Congress Elections Fox News Impeachment Joe Biden

WATCH: Maria Bartiromo Almost Begs Jim Jordan To Impeach Biden Before He Wins The 2024 Election

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo is so terrified that President Joe Biden will win the 2024 election that she’s begging House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) to speed up the process.

Jordan was a guest on “Sunday Morning Futures,” and was asked by the host:

“Tell us what your expectations are in terms of this investigation, and will it lead to an impeachment of Joe Biden?”

Jordan responded:

“I believe we will get the depositions and the interviews done in this calendar year and then make a decision early next year whether there are actual evidence warrants going to articles of impeachment and moving to that stage of the investigation.”

That’s when Bartiromo revealed her desperation:

“Well, the timing is important. We’ve got an election next year. President Trump is facing four indictments, and you’ve got this dereliction of duty.”

Jordan: “He said they come after him because he’s fighting for us. That is true. That’s what the swamp does. They’re going after President Trump because he kept his word, and he’s fighting for us.”

Trump kept his word? On what? The man is a pathological liar who belongs behind bars for the next 50 years.

While Republicans like to say they’re confident Trump can win in 2024, Bartiromo just made it clear they’re worried the multiply-indicted loser ex-president will only manage a victory with help if his opponent is impeached, something that happened to the Donald not once, but twice.

Here’s the video:


Donald Trump Elections

Noted Republican Governor Calls Donald Trump ‘A Few Fries Short Of A Happy Meal’

New Hampshire Republican Gov. Chris Sununu says he thinks failed former president Donald Trump will say or do anything in a desperate attempt to win the 2024 election for the purpose of avoiding prison.

Speaking with CNN host Abby Phillip, Sununu remarked, “Well, look, look, obviously, I have no problem with the National Anthem or who sings it,” the governor said. “But, let’s cut to the chase: Donald Trump’s a few fries short of a Happy Meal.”

“We all know that. So, it shouldn’t surprise anybody when he says or does something stupid.”

Noting that Trump had called January 6 defendants “hostages” and not “prisoners,” Sununu remarked, “He’s going to do anything he can to talk about the past, relitigate the past, fire up his ultra base of 30%-32% that probably isn’t going to move from him and really remind him why he’s going to stick with them and he’s going to stick with him.”

The governor added, If we look at the polls remember a third of his voters said they would consider someone else. He knows he could be in trouble if this gets down to a one-on-one race. So his only path is to rile up his base with stunts like that.”

Sununu also said he believes that Trump is avoiding the GOP presidential debates because he’s afraid.

“I got to tell you, Trump is scared. He’s scared to death that someone is going to call him on his record for not getting stuff done.
“He’s scared to death that these Republicans know his record better than even he does.”


Crime Donald Trump Elections

Ben Carson Faceplants When He Tries To Defend Trump By Comparing Him To Al Capone

Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson managed to condemn his former boss, Donald Trump, and humiliate himself during a Wednesday evening appearance on CNN.

Speaking with host Abby Phillip, Carson was asked why he still supports Trump for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination at a time when some Republicans are saying it would be a mistake to nominate the ex-president again.

“What are they seeing that you’re not seeing?” Phillip asked.

Carson responded, “I think the better question is, what are they not seeing. If we allow our Justice Department to be weaponized, we will have lost something very precious and important.”

The CNN host countered, “But what evidence do you have that the Justice Department has been weaponized against Trump specifically? There’s no evidence of that.”

And that’s when Carson made the Trump-Capone comparison that set off a wave of laughter and mockery on social media.

“Well, let’s put it this way. Al Capone, who was a notorious killer, had one indictment, and Donald Trump has four indictments. That would tell you something right there.”

That led Phillip to note, “I don’t think that’s evidence of anything except that Donald Trump has allegedly committed conduct that has resulted in indictments.”

Carson, however, doubled down:

“I don’t think that’s evidence of anything except that Donald Trump has allegedly committed conduct that has resulted in indictments.”

As the old saying goes, There are none so blind as those who refuse to see, as Twitter users reminded the misguided Dr. Carson.


Donald Trump Elections WTF?!

GOP Official Has To Tell Trump What City He’s In After He Suffers Bizarre Moment Of ‘Mental Decline’

77-year-old former president Donald Trump loves to make fun of President Joe Biden, suggesting that Biden is mentally unfit for office, but a moment of “mental decline” by the disgraced ex-president during a campaign speech in Iowa has some suggesting that Donald is so confused he doesn’t even know what city he’s in.

Newsweek reports that Trump made “multiple gaffes” during his speech.

When he took to the stage he greeted a city more than 80 miles north, and over the state line in South Dakota. “Hello to a place where we’ve done very well, Sioux Falls. Thank you very much,” he said.

Republican Iowa state Sen. Bradley Zaun appeared on stage a few minutes later and whispered the correct location, Sioux City, in Trump’s ear.

The former president nodded and said “Oh,” before going back to the microphone and correcting himself by saying: “So, Sioux City, let me ask you, how many people come from Sioux City, how many people? How many? Who doesn’t come from Sioux City? Where the hell do you come from?”

There was also Trump’s strange pronunciation of Canada.

Canya, huh? Is that located next to Kenya?

Twitter users couldn’t help but join the mockery.

Trump is unfit for the presidency in so many ways. And he also belongs in prison for the rest of his life.


Donald Trump Elections

Trump Tries To Pose With A Baby At A Campaign Stop And It Doesn’t End Well For Either Of Them

It’s one of the oldest photo ops in the political grab bag: Have a politician running for office pose with a baby or young child, even kiss the kid and make it appear that you absolutely love children.

Most politicians pull off the baby photo op with assured aplomb, but that’s because they’re comfortable around young kids and likely helped raise their own children.

Which brings us to Donald Trump, who isn’t comfortable around anyone and likely had absolutely no role in actually raising any of his five spawn, Don Jr., Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany, and Barron.

At a campaign stop this week, a brave MAGA supporter/cult member handed their infant child to the Donald, who held the poor baby like it was a bag of potatoes and then proceeded to kiss the kid, which is about like letting Sasquatch babysit for the day.

Mockery is deserved, and it was heaped on, along with plenty of disgust for Trump’s bizarre interaction with the child.

Pathetic? Yes. Disgusting? Even more so. And the woman who handed that kid to Donnie should be charged with child abuse.