaign.

Twitter users were only too happy to share their thoughts, with many suggesting that even hardcore Republicans are sick and tired of Trump’s bullshit dog and pony show.