Congress Donald Trump Elections GOP Social Media

Mike Johnson Accidentally Trolls Himself And Trump With An Obsequious Online Photo

In a desperate and self-serving attempt to prove his devotion to failed one-term former president Donald Trump, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) posted a photo and message on President’s Day that quickly came back to bite him and the Donald right on their asses.

The posting was made on Twitter/X, which has become a haven for right-wing extremists since it was purchased by Elon Musk in 2022.

Be sure and notice that the photo Johnson shared features him with Trump and both of them are standing beneath an exit sign, which is appropriate when you consider that both of them need to be kicked to the curb in November.

The irony of Johnson’s photo wasn’t lost those who saw it.

Donald Trump Russia Vladimir Putin

Nancy Pelosi’s Explanation Of Why Trump Is So Subservient To Putin Is PERFECT

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) believes she knows why failed former president Donald Trump is constantly praising Russian war criminal Vladimir Putin, and she’s letting the world know.

Pelosi was a guest on MSNBC’s “Inside With Jen Psaki” Monday evening, and she told the host, “What does he have on Donald Trump that he has to constantly be catering to Putin?”

Calling Putin one of “the most evil people in the world,” Pelosi continued.

“I don’t know what he has on him, but I think it’s probably financial. Or something on the come ― something that he expects to get.”

Think about this: Have you ever once heard Trump say anything negative about Putin? And now consider some of the many positive things the failed former U.S. president has said regarding the Russian president:

  • “I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius,’” Trump said during an interview. “Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine – of Ukraine. Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful.”
  • “They say, ‘Trump said Putin’s smart.’ I mean, he’s taking over a country for two dollars’ worth of sanctions,” Trump told a crowd at a fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago. “I’d say that’s pretty smart. He’s taking over a country – really a vast, vast location, a great piece of land with a lot of people, and just walking right in.”
  • In a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference, Trump said, “Yesterday reporters asked me if I thought President Putin was smart. I said, ‘Of course, he’s smart,’ to which I was greeted with ‘Oh, that’s such a terrible thing to say.’ I like to tell them, ‘Yes, he’s smart.’”

Whatever the reason Trump is so enamored with Putin, is says a lot about Donald that he chooses to admire a man who has gleefully murdered women and children, taken Ukrainian kids hostage, and continues to engage in atrocities on a daily basis.

And whatever Putin has on Trump, the two of them deserve each other. Both of them are equally craven and evil.

Crime Donald Trump WTF?!

Trump Loudly Booed While Hawking $399 ‘Never Surrender’ Sneakers At Event In Philly

Desperate for new sources of cash to help him pay the massive court-imposed fines against him for defamation and fraud, failed one-term former president Donald Trump has now launched his own line of sneakers that he’s trying to sell to his gullible minions for $399 a pair.

CNN reports Trump began hawking the tennis shoes at an event in Philadelphia on Saturday.

The former president unveiled “Trump Sneakers” at Sneaker Con in Philadelphia. He placed a pair of gold sneakers, which a new website has listed for $399 and named the “NEVER SURRENDER HIGH-TOP SNEAKER,” on the podium as he spoke.

“This is something I’ve been talking about for 12 years, 13 years, and I think it’s going to be a big success,” said Trump, who is marching closer toward the 2024 Republican nomination and a potential rematch with President Joe Biden.

If you listen to the audio on that clip, you can’t help but hear the sound of loud booing in response to what Trump is saying. Some who were in attendance even reported that the disgraced ex-president was “booed off the stage.”

In response to the boos, Trump remarked, “A lot of emotion. There’s a lot of emotion in this room. Thank you. The nice thing is… we have lines… I want to thank Chase and I want to thank Allen. But we have lines going all around the block.”

It didn’t take long before social media was alight with mockery.

Crime Donald Trump Donald Trump Jr. Eric Trump The Trump Organization

Donald Trump And His Sons Could Soon Face Tax Charges From The IRS

Having been found guilty of bank and tax fraud and fined $355 million by New York Judge Arthur Engoron, things could be about to take an even nastier turn for failed one-term president Donald Trump and his two oldest sons, Don Jr. and Eric, according to a former prosecutor.

After Engoron’s ruling, according to NBC News, New York Attorney General Letitia James issued a statement.

“Donald Trump is finally facing accountability for his lying, cheating, and staggering fraud. Because no matter how big, rich, or powerful you think you are, no one is above the law,” James said in a statement, calling the ruling “a tremendous victory for this state, this nation, and for everyone who believes that we all must play by the same rules — even former presidents.”

The Friday ruling could also serve as the basis for new legal problems for Trump and the Trump Organization.

Legal analyst Catherine Christian told MSNBC host Ali Velshi that AG James has made it clear she will be passing along the findings that served as the basis for her case to the U.S. Department of Justice.

“If now the federal government, the Southern District of New York sort of passed on this publicly, but that does not mean that they can’t, as long as it’s within the statute of limitations take another look,” Christian explained.

“And clearly, the federal government, the Internal Revenue Service, they sort of never stop looking at you, and so yes, the AG’s office referred to it to other authorities, and it could be possible that each of the defendants, not just Donald Trump, his sons, [Allen] Weisselberg could be in legal jeopardy, even criminal jeopardy.”

If Donnie thought he had a bad day in court on Friday, just wait until the IRS starts seizing his bank accounts and properties to pay any taxes and penalties. By the time they’re finished with him, he won’t have a proverbial pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.


GOP Social Media

Social Media Expresses Concern After Seeing Photo Of Marjorie Taylor Greene With Terrified Puppy

Ask yourself a question: Knowing what you do about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), would you trust her to watch your dog for you while you were out of town?

The overwhelming response on social media is a resounding NO, especially since a photo began circulating online of Greene with a puppy. The dog looks absolutely terrified.

According to Newsweek, “Although the dog’s owner and Greene—commonly known as MTG—are both smiling in the image, the animal seems petrified, cowering from the camera.”

See for yourself.

That dog does not look happy to be there, does he? Twitter/X users had their own thoughts on why the pup looks so concerned, and they were glad to share them.